Philosophical and social thoughts of Savitribai Phule

Philosophical and social thoughts of Savitribai Phule

Savitribai Phule (3rd  January 1831-10th  March 1897) was a social reformer of nineteenth century India (Maharashtra), capable teacher, leader, thinker, writer, and committed companion to her husband. Savitribai Phule is credited with being the first native teacher of girls in Maharashtra.

Under his influence,Savitribai had taken Women’s Education and their liberation from the cultural patterns of the male-dominated Society as mission of her life. On January 14th,1848,Jyotirao started a school for girls and Savitribai started teaching in this school and hence, she became the first woman teacher of India. However, teaching by a woman was not an easy task then because education for girls was considered as a sin.She was subjected to intense harassment everyday as she walked to the school because a group of orthodox men used to follow her and abuse her in obscene language. Stones, mud and dirt were flung at her as she passed. She started taking an extra sari with her to wear at school. But she faced all this very courageously. This couple kindled by passion for their goal did not stop their work of educating girls from all sections of society. She innovated many new ways of teaching like telling short stories to make Learning more interesting, taking sport sessions, reciting her own-made poems in front of girls. Her first collection of poems-Kavya phule was published in 1854 stressing the necessity of English and Education. Looking at her passion for education, people started sending their girls to schools themselves. The number of girls increased from twenty five to seventy during 1849-50.Thus,it could be seen that Education for her was not merely alphabetical learning but a means of igniting the minds and the Personality of women and others. Her way of teaching was very simple, participative and activity based.Today we talk of educational philosophies of Gandhiji’stalim, Zakirhussain’s committee report on education etc but none of our intellectuals has ever looked at the educational pattern adopted by the Phule couple in order to make education a universal reality.

During those days, widows, particularly the Brahmin widows were the easy targets for the males of the society in terms of sexual exploitation. Many women were driven to commit suicide by men who had exploited them to satisfy their lust and then deserted them. Most of the time, they happened to be pregnant due to lack of contraceptives or other measures. Saddened by this,Phule couple immediately started a shelter home-Balhatyapratibadhakgriha for such Brahmin widows in their own house. They put up advertisements all over the city and at places of pilgrimage announcing it as a “way to avoid kalepani(life imprisonment in the Andamans)” and thus, the information about the shelter home spread. By 1873,66 Brahmin widows had come to this shelter home from different places. They also adopted a child of a Brahman widow Kashibai who later grew up to continue the work started by them.

During those days marriages were arranged between young girls and old men. Men used to die of old age or some sickness and the girls they had married were left widows. They were forced to have their head shaved so that she could easily be identified as a widow.Savitribai was moved by the plight of such widows and organised a strike of barbers to persuade them not to shave the head of the widows. This was the first strike of its kind.

During those days, Untouchability was a common practice all over India. They were not allowed to take water from the wells situated in the upper caste colonies. Moved by this, Savitribai opened up their reservoir of water to the untouchables.  After realising the Caste discrimination prevailing among women, she started organising meetings and Tilgur festivals. In these meetings and festivals women of all caste could participate. Thus she provided a platform where women of all castes could have a effective sharing of views and discuss their problems with each other. Later on Savitribai realised that coming of women together is not enough. She came to the conclusion that the plight and worse condition of women is due to patriarchal values and mindset of the people. Thus women should be organized in a manner that one should feel the power of collectiveness and could fight against the atrocities done to her in the society. It was due to her efforts that a Mahila Mandal was formed in Pune in 1852.This Mahila Mandal started working for the Empowerment and Liberty of the women.

Phule couple introduced a new image of religion which was known as universal religion. Phule taught the people to think of religion in terms of what is right and wrong and above all in terms of cause and effect. He placed before them an account of current customs and beliefs in terms of their validity. He attacked idol-worship and made the cause for monotheism. Phule‟s social thoughts are based on humanism. Phule founded the Satyashodhak Samaj as a socio-spiritual movement on September 24, 1871. It is based on the values like Equality, Justice and tranquility. He spread value based system through his work and thought. His philosophy was human centric. Jyotiba Phule wanted lower castes to exploit the opportunity and get rid of the tyranny of Brahmins. Savitribai headed Satyashodhak Samaj after Mahatma Phule‟s death, and broke new ground in socio-cultural creativity. Moto of Satyashodhak Samaj was to Liberalize, Equalize and Modernalize not only member of society but every people of India. Savitribai headed the women‟s unity of the Satyashodhak Samaj. The objective of the society was “to give freedom to shudras and ati-shudras (Untouchable peoples) from the tyranny of the Brahmanical scriptures and tradition, teach them their Human Rights and liberate them from mental and religious slavery. In the draught of 1896, Savitribai worked ceaselessly, and brought pressure on the government to undertake relief measures.In1897, an epidemic of plague swept Pune. Savitribai once again engaged personally in the relief effort. Unfortunately, she caught the disease and died on 10th march, 1897.




Savitribai Phule was a social reformer, educationist, and poet from India. She is best known for her work in promoting Education For Women and girls, and for her fight against the caste system.

Phule was born in 1831 in a poor family of the Mali caste. She was married at the age of nine to Jyotirao Phule, a social reformer and thinker. The couple had two sons and two daughters.

Phule began her work in education in 1848, when she started a school for girls in Pune. She faced a lot of opposition from her family and the society at large, but she persevered and continued her work. She opened several more schools for girls, and also started a school for widows.

Phule was also a strong advocate for women’s rights. She wrote extensively on the subject, and also organized protests and demonstrations. She was one of the first women in India to speak out against the practice of sati (widow burning).

Phule was also a critic of the caste system. She believed that the caste system was a form of social injustice, and she worked to abolish it. She also wrote extensively on the subject, and organized protests and demonstrations.

Phule was a visionary leader who fought for the rights of women, the oppressed, and the marginalized. She was a pioneer in the field of education, and her work has had a lasting impact on Indian Society.

Savitribai Phule’s philosophical and social thoughts were shaped by her experiences as a woman, a Dalit, and a social reformer. She believed that education was the key to social and economic empowerment, and she worked tirelessly to promote education for women and girls. She was also a strong advocate for women’s rights, and she spoke out against the practice of sati (widow burning) and other forms of gender discrimination. Phule was also a critic of the caste system, and she worked to abolish it. She was a visionary leader who fought for the rights of women, the oppressed, and the marginalized. Her work has had a lasting impact on Indian society.

Phule’s thoughts on education were based on the belief that education was the key to social and economic empowerment. She argued that education would help women to improve their lives and to contribute to society. She also believed that education would help to break down the barriers of caste and gender discrimination.

Phule’s thoughts on women’s rights were based on the belief that women were equal to men and that they should have the same rights and opportunities. She argued that women should be able to own property, to get an education, and to work outside the home. She also believed that women should have the right to vote and to hold office.

Phule’s thoughts on the caste system were based on the belief that it was a form of social injustice that should be abolished. She argued that the caste system was based on discrimination and that it prevented people from achieving their full potential. She also believed that the caste system was a barrier to social and Economic Development.

Phule’s work has had a lasting impact on Indian society. She is considered to be one of the pioneers of the women’s rights movement in India, and her work has helped to improve the lives of millions of women. She is also considered to be one of the most important figures in the history of the Dalit movement, and her work has helped to raise awareness of the problems faced by Dalits. Phule’s work is still relevant today, and her ideas continue to inspire people around the world.

Savitribai Phule was a social reformer and educationist who fought for the rights of women and lower castes in India. She was born in 1831 in a Marathi family in Pune. Her father, Vishnushastri Chiplunkar, was a scholar and writer. Savitribai was married at the age of nine to Jyotirao Phule, a social reformer and thinker.

Savitribai and Jyotirao Phule started a school for girls in Pune in 1848. This was the first school for girls in India. They also started a widows’ home and an orphanage. Savitribai Phule wrote several books and pamphlets on social reform. She also gave speeches and lectures on the rights of women and lower castes.

Savitribai Phule died in 1897. She is remembered as a pioneer of women’s rights and education in India.

Here are some frequently asked questions about Savitribai Phule:

  1. Who was Savitribai Phule?
    Savitribai Phule was a social reformer and educationist who fought for the rights of women and lower castes in India. She was born in 1831 in a Marathi family in Pune. Her father, Vishnushastri Chiplunkar, was a scholar and writer. Savitribai was married at the age of nine to Jyotirao Phule, a social reformer and thinker.

  2. What did Savitribai Phule do?
    Savitribai Phule and her husband, Jyotirao Phule, started a school for girls in Pune in 1848. This was the first school for girls in India. They also started a widows’ home and an orphanage. Savitribai Phule wrote several books and pamphlets on social reform. She also gave speeches and lectures on the rights of women and lower castes.

  3. When did Savitribai Phule die?
    Savitribai Phule died in 1897.

  4. Why is Savitribai Phule remembered?
    Savitribai Phule is remembered as a pioneer of women’s rights and education in India.

  1. Savitribai Phule was a:
    (a) Social reformer
    (b) Writer
    (c) Educator
    (d) All of the above

  2. Savitribai Phule was born in:
    (a) 1831
    (b) 1832
    (c) 1833
    (d) 1834

  3. Savitribai Phule was married to:
    (a) Jyotirao Phule
    (b) Mahatma Phule
    (c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
    (d) Gopal Hari Deshmukh

  4. Savitribai Phule founded the first school for girls in:
    (a) Pune
    (b) Mumbai
    (c) Nagpur
    (d) Aurangabad

  5. Savitribai Phule was a pioneer in the field of:
    (a) Education
    (b) Women’s rights
    (c) Social reform
    (d) All of the above

  6. Savitribai Phule is known for her work on:
    (a) Women’s rights
    (b) Education
    (c) Social reform
    (d) All of the above

  7. Savitribai Phule was a strong advocate for:
    (a) Women’s education
    (b) Women’s rights
    (c) Social reform
    (d) All of the above

  8. Savitribai Phule’s work has had a lasting impact on:
    (a) The education of women in India
    (b) The rights of women in India
    (c) The social reform movement in India
    (d) All of the above

  9. Savitribai Phule is an inspiration to:
    (a) Women all over the world
    (b) People who are working for social reform
    (c) People who are working for the rights of women
    (d) All of the above

  10. Savitribai Phule is a role model for:
    (a) Women all over the world
    (b) People who are working for social reform
    (c) People who are working for the rights of women
    (d) All of the above

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