Oceanic Resources Of India And Their Potential

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Oceanic Resources of India and their potential

Oceans are the world’s single largest ecosystem, covering nearly three-fourths of the earth’s surface, thereby providing a massive arena for emerging complex and interconnected development issues such as Climate change, livelihoods, commerce, and security. According to estimates by the Global Ocean Commission, ocean resources contribute five percent of the world’s GDP, secure the jobs of three billion people, and sustain the livelihoods of 350 million.

The Indian Ocean basin is of particular importance for India, as the region’s most populous country and geopolitical keystone. Although India has long been preoccupied by continental considerations, it has recently begun to re-evaluate its priorities. India’s Indian Ocean Region strategy—which in only just taking shape—conforms closely to global priorities for preserving the Ocean as a shared resource: an important channel for trade, a sustainable resource base, and a region secure from heightened military competition, non-state actors, and catastrophic natural disasters. Achieving these objectives will require further investments in capacity, greater transparency and confidence-building measures, and enhanced institutional cooperation.

Indian Ocean is rich in Natural Resources. Forty per cent of the world’s offshore oil production takes place in the Indian Ocean basin.  Fishing in the Indian Ocean now accounts for almost 15 per cent of the world’s total and has increased some 13-fold between 1950 and 2010 to 11.5 million tonnes. Aquaculture in the region has also grown 12-fold since 1980. Although global fishing is reaching its natural limitations, the Indian Ocean may be able to sustain increases in production. Mineral resources are equally important, with nodules containing nickel, cobalt, and iron, and massive sulphide deposits of manganese, copper, iron, zinc, silver, and gold present in sizeable quantities on the sea bed. Indian Ocean coastal sediments are also important sources of titanium, zirconium, tin, zinc, and copper. Additionally, various rare earth Elements are present, even if their extraction is not always commercially feasible.


The Fishing sector is traditionally construed as one of the most important sectors of the Blue economy. Its contribution is significantly felt in economic activities such as NATIONAL INCOME, trade, EMPLOYMENT generation, food and nutritional security and various kinds of non-traditional economic security. The growing importance of the sector in India is due to domestic consumption, trade and cultural preferences.

India is emerging as a global player in the Fisheries-2/”>Fisheries sector. Consistent with the international trend, the share of India’s capture fishing is declining and aquaculture share is rising, thus opening large opportunities for promoting domestic production. In this regard, globalisation has made a major contribution for the expansion of demand for fisheries in the domestic as well as international markets. India has developed expertise in satellite launching, fabrication and application of such systems. This facility can be effectively used in the IORA region for identifying and locating fish clusters in the sea for facilitating capture fishing. Such satellite facilities may be used alternatively in other areas of economic activities such as search and rescue operations, meteorology and other applications in the region.

As a fast-growing emerging country, development of port Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE plays an important role in promoting various developmental activities, including trade. The Ministry of Shipping reports that much of India’s international trade (about 90 per cent by volume and 70 per cent by value) is carried through maritime transport. The sector covers a wide range of Services which are broadly divided into two categories: shipping Industry and maritime Logistics.

Marine manufacturing is a globally dynamic sector and an important segment of the Blue Economy. Korea, Japan and China are emerging as key market players replacing the US and the EU. India has the potentiality to emerge as a new global leader in ship manufacturing. Its meteoric rise in the global market has been perceptible during the last decade.

India has a strong ship breaking industry. The global market for this industry is mostly shared by countries such as India, China, Pakistan and Bangladesh.These four countries accounted for nearly 67 per cent of the global ship breaking industry in 2011. India is emerging as the largest market for the global industry along with Bangladesh.Though the industry is a highly polluting one, it has large spillover effects on the Indian economy. India has a large ship building base, but it needs to be modernised. At present, India has 23 shipyards, of which 7 are under administrative control of the Central Government, 2 with state governments, and the rest are in the private sector. The Indian shipping industry, with a marginal share of 0.1 per cent of global shipbuilding market in 2002, has expanded manifold during the last decade, accounting for 1 per cent of world shipbuilding industry.

This global industry has strong entry barriers and also high-risk factors which are alarmingly large. However, India has a large reservoir of a cost-effective skilled labour force and the availability of ancillaries, which can take India forward in this sector. Recently emerging global players also have similar endowments due to which they are able to compete with the US and the EU to capture a share of the global market.

In addition to the significant economic contribution of fisheries, coastal tourism, Ports and hydrocarbon extraction, nearly 90 per cent of India’s trade, including energy products, travels through the Indian Ocean. The shifting of global economic engines to the region has enhanced the region’s salience for Indian and global economic Growth by way of large and growing markets, investments, regional hubs for energy, transport, tourism, Education and healthcare. Regional growth and stability is also essential for the well-being of the large and widespread Indian Diaspora which makes immense contributions to the nation’s economy.

Unfortunately, the region also suffers from disruptive forces of piracy, armed conflicts, organised crime and terrorism, posing a major challenge not only to the security of maritime trade routes but also to the mainland as brought to fore by the 26/11 Mumbai attack. Deteriorating ocean Ecosystems and Global Warming can disrupt weather systems with adverse impacts on the monsoon and freshwater availability with increasing frequency of droughts and floods. Therefore, safety, security and conservation of marine ecosystems of the Indian Ocean are not a matter of choice, but an essential national security priority for India.

India has always sought greater cooperation in the Indian Ocean region and played a key role in setting up and strengthening the Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation (IOR-ARC), since re-named as the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA). It now brings together 21 member states, 7 dialogue partners and 2 observers. IORA has identified six priority areas for cooperation, namely maritime safety and security; trade and Investment facilitation; fisheries management; disaster risk reduction; academic and scientific cooperation; and tourism and cultural exchanges, which are in line with India’s priorities. The Indian Ocean region has also exhibited considerable dynamism with its global trade tripling since 2003, reaching US$ 4.2 trillion in 2012. A significant achievement was the intra-regional trade growing from US$ 302 billion to US$ 1.2 trillion in the same period, a clear evidence of growing regional economic linkages.


India is a maritime nation with a long coastline and a vast Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). The country’s oceanic resources are vast and varied, and they have the potential to play a major role in India’s Economic Development.

One of the most important oceanic resources for India is fisheries. The country’s marine fisheries are among the largest in the world, and they provide a valuable source of food and employment for millions of people. India’s fisheries are also a major source of export earnings.

Another important oceanic resource for India is offshore oil and gas. The country has significant reserves of both oil and gas, and these resources are being exploited to meet the country’s growing energy needs. Offshore oil and gas production is also a major source of export earnings for India.

Mining is another potential source of oceanic resources for India. The country has significant deposits of manganese nodules, cobalt-rich crusts, and other Minerals on the seabed. These resources have the potential to be exploited in the future, and they could provide a valuable source of raw materials for India’s industries.

Ocean energy is another potential resource for India. The country has significant potential for wave, tidal, and Ocean Thermal Energy conversion (OTEC). These resources could be used to generate electricity, and they could also be used to desalinate seawater.

Tourism is another potential Source Of Income from India’s oceanic resources. The country has a long coastline with many beautiful beaches, and it also has a number of islands that are popular tourist destinations. Tourism could be a major source of income for India in the future.

Transportation is another potential use for India’s oceanic resources. The country has a long coastline, and it also has a number of major ports. These ports could be used to transport goods and people, and they could also be used to support the country’s offshore oil and gas industry.

Climate Change is a major threat to India’s oceanic resources. The rising sea level is inundating coastal areas, and it is also eroding beaches. Climate change is also causing changes in the distribution of fish stocks, and it is making it more difficult to predict the weather.

Ocean governance is a major challenge for India. The country has a long coastline, and it also has a number of islands. These islands are important for fisheries, tourism, and other economic activities. However, they are also vulnerable to climate change and other threats.

International cooperation is essential for India to manage its oceanic resources effectively. The country needs to cooperate with other countries to address issues such as climate change, pollution, and overfishing. International cooperation is also essential for the development of new technologies for exploiting oceanic resources.

India’s oceanic resources are vast and varied, and they have the potential to play a major role in the country’s economic development. However, there are a number of challenges that need to be addressed in order to realize this potential. These challenges include climate change, ocean governance, and international cooperation.

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about oceanic resources and their potential:

  1. What are oceanic resources?
    Oceanic resources are the natural resources that are found in the ocean. These resources include oil and gas, minerals, fish, and other marine life.

  2. What is the potential of oceanic resources?
    The potential of oceanic resources is vast. The ocean is estimated to contain about 1.3 trillion barrels of oil and 130 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. The ocean is also home to a wide variety of minerals, including manganese, cobalt, and nickel. In addition, the ocean is a major source of food for humans and other animals.

  3. What are the challenges to developing oceanic resources?
    There are a number of challenges to developing oceanic resources. One challenge is the cost of exploration and extraction. Another challenge is the environmental impact of extracting resources from the ocean. In addition, there are political and legal challenges to developing oceanic resources.

  4. What are the benefits of developing oceanic resources?
    There are a number of benefits to developing oceanic resources. One benefit is that it can help to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. Another benefit is that it can create jobs and economic growth. In addition, developing oceanic resources can help to improve our understanding of the ocean and its resources.

  5. What are the risks of developing oceanic resources?
    There are a number of risks associated with developing oceanic resources. One risk is that it can damage the Environment. Another risk is that it can lead to conflict between countries. In addition, there is the risk that developing oceanic resources will not be profitable.

  6. What is the future of oceanic resources?
    The future of oceanic resources is uncertain. There is a potential for oceanic resources to play a major role in the global economy. However, there are also a number of challenges and risks associated with developing oceanic resources. It is important to carefully consider the potential benefits and risks before developing oceanic resources.

  1. Which of the following is not an oceanic resource?
    (A) Fish
    (B) Oil
    (C) Minerals
    (D) Sand

  2. India has the second largest Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) in the world. What is the area of India’s EEZ?
    (A) 2.01 million square kilometers
    (B) 2.1 million square kilometers
    (C) 2.2 million square kilometers
    (D) 2.3 million square kilometers

  3. India’s EEZ is located in the Indian Ocean. What are the other three oceans in the world?
    (A) Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Arctic Ocean
    (B) Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean
    (C) Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Antarctic Ocean
    (D) Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Antarctic Ocean

  4. India’s EEZ is rich in Marine Resources. What are some of the marine resources found in India’s EEZ?
    (A) Fish, oil, minerals, sand
    (B) Fish, oil, gas, sand
    (C) Fish, oil, gas, pearls
    (D) Fish, oil, gas, pearls, coral

  5. India’s EEZ is also rich in Biodiversity-2/”>Biodiversity. What are some of the marine animals found in India’s EEZ?
    (A) Whales, dolphins, turtles, coral
    (B) Whales, dolphins, turtles, fish
    (C) Whales, dolphins, turtles, fish, coral
    (D) Whales, dolphins, turtles, fish, coral, algae

  6. India’s EEZ is a major source of food for India. What are some of the ways that India uses the marine resources in its EEZ?
    (A) Fishing, aquaculture, oil and gas exploration, tourism
    (B) Fishing, aquaculture, oil and gas exploration, shipping
    (C) Fishing, aquaculture, oil and gas exploration, shipping, tourism
    (D) Fishing, aquaculture, oil and gas exploration, shipping, tourism, research

  7. India’s EEZ is also a major source of employment for India. What are some of the jobs that are related to the marine resources in India’s EEZ?
    (A) Fishermen, fish farmers, oil and gas workers, sailors
    (B) Fishermen, fish farmers, oil and gas workers, sailors, tourism workers
    (C) Fishermen, fish farmers, oil and gas workers, sailors, tourism workers, researchers
    (D) Fishermen, fish farmers, oil and gas workers, sailors, tourism workers, researchers, environmentalists

  8. India’s EEZ is a major source of revenue for India. What are some of the ways that India earns revenue from the marine resources in its EEZ?
    (A) Fishing licenses, oil and gas royalties, tourism taxes
    (B) Fishing licenses, oil and gas royalties, tourism taxes, shipping fees
    (C) Fishing licenses, oil and gas royalties, tourism taxes, shipping fees, research grants
    (D) Fishing licenses, oil and gas royalties, tourism taxes, shipping fees, research grants, environmental protection fees

  9. India’s EEZ is a major source of national pride for India. What are some of the ways that India celebrates its EEZ?
    (A) The Indian Navy conducts exercises in the EEZ.
    (B) The Indian Coast Guard patrols the EEZ.
    (C) The Indian government holds events to celebrate the EEZ.
    (D) All of the above.

  10. India’s EEZ is a major source of international cooperation for India. What are some of the ways that India cooperates with other countries on issues related to its EEZ?
    (A) India cooperates with other countries on fisheries management.
    (B) India cooperates with other countries on oil and gas exploration.
    (C) India cooperates with other countries on environmental protection.
    (D) All of the above.

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