P And SM (Preventive And Social Medicine),

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P and SM (Preventive and Social Medicine)

  • The name preventive and social medicine emphasizes the role of:
  1. Disease prevention in general through immunization, adequate Nutrition, etc. in addition to the routine hygiene measures, and
  2. Social factors in Health and disease.
  • The name preventive and social medicine has gained wide acceptance in the past twenty-five years or so because of its broader and more comprehensive outlook on medicine, integrating both prevention and cure.
  • Today, it implies a system of total health care delivery to individuals, families and communities at the clinic, in the hospital and in the community itself.

Public Health

  • It was defined by Winslow (1851) as the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health and efficiency through organized community measures such as control of infection, sanitation, health Education, health Services and legislation, etc.
  • Public Health developed in England around the middle of the nineteenth century. Edwin Chadwick, a pleader, the then Secretary of Poor Law Board (constituted under Poor Law Act passed in 1834) championed and cause of community health and the first Public Health Act was passed in 1848.
  • This signified the birth of public health. Public Health in India followed the English pattern but the progress was extremely slow during the British regime.
  • It started after 1858 when a Royal Commission was sent to find the reasons for heavy morbidity and mortality among European troops in India due to malaria and some other preventable diseases.
  • The Public Health Departments started as vaccination departments and later as Sanitation Departments at the Center as well as in the Provinces around 1864.
  • There was a long tussle whether the Sanitation or Public Health Department should be responsible directly to the Government or to the Surgeon General-in-Charge of Hospitals and Medical Education.
  • It took almost 40 years for the British Government to decide in 1904 that Public Health Departments should function separately.
  • The designations of Sanitary Commissioner and Assistant Sanitary Commissioner were changed to those of Director and Assistant Director of Public Health.
  • Thus curative and preventive departments worked separately as Medical and Public Health Departments.
  • This continued in India even after independence for some time, though the idea of integration started at the beginning of the Second World War. A recommendation to this effect was made by the Bhore Committee in 1946.

Preventive Medicine

  • Preventive medicine developed as a specialty only after Louis Pasteur propagated in 1873 the germ theory of disease followed by discovery of causative agents of typhoid, pneumonia, tuberculosis, cholera and diphtheria within the next decade. It gained further impetus during subsequent years from the following developments:
  • Development of several specific disease preventive measures before the turn of the century (antirabies treatment, cholera vaccine, diphtheria antitoxin and antityphoid vaccine).
  • Discovery and development of antiseptics and disinfectants.
  • Discovery of modes of transmission of diseases caused by germs.
  • Transmission of malaria, yellow fever and sleeping sickness had been elucidated before the turn of the century. It may be said in retrospect that when public health gained roots with the passage of the Public Health Act, the emphasis was on environmental sanitation alone With the advent of the specialty of preventive medicine, emphasis was also given to prevention of diseases. These included not only infective diseases but also others such as nutritional deficiency diseases

Social Medicine

  • It is defined as the study of the man as a social being in his total Environment. It is concerned with the health of groups of individuals as well as individuals within groups. The term social medicine gained currency in Europe around 1940. In 1949, a separate department of Social Medicine was started at Oxford by Professor Ryle. The concept of social medicine is based upon realization of the following facts:
  • Suffering of man is not due to pathogens alone. It can be partly considered to be due to social causes (social etiology).
  • The consequences of disease are not only physical (pathological alterations due to pathogens) but also social (social pathology).  
  • Comprehensive therapeutics has to include social remedies in addition to medical care (social medicine).
  • Social services are often needed along with medical care services. Interest in social medicine began to decline with the development of epidemiology.
  • The Royal Commission on Medical Education substituted in 1968 the term social medicine by community medicine in its report (Todd Report).

Preventive and Social Medicine

  • As clarified above, preventive medicine and social medicine cover different areas, though both are concerned with health of the people.
  • This is why the combined name Preventive and Social Medicine was suggested to provide a holistic approach to health of the people.
  •  This name was preferred to the earlier name public health because the former had come to be visualized as a discipline dealing mainly with sanitation, hygiene and vaccination.
  • However, the term public health has now once again become fashionable in England.

Community Medicine

  • It has been defined as “The field concerned with the study of health and disease in the Population of a defined community or group. Its goal is to identify the health problems and needs of defined populations (community diagnosis) and to plan, implement and evaluate the extent to which health measures effectively meet these needs”.
  • Broadly, one could state that community medicine, while encompassing the broad scope of preventive and social medicine, lays special emphasis on providing primary health care.
  • It may be remembered that five of the eight components of primary health care, are related to clinical activities.
  • The modern day message is that the discipline variously labelled in the past as public health or preventive and social medicine cannot be divorced from health care, including clinical care of the community.
  • It is in recognition of this wider role that the Medical Council of India has recently decided to label the discipline as Community Medicine in place of Preventive and Social Medicine.
  •  In a recent case decided by The Supreme Court of India the issue was whether the Department of Preventive and Social Medicine in a Medical College is a Clinical or Paraclinical Department. It was held that it is a Clinical Department.

Epidemiological Approach in Preventive and Social Medicine

  • Dictionaries define epidemiology as the scientific basis for public health and, especially, preventive medicine.
  • In keeping with this concept, this concept is patterned on the epidemiological approach, which is symbolized in the triad of host, agent and environment.
  • To put it rather picturesquely, just as there are three components in a drama on the stage, there are three components in the drama of disease as well.
  • The stage drama or a movie is built around a hero, a villain and the life circumstances in which they operate and interact.
  • The disease drama has similar components of hero (the host), villain (the agent of disease) and circumstances (the environment).
  • To summarize, the three epidemiological components of a disease situation are:
    1. The host or the man who enjoys health or suffers from disease (The World Health Organization defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not mere absence of disease or infirmity.
    2. The agents, whether living (such as bacteria and viruses) or nonliving (such as radiation, temperature and Minerals, e.g. lead, fluorine).
    3. The environment comprising of food, air, water, housing, place of work, etc. which surround both the host and the agent and in which both interact.
  • The outcome of the host agent environment interaction may be in the nature of health, discomfort, disability, disease or death.
  • Thus all individuals in a population group may be equally exposed to the same agent and environment, yet some may totally escape the disease, others may get only a mild attack while yet others may develop the full blown disease which may culminate in death. This is so because the exact outcome is determined by host factors inherent in each individual.


Preventive and Social Medicine (P&SM) is a branch of medicine that focuses on preventing disease and promoting health. It encompasses a wide range of topics, including epidemiology, biostatistics, health promotion, disease prevention, health education, health policy, health management, health systems research, social determinants of health, environmental health, occupational health, mental health, nutrition, physical activity, injury prevention, substance abuse, sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AIDS, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, infectious disease, noncommunicable disease, global health, public health ethics, public health law, public health informatics, public health research, and public health practice.

P&SM is a vital part of the healthcare system. It helps to identify and address the root causes of disease, rather than simply treating the symptoms. This approach can lead to long-term improvements in health and well-being.

P&SM is a complex and challenging field, but it is also incredibly rewarding. It offers the opportunity to make a real difference in people’s lives. If you are interested in a career in medicine that focuses on prevention and promotion, P&SM may be the right choice for you.

Here are some of the key concepts in P&SM:

P&SM is a rapidly growing field, and there are many opportunities for career advancement. If you are interested in a career in medicine that focuses on prevention and promotion, P&SM may be the right choice for you.

What is preventive medicine?

Preventive medicine is a branch of medicine that focuses on preventing disease and promoting health. It includes a variety of strategies, such as education, counseling, and screening, to help people stay healthy.

What is social medicine?

Social medicine is a branch of medicine that focuses on the social determinants of health. It includes a variety of strategies, such as public health interventions and policy changes, to improve the health of populations.

What are the benefits of preventive medicine?

Preventive medicine can help people avoid or delay the onset of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, and cancer. It can also help people manage chronic conditions and improve their Quality Of Life.

What are the benefits of social medicine?

Social medicine can help improve the health of populations by addressing the social determinants of health, such as POVERTY, lack of education, and discrimination. It can also help reduce health disparities and improve access to healthcare.

What are some common preventive medicine strategies?

Some common preventive medicine strategies include:

What are some common social medicine strategies?

Some common social medicine strategies include:

What are some challenges to preventive medicine?

Some challenges to preventive medicine include:

What are some challenges to social medicine?

Some challenges to social medicine include:

What is the future of preventive medicine?

The future of preventive medicine is promising. With advances in technology and our understanding of the human body, we are developing new and more effective ways to prevent disease. We are also working to make preventive services more accessible and affordable. As a result, preventive medicine is becoming an increasingly important part of healthcare.

What is the future of social medicine?

The future of social medicine is also promising. With the growing recognition of the importance of the social determinants of health, we are developing new and more effective ways to improve the health of populations. We are also working to make social medicine more accessible and affordable. As a result, social medicine is becoming an increasingly important part of healthcare.

  1. Which of the following is not a type of preventive medicine?
    (A) Primary prevention
    (B) Secondary prevention
    (C) Tertiary prevention
    (D) Quaternary prevention

  2. Which of the following is not a goal of preventive medicine?
    (A) To prevent disease
    (B) To promote health
    (C) To reduce the risk of disease
    (D) To treat disease

  3. Which of the following is not a strategy for preventive medicine?
    (A) Health education
    (B) Screening
    (C) Immunization
    (D) Treatment

  4. Which of the following is not a risk factor for heart disease?
    (A) High blood pressure
    (B) High cholesterol
    (C) Smoking
    (D) Obesity

  5. Which of the following is not a sign of heart disease?
    (A) Chest pain
    (B) Shortness of breath
    (C) Fatigue
    (D) Swelling in the legs

  6. Which of the following is not a symptom of heart disease?
    (A) Pain in the left arm
    (B) Pain in the jaw
    (C) Pain in the back
    (D) Pain in the neck

  7. Which of the following is not a treatment for heart disease?
    (A) Angioplasty
    (B) Stent placement
    (C) Bypass surgery
    (D) Medication

  8. Which of the following is not a complication of heart disease?
    (A) Heart attack
    (B) Stroke
    (C) Kidney failure
    (D) Death

  9. Which of the following is not a risk factor for stroke?
    (A) High blood pressure
    (B) High cholesterol
    (C) Smoking
    (D) Obesity

  10. Which of the following is not a sign of stroke?
    (A) Sudden numbness or weakness in the face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of the body
    (B) Sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding speech
    (C) Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes
    (D) Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, or loss of balance

  11. Which of the following is not a symptom of stroke?
    (A) Severe headache with no known cause
    (E) Sudden severe pain in the chest, abdomen, or back
    (F) Sudden shortness of breath
    (G) Sudden loss of consciousness

  12. Which of the following is not a treatment for stroke?
    (A) Thrombolysis
    (B) Anticoagulants
    (C) Antiplatelets
    (D) Surgery

  13. Which of the following is not a complication of stroke?
    (A) Death
    (B) Paralysis
    (C) Aphasia
    (D) Dementia

  14. Which of the following is not a risk factor for cancer?
    (A) Smoking
    (B) Alcohol use
    (C) Obesity
    (D) Sun exposure

  15. Which of the following is not a sign of cancer?
    (A) A lump in the breast, testicle, or other part of the body
    (B) A change in bowel habits
    (C) A persistent cough
    (D) A sore that does not heal

  16. Which of the following is not a symptom of cancer?
    (A) Fatigue
    (B) Weight loss
    (C) Loss of appetite
    (D) Pain

  17. Which of the following is not a treatment for cancer?
    (A) Surgery
    (B) Radiation therapy
    (C) Chemotherapy
    (D) Hormone therapy

  18. Which of the following is not a complication of cancer?
    (A) Death
    (B) Pain
    (C) Fatigue
    (D) Infection

  19. Which of the following is not a risk factor for diabetes?
    (A) Family history
    (B) Obesity
    (C) High blood pressure
    (D) High cholesterol

  20. Which of the following is not a sign of diabetes?
    (A) Frequent urination
    (B) Excessive thirst
    (C) Extreme hunger
    (D) Weight loss

  21. Which of the following is not a symptom of diabetes?
    (A) Fatigue
    (B) Blurred vision
    (C) Itching
    (D) Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet

  22. Which of the following is not a treatment for diabetes?
    (A) Diet and exercise
    (B) Oral medications
    (C) Insulin injections
    (D) Surgery

  23. Which of the following is not a complication of diabetes?
    (A) Heart disease
    (B) Stroke
    (C) Kidney failure
    (D) Death

  24. Which of the following is not

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