Physical And Social Environment As Factors Of Crop Distribution And Production

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Physical and social Environment as factors of crop distribution and production

Physical Factors

Climatic factors

Climatic factors includes temperature, growing season, altitude, rainfall and wind.

Most Plants cannot grow if the temperature falls below 6°C or the Soil is frozen for five consecutive months. As a consequence many areas are unsuitable for crop cultivation.

Altitude affects temperature so it also affects farming. In the Alps for example you will find Dairy farming in valley bottoms and coniferous Forestry further up.When temperatures are consistently high with sufficient Precipitation high yield crops such as rise can be grown. These have the added advantage of producing up to three crops a year.

Water is obviously a key factor in plant Growth. The greater the Average temperature the greater the amount of water required for plant growth. Seasonal variation is important as different crops require water at different times. Coffee for example must have a period of drought before and during harvest whilst maize would benefit from heavy rain in the same period. A farmer is therefore looking for rainfall reliability so that he can select the most appropriate crop for the area.  Rice is the principal crop in the tropics because it requires substantial quantities of water, is a very high yield crop and has good nutritional value. With the addition of consistently high temperatures it can also produce two or three crops a year.


Soil type will influence crop cultivation because different crops prefer different soils.  Clay soils with their high water retention are well suited to rice whilst Sandy soils with good drainage are good for root vegetables.  Soil type can be influenced through the input of lime, clay or fertilizer but this can only make limited differences.




Topography affects agriculture as it relates to soil erosion, difficulty of Tillage and poor transportation facilities. Mechanization of agriculture depends entirely on the topography of land. On rough, hilly lands, the use of agricultural machinery is impossible.  In areas where the pressure on soil is great, even the slopes of Mountains are terraced into small farms to provide agricultural land. In China, farm terraces may be seen clinging to hillsides to a height of several thousand feet. It is known that in extreme cases agriculture may succeed in conquering slopes of as much as 45 degrees.

Social Factors

Land Tenancy

Land tenure includes all forms of tenancy and also ownership in any form. Land tenancy and land tenure affect the agricultural operations and Cropping patterns in many ways. The farmers and cultivators plan the agricultural activities and farm (fields) management keeping in mind their rights and possession duration on the land.

In different communities of the world, the cultivators have dif­ferent land tenancy rights. In the tribal societies of the shifting culti­vators land belongs to the community and individuals are allowed only to grow crops along with other members of the community for a specific period. But among the sedentary farmers land belongs to in­dividual farmers. In such societies it is believed that one who owns land he owns wealth.

The ownership and the length of time available for planning, development and management of arable land influence the DECISION MAKING process of the cultivator. Depending on the na­ture of tenancy rights he decides the extent to which Investment on land could be made. For example, if the cultivator is the sole owner of the land, he may install a tube well in his farm and may go for fenc­ing and masonry Irrigation channels.

But a tenant farmer or a share­cropper will not go for the long term investment in the field as after a short period of occupancy he will have to vacate the land and the real owner may cultivate that piece of land either himself or may lease out to other cultivator. In fact, a farmer who has the right of owner­ship, he has the freedom to choose a system of production and invest­ment which improves the quality of land and gives him increasing capacity to borrow Money.

The cropping patterns and farm management are also dependent on the duration of time for which the land is to remain under cultiva­tion. For example, among the shifting cultivators (Jhumias of north­east India), the allotment of land to the cultivator is normally done for one or two years, depending on the fertility of the land.

The hilly terrain, the limited rights of the occupant and poor economic condi­tion of the tillers hinder the development and efficient management of land. Since the land belongs to the community and not to the indi­viduals, this type of land tenancy prevents the energetic, efficient and skilled individuals of the community to invest in the farm.

Under such a system individuals are also unlikely to put much efforts or in­vest more money on the improvement of cultivated land as the field is allotted by the community for a short period. Under this type of land tenancy there is no incentive to individuals to improve the agri­cultural efficiency and productivity of the land.


The availability of labour is also a major constraint in the agricultural land use and cropping patterns of a region. Labour represents all hu­man Services other than decision making and capital. The availability of labour, its quantity and quality at the periods of peak labour de­mand have great influence on decision making process of the farmer. The different crops and agrarian systems vary in their total labour re­quirements. The labour inputs vary considerably round the year for most of the agricultural enterprises with the result that many farmers employ a mixed system of production in order to keep their labour fully employed.

Even then, in many parts of India, seasonal Unemployment remains on most of the holdings, while during the peak pe­riods of crop sowing (rice, wheat, sugarcane, vegetables and pota­toes) and harvesting, there occurs acute shortage of labour which in­fluences the sowing and harvesting operations and thereby affect the decision of a farmer whether to grow or not a crop.


The religion of the cultivators has also influenced the agricultural ac­tivities in the different parts of the world. Each of the major religions has certain taboos and the use of certain agricultural commodities is prohibited in each of them. The Khasis and Lushais of Meghalaya and Mizoram are not interested in dairying as milk and milk products are taboo in their Society. Piggery is prohibited among the Muslims, Hindus hate slaughtering, while Sikhs never go for the cultivation of tobacco.

The productive and adequately irrigated loamy tracts of western Haryana (including Bhiwani, Hissar, Mohindergarh, and Sirsa districts) are ideally suited for the cultivation of sunflower. It is a short duration highly remunerative cash crop which matures in only 60 days. For the last two decades, the farmers in these districts were obtaining two sunflower crops in a year in between the kharif and Rabi Crops. Unfortunately, the Population of Neelgai (an antelope) has multiplied in this region significantly.

This antelope which is be­ing considered as sacred cow relishes the plant of sunflower and pre­fers to stay in or around its fields. The Neelgai menace has forced the cultivators of Haryana to give up sunflower cultivation. It is one of the unique examples in which the wild animals have influenced the cropping pattern significantly and the progressive farmers of Hary­ana are being deprived of a highly remunerative cash crop.

Keeping into mind the religious sentiments of the Hindu farmers and the im­portance of sunflower as a cash crop (oilseed), the government should evolve a suitable strategy to check the fast growth of Neelgai population, failure to which the process of agricultural development in the region may be adversely affected.


The Climate of the United States is diverse, ranging from the hot and humid tropics of Florida to the cold and dry deserts of the Southwest. The average temperature in the United States ranges from 20 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter to 80 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer. The country experiences four distinct seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter.

The soil in the United States is also diverse, ranging from the rich and fertile soils of the Midwest to the sandy soils of the deserts of the Southwest. The soil in the United States is made up of a variety of Minerals, including sand, silt, clay, and organic matter. The type of soil in an area determines what crops can be grown there.

The water in the United States is also diverse, ranging from the fresh water of the Great Lakes to the salt water of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The United States has a large amount of fresh water, which is used for drinking, irrigation, and Industry. The country also has a large amount of salt water, which is used for transportation and recreation.

The topography of the United States is also diverse, ranging from the flat plains of the Midwest to the rugged mountains of the West. The United States has a variety of Landforms, including mountains, valleys, plateaus, and deserts. The topography of an area determines what types of plants and animals can live there.

The land use in the United States is also diverse, ranging from the urban areas of the East Coast to the rural areas of the Midwest. The United States has a variety of land uses, including agriculture, forestry, and recreation. The land use in an area determines what types of economic activities can take place there.

The population of the United States is also diverse, ranging from the large cities of the East Coast to the small towns of the Midwest. The United States has a population of over 330 million people, which is the third largest population in the world. The population of an area determines what types of cultural and economic activities can take place there.

The economy of the United States is also diverse, ranging from the large corporations of the East Coast to the small businesses of the Midwest. The United States has a large and diverse economy, which is the largest economy in the world. The economy of an area determines what types of jobs are available there.

The technology in the United States is also diverse, ranging from the advanced technology of Silicon Valley to the traditional technology of the Rust Belt. The United States is a leader in technology, and the country has a variety of technological industries, including information technology, Biotechnology, and aerospace. The technology in an area determines what types of jobs are available there.

The government policy of the United States is also diverse, ranging from the liberal policies of the West Coast to the conservative policies of the South. The United States has a federal government, which is made up of three branches: the legislative branch, the executive branch, and the judicial branch. The government policy of an area determines what types of laws and regulations are in place there.

The culture of the United States is also diverse, ranging from the traditional culture of the South to the modern culture of the West Coast. The United States is a melting pot of cultures, and the country has a variety of cultural traditions, including music, art, and literature. The culture of an area determines what types of entertainment and recreation are available there.

The history of the United States is also diverse, ranging from the early days of the American colonies to the modern day. The United States is a young country, but it has a rich and complex history. The history of an area determines what types of historical sites and museums are available there.

In conclusion, the United States is a diverse country with a variety of climates, soils, waters, topographies, land uses, populations, economies, technologies, government policies, cultures, and histories. The diversity of the United States is one of its greatest strengths, and it is what makes the country such a unique and interesting place to live.

What are the factors that affect crop distribution and production?

There are many factors that affect crop distribution and production, including climate, soil, water, pests, diseases, and human activity.

What is the relationship between climate and crop distribution?

Climate is one of the most important factors affecting crop distribution. Different crops require different climates in order to grow. For example, wheat is a cool-season crop that grows best in temperate climates, while rice is a warm-season crop that grows best in tropical climates.

What is the relationship between soil and crop distribution?

Soil is another important factor affecting crop distribution. Different crops require different Types of Soil in order to grow. For example, corn is a heavy feeder that requires deep, well-drained soil, while potatoes are a Light feeder that can grow in a variety of soils.

What is the relationship between water and crop distribution?

Water is essential for plant growth. Crops require different amounts of water, depending on their type and the climate in which they are grown. For example, rice is a water-intensive crop that requires a lot of water to grow, while wheat is a drought-tolerant crop that can grow with less water.

What is the relationship between pests and diseases and crop distribution?

Pests and diseases can damage crops and reduce yields. Different crops are susceptible to different pests and diseases. For example, corn is susceptible to the corn borer, while potatoes are susceptible to the potato blight.

What is the relationship between human activity and crop distribution?

Human activity can affect crop distribution in a number of ways. For example, deforestation can reduce the amount of land available for agriculture, while irrigation can make it possible to grow crops in areas that would otherwise be too dry.

What are the challenges to crop distribution and production?

There are a number of challenges to crop distribution and production, including Climate Change, Population Growth, and water scarcity.

What are the solutions to the challenges of crop distribution and production?

There are a number of solutions to the challenges of crop distribution and production, including developing new varieties of crops that are resistant to pests and diseases, improving irrigation systems, and using more efficient Farming practices.

  1. Which of the following is not a factor that affects crop distribution and production?
    (A) Physical environment
    (B) Social environment
    (C) Economic environment
    (D) Political environment

  2. Which of the following is not a physical factor that affects crop distribution and production?
    (A) Climate
    (B) Soil
    (C) Water
    (D) Culture

  3. Which of the following is not a social factor that affects crop distribution and production?
    (A) Population density
    (B) Labor availability
    (C) Government policy
    (D) Religion

  4. Which of the following is not an economic factor that affects crop distribution and production?
    (A) Market demand
    (B) Price of inputs
    (C) Cost of production
    (D) Technology

  5. Which of the following is not a political factor that affects crop distribution and production?
    (A) Trade Policy
    (B) Taxation
    (C) Land tenure
    (D) Environmental regulations

  6. Which of the following crops is most likely to be grown in a tropical climate?
    (A) Wheat
    (B) Rice
    (C) Corn
    (D) Potatoes

  7. Which of the following crops is most likely to be grown in a temperate climate?
    (A) Wheat
    (B) Rice
    (C) Corn
    (D) Potatoes

  8. Which of the following crops is most likely to be grown in a desert climate?
    (A) Wheat
    (B) Rice
    (C) Corn
    (D) Dates

  9. Which of the following crops is most likely to be grown in a mountain climate?
    (A) Wheat
    (B) Rice
    (C) Corn
    (D) Potatoes

  10. Which of the following crops is most likely to be grown in a coastal climate?
    (A) Wheat
    (B) Rice
    (C) Corn
    (D) Bananas

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