Populations of Himachal Pradesh

Populations  of Himachal Pradesh

The Population of Himachal has been increasing continuously over the years. However the Growth rate of total population shows a decreasing trend over the last three decades. In 2011 the total provisional population of Himachal Pradesh is 68, 64,602 out of which 34, 81,873 were males (51%) and 33, 82,729 (49%) were females. The rural population was on the higher side 90% and urban 10% the Percentage share of urban population has been increasing continuously over the previous years with figures of 7.61% in 1981, 8.69% in 1991, 9.80% in 2001 and 10.00% in 2011 Census.Populations  of Himachal Pradesh

Sex Ratio

The number of Women per 1000 men (sex ratio) which was 958 in 1971 increased to 972 in 2011. In Hamirpur district 1095 in 2011. Density per sq. Km as per population census is increased from 62 to123 in 1971 to 2011. Birth rate and death rate have been decreasing both in rural and urban areas over the years. The birth rate in 2011 for rural areas was 17.1 as compared to 11.2 in urban areas. The total marital fertility rate of Himachal Pradesh was 1.2 as compared to All India 3.2 in 2011. The Residential houses have also increased from 12, 21,589 to 14,83,280.

Religious Composition of population of State

Population Growth rate of various religion has come down in the last decade (2001-2011). Hindu Population Growth rate slowed down to 16.76 % from previous decade figure of 19.92% while Muslim witness sharp fall in growth rate to 24.60% (2001-2011) from the previous figure of 29.52 % (1991-2001). Such sharp fall in population growth rate for Muslims didn’t happened in the last 6 decades. Christian Population growth was at 15.5% while Sikh population growth rate stood at 8.4%. The most educated and wealthly community of Jains registered least growth rate in 2001-2011 with figure of just 5.4%.

The Growth rate of Hindus, Muslims and Christian is expected to fall more in upcoming 2021 census while other religions like Sikhism, Jainism and Buddism are expected to remain stable for next 2 decades considering already slowed down growth rate of these religions.

Literacy rate

In 2011 the overall literacy rate was about 82.80% with male literacy rate of 89.53% and female literacy rate 75.93%. As per the census 2011the highest literacy rate both male and female was in Hamirpur district 94.36% & 82.62% respectively. Literacy percentage among Scheduled Castes has increased from 70.3% in 2001 to 78.92% in 2011, 86.23% males & 71.46% were females in 2011 census. Literacy percentage among Scheduled Tribes has increased from 65.5% in 2001 to 73.64% in 2011 the males literacy rate was 83.17% and females literacy rate 64.20% in 2011.

Scheduled Castes

Population- 1729252( 25.2% of total population of state)

Sex Ratio-973

Child Population(0-6)- 12.54%

Literacy- 78.92%

Scheduled Tribes

Population- 392126 ( 5.71% of total population of state)

Sex Ratio-999

Child Population(0-6)- 12.22%

Literacy- 73.64%

Disable Population

Population-155316 (2.26 % of total Population)

Male-86321(1.25% of total Population)

Female-68995(1% of total Population)

Slum Population

Population – 61312 (0.89% of  State population)

Male- 32555 (0.47% of  State population)

Female – 28757 (0.41% of  State population)

Literacy rate- 87.74%

Houseless Population

India is home to 4.5 lakh houseless families which has total population of 17.73 Lakh living without any support roof cover. The highest being living in state of Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra. The Sex Ratio of houseless population of India is just 694 females per 1000 Males. Total 2.7 lakh children with age 0-6 are also houseless in India as per primary census data of 2011. Literacy rate of houseless people is 56.07% lower than national Average of 74.04%.

Houseless population of Himachal pradesh

Population – 4098 persons are housless

Literacy rate- 47.16%

EMPLOYMENT Level of population in Himachal Pradesh

Creating jobs for social and Economic Development of the youth has been given foremost importance by the Himachal government.

While the educated and skilled youth are getting absorbed in the local industries, a need-based training is being given to those people who are shifting from agriculture to other sources of livelihood.

As per the latest estimates, 30.05% of the total population of the state is classified as main workers, 21.81% marginal workers and the rest 48.15% are non-workers.

Out of the total workforce, 57.93% are cultivators and 4.92% are farm labourers, 1.65% are engaged in household Industry and 35.50% in other activities.

Men’s employment rates are similar to the rest of the country, but the bigger success story is in women’s employment. In 2011–12, about 63 percent of rural women in the state reported themselves as being employed. Himachal Pradesh  ranks second in female labor force participation in the country, after Sikkim, and significantly above the all-India average of 27 percent.

POVERTY Rate in the State

One of the main achievements of Himachal Pradesh was its success in raising people out of poverty. Between 1993–94 and 2011, there was a fourfold drop in poverty in the state. Rural poverty, where 90 percent of its population lives, declined from 36.8 percent to 8.5 percent. The overall poverty decline benefitted all social groups across rural and urban areas.


Himachal Pradesh is a state in India with a population of 8,736,268 as of 2021. It is the 18th most populous state in India. The population density of Himachal Pradesh is 262 people per square kilometer, which is lower than the national average of 463 people per square kilometer. The sex ratio of Himachal Pradesh is 972 females per 1000 males, which is higher than the national average of 933 females per 1000 males. The literacy rate of Himachal Pradesh is 87.8%, which is higher than the national average of 74.04%.

The majority of the population of Himachal Pradesh is Hindu (86.2%), followed by Sikh (10.8%), Muslim (2.0%), and Christian (1.0%). The Official Language of Himachal Pradesh is Hindi, but there are many other languages spoken in the state, including Punjabi, Pahari, and Gaddi.

The caste system is prevalent in Himachal Pradesh, and the main castes are Brahmin, Rajput, and Khatri. There are also a number of tribes in Himachal Pradesh, including the Gaddi, Kinnaur, Lahauli, and Spiti.

The Urbanization rate of Himachal Pradesh is 10.9%, which is lower than the national average of 31.16%. The main cities in Himachal Pradesh are Shimla, Dharamshala, Kangra, and Mandi.

The main occupations in Himachal Pradesh are agriculture, Forestry, and tourism. The state is also home to a number of industries, including hydropower, mining, and manufacturing.

The population of Himachal Pradesh is growing at a rate of 1.4% per year. The main reasons for this growth are high birth rates and low death rates. The government of Himachal Pradesh has implemented a number of policies to control population growth, including family planning programs and Education programs.

The future population of Himachal Pradesh is projected to be 12,000,000 by 2050. This growth will put a strain on the state’s Resources, such as water, land, and energy. The government of Himachal Pradesh will need to take steps to address these challenges, such as investing in Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE and developing new industries.

The population of Himachal Pradesh is a diverse group of people with a rich culture and history. The state is home to a number of different religions, languages, and castes. The population is growing at a rate of 1.4% per year, and the government is taking steps to address the challenges of this growth. The future population of Himachal Pradesh is projected to be 12,000,000 by 2050.

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about Himachal Pradesh:

  • What is the capital of Himachal Pradesh?
    The capital of Himachal Pradesh is Shimla.

  • What is the population of Himachal Pradesh?
    The population of Himachal Pradesh is 8,794,632 (2021).

  • What is the language spoken in Himachal Pradesh?
    The official language of Himachal Pradesh is Hindi. However, there are many other languages spoken in the state, including Pahari, Punjabi, and English.

  • What is the religion of Himachal Pradesh?
    The majority religion in Himachal Pradesh is Hinduism-2/”>Hinduism. However, there are also significant minorities of Muslims, Sikhs, and Christians.

  • What is the Climate-of-himachal-pradesh/”>Climate of Himachal Pradesh?
    The climate of Himachal Pradesh varies depending on the altitude. The lower regions have a temperate climate, while the higher regions have a cold climate.

  • What are the major tourist attractions in Himachal Pradesh?
    Some of the major tourist attractions in Himachal Pradesh include the following:

    • Shimla: The former summer capital of British India, Shimla is a popular tourist destination for its colonial architecture, scenic views, and pleasant climate.
    • Manali: A popular tourist destination for its temples, monasteries, and natural beauty, Manali is located in the Kullu Valley.
    • Dharamshala: The home of the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan government-in-exile, Dharamshala is a popular tourist destination for its Buddhist temples and monasteries.
    • Spiti Valley: A remote and sparsely populated valley in the Himalayas, Spiti Valley is a popular tourist destination for its stunning scenery and unique culture.
    • Kinnaur Valley: Another remote and sparsely populated valley in the Himalayas, Kinnaur Valley is a popular tourist destination for its natural beauty, temples, and monasteries.
  • What are the major industries in Himachal Pradesh?
    The major industries in Himachal Pradesh include the following:

    • Agriculture: Agriculture is the main occupation in Himachal Pradesh. The main crops grown in the state are rice, wheat, maize, and barley.
    • Tourism: Tourism is a major Source Of Income for Himachal Pradesh. The state is home to many popular tourist destinations, such as Shimla, Manali, Dharamshala, Spiti Valley, and Kinnaur Valley.
    • Hydroelectricity: Himachal Pradesh has a large potential for hydroelectric power generation. The state has several hydroelectric power Plants, which generate electricity for domestic and industrial use.
    • Forests: Himachal Pradesh has a large forest cover. The forests provide timber, fuelwood, and other forest products.
  • What are the major challenges facing Himachal Pradesh?
    Some of the major challenges facing Himachal Pradesh include the following:

    • Poverty: Poverty is a major problem in Himachal Pradesh. The state has a high proportion of people living below the Poverty Line.
    • Unemployment: Unemployment is another major problem in Himachal Pradesh. The state has a high rate of unemployment, especially among young people.
    • Infrastructure: The infrastructure in Himachal Pradesh is not well-developed. The state has a poor road Network, and there is a shortage of electricity and water.
    • Environment: The environment in Himachal Pradesh is under threat from deforestation, pollution, and Climate Change.
  • What are the future prospects for Himachal Pradesh?
    The future prospects for Himachal Pradesh are good. The state has a number of strengths, including its natural beauty, its cultural heritage, and its educated workforce. The state is also making progress in developing its infrastructure and improving its economy. With continued Investment and development, Himachal Pradesh has the potential to become a prosperous and developed state.

Sure, here are some MCQs about Himachal Pradesh without mentioning the topic “Populations of Himachal Pradesh”:

  1. Which of the following is the capital of Himachal Pradesh?
    (A) Shimla
    (B) Dharamshala
    (C) Manali
    (D) Kullu

  2. Which of the following is the highest peak in Himachal Pradesh?
    (A) Nanda Devi
    (B) Kamet
    (C) Mana Peak
    (D) Pin Parvati Peak

  3. Which of the following is the largest river in Himachal Pradesh?
    (A) Sutlej
    (B) Beas
    (C) Ravi
    (D) Chenab

  4. Which of the following is the most popular tourist destination in Himachal Pradesh?
    (A) Shimla
    (B) Dharamshala
    (C) Manali
    (D) Kullu

  5. Which of the following is the official language of Himachal Pradesh?
    (A) Hindi
    (B) Punjabi
    (C) Pahari
    (D) English

  6. Which of the following is the main religion of Himachal Pradesh?
    (A) Hinduism
    (B) Islam
    (C) Christianity
    (D) Sikhism

  7. Which of the following is the main crop of Himachal Pradesh?
    (A) Rice
    (B) Wheat
    (C) Maize
    (D) Apple

  8. Which of the following is the main industry of Himachal Pradesh?
    (A) Tourism
    (B) Agriculture
    (C) Mining
    (D) Manufacturing

  9. Which of the following is the main export of Himachal Pradesh?
    (A) Apples
    (B) Timber
    (C) Iron Ore
    (D) Marble

  10. Which of the following is the main import of Himachal Pradesh?
    (A) Petroleum products
    (B) Machinery
    (C) Foodgrains
    (D) Fertilizers

I hope these MCQs are helpful!

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