Operation Greens

Operation Greens: A Comprehensive Analysis of India’s Onion Price Control Strategy


India, the world’s second-largest producer of onions, has a long history of grappling with volatile onion prices. These fluctuations, often driven by factors like weather, storage, and market speculation, have a significant impact on the lives of millions of Indians, particularly the poor and middle class. In recent years, the government has implemented a series of measures to stabilize onion prices, with “Operation Greens” emerging as a key strategy. This article delves into the intricacies of Operation Greens, examining its objectives, implementation, effectiveness, and challenges.

Understanding the Onion Price Volatility

Onion prices in India exhibit a cyclical pattern, with sharp spikes occurring during the lean season (typically between June and October) when domestic production is low. This volatility is attributed to several factors:

  • Weather Dependence: Onion production is highly susceptible to weather conditions. Unfavorable rainfall patterns, droughts, or excessive rainfall can significantly impact yields, leading to supply shortages and price surges.
  • Storage and Transportation: Inadequate storage facilities and inefficient transportation infrastructure contribute to post-harvest losses and limit the availability of onions during lean seasons.
  • Market Speculation: Traders and middlemen often engage in hoarding and price manipulation, further exacerbating price volatility.
  • Demand Fluctuations: Festive seasons and religious events witness increased demand for onions, leading to price hikes.

Operation Greens: A Multi-pronged Approach

Launched in 2018, Operation Greens is a comprehensive strategy aimed at stabilizing onion prices and ensuring year-round availability. It focuses on three key pillars:

1. Price Stabilization Fund:

  • The government established a Price Stabilization Fund (PSF) to provide financial support to onion producers and traders during periods of low prices.
  • The PSF operates through a price support mechanism, where the government purchases onions from farmers at a pre-determined minimum support price (MSP) when market prices fall below a certain threshold.
  • This intervention aims to prevent distress sales by farmers and ensure a steady supply of onions in the market.

2. Strengthening the Cold Chain Infrastructure:

  • Operation Greens emphasizes the development and modernization of cold chain infrastructure, including refrigerated warehouses and transportation facilities.
  • This initiative aims to reduce post-harvest losses, extend the shelf life of onions, and ensure their availability throughout the year.
  • The government provides financial assistance and incentives to encourage private sector investment in cold chain infrastructure.

3. Promoting Contract Farming:

  • Operation Greens promotes contract farming, where farmers enter into agreements with processors or retailers to supply onions at pre-determined prices and quantities.
  • This model aims to reduce price volatility by providing farmers with assured markets and income, while also ensuring a consistent supply of onions for processors and retailers.

Implementation and Impact of Operation Greens

Operation Greens has been implemented in a phased manner, with the government focusing on key onion-producing states like Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, and Gujarat. The program has witnessed mixed results:

Positive Impacts:

  • Price Stabilization: Operation Greens has been successful in stabilizing onion prices to some extent, particularly during the lean season. The PSF has provided price support to farmers and prevented sharp price spikes.
  • Improved Cold Chain Infrastructure: The government’s investment in cold chain infrastructure has led to a gradual improvement in storage facilities and transportation networks.
  • Increased Farmer Income: The price support mechanism and contract farming initiatives have provided farmers with better price realization and income stability.

Challenges and Limitations:

  • Limited Coverage: Operation Greens has not been implemented uniformly across all onion-producing regions, leaving some areas vulnerable to price fluctuations.
  • Inefficient Implementation: The implementation of the program has faced challenges, including delays in payments to farmers and inadequate monitoring of cold chain infrastructure.
  • Market Manipulation: Despite government interventions, market manipulation by traders and middlemen continues to be a concern, affecting price stability.
  • Weather Dependence: Operation Greens cannot fully mitigate the impact of adverse weather conditions, which remain a significant factor in onion price volatility.

Table 1: Key Features of Operation Greens

Feature Description
Objective Stabilize onion prices and ensure year-round availability
Implementation Phased implementation in key onion-producing states
Key Pillars Price Stabilization Fund, Cold Chain Infrastructure, Contract Farming
Impact Mixed results, with some price stabilization and improved cold chain infrastructure, but challenges remain

Future Directions for Operation Greens

To enhance the effectiveness of Operation Greens, the government needs to address the following:

  • Expand Coverage: Extend the program to all onion-producing regions to ensure nationwide price stability.
  • Strengthen Implementation: Improve the efficiency of the PSF, ensure timely payments to farmers, and strengthen monitoring of cold chain infrastructure.
  • Promote Value Addition: Encourage value addition activities, such as processing and packaging, to reduce post-harvest losses and create new markets for onions.
  • Invest in Research and Development: Support research on onion varieties resistant to diseases and pests, and develop innovative storage and transportation technologies.


Operation Greens represents a significant step towards addressing the issue of onion price volatility in India. The program has achieved some success in stabilizing prices and improving cold chain infrastructure, but challenges remain. To ensure long-term success, the government needs to address implementation gaps, expand coverage, and promote value addition. By addressing these issues, Operation Greens can play a crucial role in ensuring food security and improving the livelihoods of onion farmers in India.


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Frequently Asked Questions on Operation Greens

1. What is Operation Greens?

Operation Greens is a comprehensive government initiative launched in 2018 to stabilize onion prices in India and ensure year-round availability. It aims to address the issue of price volatility, particularly during the lean season, by implementing a multi-pronged approach.

2. What are the key components of Operation Greens?

Operation Greens focuses on three key pillars:

  • Price Stabilization Fund (PSF): The government provides financial support to farmers and traders during periods of low prices by purchasing onions at a pre-determined minimum support price (MSP).
  • Strengthening Cold Chain Infrastructure: The program encourages investment in refrigerated warehouses, transportation facilities, and other cold chain infrastructure to reduce post-harvest losses and extend the shelf life of onions.
  • Promoting Contract Farming: Operation Greens promotes agreements between farmers and processors/retailers to ensure a consistent supply of onions at pre-determined prices and quantities.

3. How effective has Operation Greens been in stabilizing onion prices?

Operation Greens has achieved some success in stabilizing onion prices, particularly during the lean season. The PSF has helped prevent sharp price spikes and provided price support to farmers. However, challenges remain, including limited coverage, inefficient implementation, and market manipulation.

4. What are the challenges faced by Operation Greens?

Some of the key challenges include:

  • Limited Coverage: The program has not been implemented uniformly across all onion-producing regions, leaving some areas vulnerable to price fluctuations.
  • Inefficient Implementation: Delays in payments to farmers and inadequate monitoring of cold chain infrastructure have hampered the program’s effectiveness.
  • Market Manipulation: Despite government interventions, market manipulation by traders and middlemen continues to affect price stability.
  • Weather Dependence: Operation Greens cannot fully mitigate the impact of adverse weather conditions, which remain a significant factor in onion price volatility.

5. What are the future directions for Operation Greens?

To enhance the effectiveness of Operation Greens, the government needs to:

  • Expand Coverage: Extend the program to all onion-producing regions to ensure nationwide price stability.
  • Strengthen Implementation: Improve the efficiency of the PSF, ensure timely payments to farmers, and strengthen monitoring of cold chain infrastructure.
  • Promote Value Addition: Encourage value addition activities, such as processing and packaging, to reduce post-harvest losses and create new markets for onions.
  • Invest in Research and Development: Support research on onion varieties resistant to diseases and pests, and develop innovative storage and transportation technologies.

6. How does Operation Greens benefit farmers?

Operation Greens aims to benefit farmers by:

  • Providing price support: The PSF ensures farmers receive a minimum price for their produce, preventing distress sales.
  • Improving market access: Contract farming arrangements provide farmers with assured markets and income stability.
  • Reducing post-harvest losses: Improved cold chain infrastructure helps minimize spoilage and wastage, increasing farmers’ earnings.

7. What is the role of the private sector in Operation Greens?

The private sector plays a crucial role in Operation Greens by:

  • Investing in cold chain infrastructure: Private companies are encouraged to invest in refrigerated warehouses and transportation facilities.
  • Participating in contract farming: Private processors and retailers enter into agreements with farmers to ensure a consistent supply of onions.
  • Developing innovative technologies: Private companies can contribute to research and development of new technologies for onion storage, transportation, and processing.

8. How does Operation Greens contribute to food security in India?

Operation Greens aims to ensure year-round availability of onions, a staple food in India. By stabilizing prices and reducing post-harvest losses, the program helps maintain a consistent supply of onions, contributing to food security for the population.

9. What are the long-term implications of Operation Greens?

Operation Greens has the potential to transform the onion market in India by:

  • Improving farmer livelihoods: By providing price stability and income security, the program can improve the lives of onion farmers.
  • Reducing food inflation: Stable onion prices can help control overall food inflation, benefiting consumers.
  • Strengthening the agricultural supply chain: The program encourages investment in infrastructure and technology, strengthening the agricultural supply chain in India.

10. Is Operation Greens a sustainable solution for onion price volatility?

While Operation Greens has made significant progress, it is not a complete solution for onion price volatility. The program needs to be continuously evaluated and adapted to address emerging challenges and ensure its long-term sustainability.

Here are some multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on Operation Greens, with four options each:

1. What is the primary objective of Operation Greens?

a) To increase onion exports from India
b) To promote organic onion farming
c) To stabilize onion prices and ensure year-round availability
d) To provide subsidies to onion farmers

Answer: c) To stabilize onion prices and ensure year-round availability

2. Which of the following is NOT a key pillar of Operation Greens?

a) Price Stabilization Fund
b) Strengthening Cold Chain Infrastructure
c) Promoting Organic Farming
d) Promoting Contract Farming

Answer: c) Promoting Organic Farming

3. How does the Price Stabilization Fund (PSF) work under Operation Greens?

a) It provides direct cash payments to farmers during periods of low onion prices.
b) It offers loans to farmers at subsidized interest rates.
c) It purchases onions from farmers at a pre-determined minimum support price (MSP) when market prices fall below a certain threshold.
d) It provides insurance coverage to farmers against crop failure.

Answer: c) It purchases onions from farmers at a pre-determined minimum support price (MSP) when market prices fall below a certain threshold.

4. What is the main benefit of strengthening cold chain infrastructure under Operation Greens?

a) It reduces transportation costs for onion farmers.
b) It helps to increase the shelf life of onions and reduce post-harvest losses.
c) It promotes the use of organic fertilizers.
d) It encourages the use of genetically modified onion seeds.

Answer: b) It helps to increase the shelf life of onions and reduce post-harvest losses.

5. Which of the following is a challenge faced by Operation Greens?

a) Lack of government support for the program
b) Limited coverage of the program across all onion-producing regions
c) Resistance from farmers to participate in contract farming
d) Lack of demand for onions in the domestic market

Answer: b) Limited coverage of the program across all onion-producing regions

6. What is the role of the private sector in Operation Greens?

a) To provide financial assistance to the government for the program
b) To conduct research and development on new onion varieties
c) To invest in cold chain infrastructure and participate in contract farming
d) To regulate the onion market and set prices

Answer: c) To invest in cold chain infrastructure and participate in contract farming

7. How does Operation Greens contribute to food security in India?

a) By ensuring a consistent supply of onions, a staple food in India
b) By promoting the cultivation of other vegetables besides onions
c) By providing food subsidies to low-income households
d) By increasing the export of onions to other countries

Answer: a) By ensuring a consistent supply of onions, a staple food in India

8. Which of the following is NOT a potential long-term implication of Operation Greens?

a) Improved livelihoods for onion farmers
b) Reduced food inflation
c) Increased dependence on imported onions
d) Strengthening of the agricultural supply chain in India

Answer: c) Increased dependence on imported onions

9. What is the main goal of promoting contract farming under Operation Greens?

a) To reduce the cost of onion production
b) To ensure a consistent supply of onions for processors and retailers
c) To promote organic onion farming
d) To increase the export of onions

Answer: b) To ensure a consistent supply of onions for processors and retailers

10. What is the significance of Operation Greens in the context of Indian agriculture?

a) It is the first government initiative to address the issue of onion price volatility.
b) It represents a shift towards a more market-oriented approach to agricultural production.
c) It highlights the importance of government intervention in regulating agricultural markets.
d) It demonstrates the potential of technology to improve agricultural productivity.

Answer: c) It highlights the importance of government intervention in regulating agricultural markets.

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