Population of Madhya Pradesh

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Population of Madhya Pradesh


Madhya Pradesh is large state in central India located in the geographic heart of India, between latitude 21.2°N-26.87°N and longitude 74°02′-82°49′ E, retains landmarks from eras throughout Indian history.Nicknamed the “heart of India” due to itsgeographical  location in India.  The state is the second- largest  in the country by area. With over 75 million inhabitants, it is the 5thlargest state in India by population.  It  borders the state of Uttar Pradesh in the northeast, Chhattisgarh to the southeast, Maharastra to the south, Rajasthan to the northwest and Gujarat  to the west. The state is fully landlocked.  Total area of state is 308,252 km2 .

As per details from Census 2011, Madhya Pradesh has populPopulation of Madhya Pradeshation of 7.27 Crores, an increase from  6.03Crore in 2001.Density of state  is 236 per sq km which is lower than national Average 382 per sq km.The  population Growth in this decade was 20.35 percent. Total population of Madhya Pradesh as per 2011 census is 72,626,809 of which male and female are 37,612,306 and 35,014,503 respectively. In 2001, total population was 60,348,023 in which males were 31,443,652 while females were 28,904,371. The population of Madhya Pradesh forms 6.00 % of India in 2011 while  the figure was 5.87 percent  in 2001.

Religious share of population

Hinduism-2/”>Hinduism is majority religion in state of Madhya Pradesh with 90.89 % followers. Islam is second most popular religion in state with approximately 6.57 % followers; Christinity is followed by 0.29 %, Jainism by 0.78 %, Sikhism by 0.21 % and Buddhism-2/”>Buddhism by 0.21 %. Around 0.83 % stated ‘Other Religion’, approximately 0.13 % stated ‘No Particular Religion’. During last decade population of Hindu has decreased while population of Muslim and Christian has increased.

Description Population Percentage
Hindu 66,007,121 90.89 %
Muslim 4,774,695 6.57 %
Other Religion 599,594 0.83 %
Jain 567,028 0.78 %
Others 455,437 0.63%



Out of total population, 27.63% people live in urban regions. The total figure of population living in urban areas is 20,069,405 of which 10,462,918 are males and while remaining 9,606,487 are females. The urban population in the last 10 years has increased by 27.63 percent. While around 72.37 percent live in the villages of rural areas. In actual numbers, males and females were 27,149,388 and 25,408,016 respectively. Total population of rural areas of Madhya Pradesh state was 52,557,404. The Population Growth rate recorded for this decade (2001-2011) was 72.37%.

Projection of future Population Of  Madhya Pradesh in 2017 on the basis of likely Population Growth Rate.

Year Projected Population
2012 7.40 Crore
2013 7.54 Crore
2014 7.68 Crore
2015 7.82 Crore
2016 7.96 Crore
2017 8.09 Crore


Sex Ratioin Madhya Pradesh is 931 i.e. for each 1000 male, which is below national average of 940 as per census 2011.Sex ratio inurban regions of State  was 918 females per 1000 males. For child (0-6) sex ratio the figure for urban region stood at 901 girls per 1000 boys. Total children (0-6 age) living in urban areas of Madhya Pradesh were 2,483,664. Of total population in urban region, 12.38 % were children (0-6).While female sex ratio  inrural population per 1000 males was 936 while same for the child (0-6 age) was 923 girls per 1000 boys. In Madhya Pradesh, Child population forms 15.84 percent[, 8,325,731 children (0-6) ]of total rural population.

Literacy rate in Madhya Pradesh was 63.94% according to 2011 census; of that, male literacy stands at 78.73 percent while female literacy is at 59.24 percent.Average Literacy rate in state for Urban regions was 82.85 percent in which males were 88.67% literate while female literacy stood at 69.46%. Total literates in urban region of Madhya Pradesh were 14,569,183. WhileIn rural areas, literacy rate for males and female stood at 74.74 % and 48.49 %. Average literacy rate in Madhya Pradesh for rural areas was 63.94 percent. Total literates in rural areas were 28,281,986.



Large Metropolitan Region Population Male Female
INDORE 2,170,295 1,127,910 1,042,385
BHOPAL 1,886,100 981,860 904,240
JABALPUR 1,268,848 661,436 607,412
GWALIOR 1,117,740 596,697 521,043




Description 2011 2001
Actual Population 72,626,809 60,348,023
Male 37,612,306 31,443,652
Female 35,014,503 28,904,371
Population Growth 20.35% 24.34%
Percantage of total Population 6.00% 5.87%
Sex Ratio 931 919
Child Sex Ratio 918 932
Density/km2 236 196
Total Child Population (0-6 Age) 10,809,395 10,782,214
Male Population (0-6 Age) 5,636,172 5,579,847
Female Population (0-6 Age) 5,173,223 5,202,367
Literacy 69.32 % 63.74 %
Male Literacy 78.73 % 76.06 %
Female Literacy 59.24 % 50.29 %
Total Literate 42,851,169 31,592,563
Male Literate 25,174,328 19,672,274
Female Literate 17,676,841 11,920,289


Madhya Pradesh is the second most populous state in India, with a population of over 72 million people. The state has a population density of 238 people per square kilometer, which is higher than the national average of 382 people per square kilometer. The sex ratio in Madhya Pradesh is 933 females per 1000 males, which is lower than the national average of 940 females per 1000 males. The literacy rate in Madhya Pradesh is 69.3%, which is lower than the national average of 74.04%. The majority of the population in Madhya Pradesh is Hindu (80.5%), followed by Muslims (14.8%), Christians (1.8%), and Sikhs (1.3%). The major castes in Madhya Pradesh are Brahmins, Rajputs, Baniyas, and Jats. The major languages spoken in Madhya Pradesh are Hindi, Marathi, Bundeli, and Bhojpuri. The Urbanization rate in Madhya Pradesh is 28.5%, which is lower than the national average of 31.16%. The major cities in Madhya Pradesh are Bhopal, Indore, Gwalior, Jabalpur, and Ujjain. The population of Madhya Pradesh is growing at a rate of 1.9% per year. The population is projected to reach 100 million by 2050. The government of Madhya Pradesh has implemented a number of population policies in an effort to control the population growth rate. These policies include family planning programs, Education programs, and EMPLOYMENT programs. The major population issues in Madhya Pradesh are POVERTY, illiteracy, and Malnutrition. The government of Madhya Pradesh is working to address these issues through a number of programs and initiatives. Population research is an important field of study in Madhya Pradesh. The State Government has established a number of research institutes to study population issues. These institutes are working to develop strategies to address the population challenges facing the state. Population data is essential for planning and implementing population policies. The government of Madhya Pradesh collects and maintains a variety of population data. This data is used to track population trends and to develop population policies.

The population of Madhya Pradesh is a diverse group of people with a rich history and culture. The state is home to a number of different ethnic groups, religions, and languages. The population of Madhya Pradesh is also growing rapidly, which is putting a strain on the state’s Resources. The government of Madhya Pradesh is working to address the challenges of population growth through a number of programs and initiatives.

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about the population of Madhya Pradesh:

  1. What is the population of Madhya Pradesh?
    The population of Madhya Pradesh is 72,687,202 as of 2021.
  2. What is the population density of Madhya Pradesh?
    The population density of Madhya Pradesh is 242 people per square kilometer.
  3. What is the sex ratio of Madhya Pradesh?
    The sex ratio of Madhya Pradesh is 933 females per 1000 males.
  4. What is the literacy rate of Madhya Pradesh?
    The literacy rate of Madhya Pradesh is 70.9%.
  5. What is the growth rate of population of Madhya Pradesh?
    The growth rate of population of Madhya Pradesh is 1.08%.
  6. What is the Age structure of Madhya Pradesh?
    The age structure of Madhya Pradesh is as follows: 0-14 years: 28.6%, 15-64 years: 66.3%, 65 years and above: 5.1%.
  7. What is the religion of Madhya Pradesh?
    The majority religion of Madhya Pradesh is Hinduism (89.1%). Other religions include Islam (9.3%), Christianity (0.7%), Sikhism (0.2%), Jainism (0.1%), and Buddhism (0.1%).
  8. What is the language of Madhya Pradesh?
    The Official Language of Madhya Pradesh is Hindi. Other languages spoken in Madhya Pradesh include Marathi, Bundeli, Bhojpuri, and Malvi.
  9. What is the economy of Madhya Pradesh?
    The economy of Madhya Pradesh is based on agriculture, Industry, and Services. The main agricultural products are rice, wheat, Cotton, and soybeans. The main industries are textiles, engineering, and chemicals. The main services are tourism, Banking, and education.
  10. What are the major cities of Madhya Pradesh?
    The major cities of Madhya Pradesh are Bhopal, Indore, Gwalior, Jabalpur, and Ujjain.

I hope this helps!

Sure. Here are some MCQs about Madhya Pradesh without mentioning the topic “Population of Madhya Pradesh”:

  1. Which of the following is the capital of Madhya Pradesh?
    (A) Bhopal
    (B) Indore
    (C) Gwalior
    (D) Jabalpur

  2. Which of the following is the largest city in Madhya Pradesh?
    (A) Bhopal
    (B) Indore
    (C) Gwalior
    (D) Jabalpur

  3. Which of the following is the official language of Madhya Pradesh?
    (A) Hindi
    (B) Marathi
    (C) Gujarati
    (D) Punjabi

  4. Which of the following is the main religion in Madhya Pradesh?
    (A) Hinduism
    (B) Islam
    (C) Christianity
    (D) Sikhism

  5. Which of the following is the main crop grown in Madhya Pradesh?
    (A) Rice
    (B) Wheat
    (C) Sugarcane
    (D) Cotton

  6. Which of the following is the main tourist attraction in Madhya Pradesh?
    (A) Taj Mahal
    (B) Khajuraho
    (C) Hampi
    (D) Madurai

  7. Which of the following is the main river in Madhya Pradesh?
    (A) Narmada
    (B) Chambal
    (C) Yamuna
    (D) Ganges

  8. Which of the following is the main mountain range in Madhya Pradesh?
    (A) Vindhyas
    (B) Himalayas
    (C) Aravalli
    (D) Satpura

  9. Which of the following is the main animal found in Madhya Pradesh?
    (A) Tiger
    (B) Leopard
    (C) Elephant
    (D) Rhinoceros

  10. Which of the following is the main bird found in Madhya Pradesh?
    (A) Peacock
    (B) Parrot
    (C) Eagle
    (D) Vulture

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