Objectivity: Meaning as a Philosophical concept

<<2/”>a >em>Objectivity: Meaning as a Philosophical concept


Objectivity, as a method of philosophy, is dependent upon the presupposition distinguishing references in the field of epistemology regarding the ontological status of a possible objective reality, and the state of being objective in regard to references towards whatever is considered as objective reality. In other words, what is real and how do we know what we infer about the real is true. Inherent to the distinction is a paradoxical notion that despite the various meanings or definitions assigned to the concept by various disciplines, schools of thought, or individual philosophers, ultimately there is a body of knowledge referred to which is considered representative of a single reality.

The concept of objectivity contains the reason why the question “Who decides what is right or wrong?” is wrong. Nobody “decides.” Nature does not decide—it merely is; man does not decide, in issues of knowledge, he merely observes that which is. When it comes to applying his knowledge, man decides what he chooses to do, according to what he has learned, remembering that the basic principle of rational action in all aspects of human existence is: “Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed.” This means that man does not create reality and can achieve his values only by making his decisions consonant with the facts of reality. Objectivity begins with the realization that man (including his every attribute and faculty, including his consciousness) is an entity of a specific nature who must act accordingly; that there is no escape from the law of identity, neither in the universe with which he deals nor in the working of his own consciousness, and if he is to acquire knowledge of the first, he must discover the proper method of using the second; that there is no room for the arbitrary in any activity of man, least of all in his method of Cognition—and just as he has learned to be guided by objective criteria in making his physical tools, so he must be guided by objective criteria in forming his tools of cognition: his concepts.


Objectivity in Civil Service Code of ethics:

Objectivity is founding advice and decisions on rigorous analysis of the evidence. It entails that a truth remains true universally, independently of human thought or approaches. It is established that objective decisions are not impacted by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts. Taking an objective approach to an issue means having due regard for the known valid evidence (relevant facts, logical implications and viewpoints and human purposes) pertaining to that issue. If significant valid evidence is denied or counterfeit, an objective approach is incredible. An objective approach is particularly important in science, and in decision-making processes which affect large numbers of people (e.g. politics, Bureaucracy). In some circumstances, an objective approach is unmanageable because people will naturally take a biased, self-interested approach. That is, they will select out those views and facts which agree with their own.

To maintain objectivity in public Services, candidates must:

  • Provide information and advice, including advice to ministers, on the basis of the evidence, and accurately present the Options and facts.
  • Take decisions on the merits of the case.
  • Take due account of expert and professional advice.

Candidates must not:
Disregard inconvenient facts or relevant considerations when providing advice or making decisions.
Frustrate the implementation of strategies once decisions are taken by declining to take, or abstaining from, action which flows from those decisions. Therefore objectivity means consideration of convenient and in convenient facts, taking decision based on merits of the case in the matters related to:

In brief, objectivity entails implementation of policy in letter and spirit any personal without bias


Objectivity is a concept that has been debated by philosophers for centuries. In its simplest form, objectivity can be defined as the state of being free from bias or prejudice. However, this definition is often too simplistic to capture the complexity of the concept.

In order to understand objectivity, it is helpful to first consider its opposite: subjectivity. Subjectivity is the state of being influenced by personal feelings, beliefs, or opinions. When we are subjective, we are unable to see things clearly because our own biases are clouding our judgment.

Objectivity, on the other hand, is the state of being free from personal feelings, beliefs, or opinions. When we are objective, we are able to see things clearly and make judgments based on evidence rather than our own biases.

Of course, achieving objectivity is not always easy. We all have our own biases, and it can be difficult to overcome them. However, it is important to strive for objectivity in order to make Sound judgments and decisions.

There are many benefits to being objective. When we are objective, we are able to see things more clearly and make better decisions. We are also more likely to be fair and impartial in our dealings with others.

Objectivity is also important in the pursuit of knowledge. In order to understand the world around us, we need to be able to see things objectively and avoid letting our own biases cloud our judgment.

Of course, there are also some challenges associated with objectivity. One challenge is that it can be difficult to achieve. As mentioned above, we all have our own biases, and it can be difficult to overcome them.

Another challenge is that objectivity can sometimes lead to a lack of Empathy. When we are objective, we may be less likely to understand or care about the feelings of others.

Despite these challenges, objectivity is an important concept that is worth striving for. When we are objective, we are able to see things more clearly, make better decisions, and be fair and impartial in our dealings with others.

Objectivity is a complex concept with a long history of philosophical debate. However, it is an important concept that is worth understanding. When we are objective, we are able to see things more clearly, make better decisions, and be fair and impartial in our dealings with others.

Here are some additional thoughts on objectivity:

  • Objectivity is often seen as the opposite of subjectivity. However, it is important to note that objectivity and subjectivity are not mutually exclusive. It is possible to be objective while still acknowledging one’s own biases.
  • Objectivity is often associated with science and rationality. However, it is important to note that objectivity is not limited to these domains. Objectivity can be applied to any field of inquiry, including art, literature, and philosophy.
  • Objectivity is often seen as a desirable goal. However, it is important to note that objectivity is not always possible. In some cases, it may be impossible to achieve complete objectivity. In other cases, it may be more important to be fair and impartial than to be completely objective.
  • Objectivity is a complex concept with a long history of philosophical debate. However, it is an important concept that is worth understanding. When we are objective, we are able to see things more clearly, make better decisions, and be fair and impartial in our dealings with others.

What is objectivity?

Objectivity is the state of being true regardless of personal feelings, tastes, or opinions. It is the quality of being impartial and fair.

What is the opposite of objectivity?

The opposite of objectivity is subjectivity, which is the state of being influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions.

What are some examples of objectivity?

Some examples of objectivity include:

  • Scientific research: Scientific research is conducted in a way that is designed to minimize bias and maximize the likelihood of producing accurate results.
  • Legal proceedings: Legal proceedings are designed to be fair and impartial, and to ensure that all parties have a chance to present their case.
  • News reporting: News reporting is supposed to be objective and unbiased, presenting the facts of a story without editorializing.

What are some examples of subjectivity?

Some examples of subjectivity include:

  • Art: Art is often subjective, as it is open to interpretation by the viewer.
  • Literature: Literature can also be subjective, as it can be interpreted in different ways by different readers.
  • Personal opinions: Personal opinions are always subjective, as they are based on the individual’s own experiences and beliefs.

What is the importance of objectivity?

Objectivity is important in many areas of life, including science, law, and journalism. In these fields, it is important to be able to present the facts without bias or personal opinion. This allows for a more accurate and fair understanding of the world.

What are some challenges to objectivity?

There are a number of challenges to objectivity. One challenge is that it can be difficult to eliminate all personal bias from our thinking. Another challenge is that it can be difficult to obtain all of the relevant information about a situation. Finally, it can be difficult to present information in a way that is fair and impartial to all sides.

What are some ways to improve objectivity?

There are a number of ways to improve objectivity. One way is to be aware of our own biases and to try to minimize their impact on our thinking. Another way is to gather information from a variety of sources and to consider all sides of an issue before forming an opinion. Finally, we can try to present information in a way that is fair and impartial to all sides.

Question 1

Which of the following is not a characteristic of objectivity?

(A) It is independent of the observer.
(B) It is based on facts.
(C) It is subjective.
(D) It is universal.

Answer: (C)

Question 2

Which of the following is an example of an objective statement?

(A) “I think that chocolate is the best flavor of ice cream.”
(B) “The sky is blue.”
(C) “My favorite movie is The Shawshank Redemption.”
(D) “I believe in God.”

Answer: (B)

Question 3

Which of the following is an example of a subjective statement?

(A) “The sky is blue.”
(B) “I think that chocolate is the best flavor of ice cream.”
(C) “My favorite movie is The Shawshank Redemption.”
(D) “I believe in God.”

Answer: (B)

Question 4

Objectivity is important in science because it allows scientists to make accurate observations and draw reliable conclusions.

(A) True
(B) False

Answer: (A)

Question 5

Objectivity is important in journalism because it allows journalists to report the news in a fair and unbiased way.

(A) True
(B) False

Answer: (A)

Question 6

Objectivity is important in law because it allows judges to make decisions based on the facts of the case, rather than their own personal opinions.

(A) True
(B) False

Answer: (A)

Question 7

Objectivity is important in ethics because it allows us to make decisions based on what is right and wrong, rather than what we want to do.

(A) True
(B) False

Answer: (A)

Question 8

Objectivity is important in all aspects of life because it allows us to make informed decisions and to understand the world around us.

(A) True
(B) False

Answer: (A)

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