North East Special Infrastructure Development Scheme (NESIDS): Bridging the Infrastructure Gap

The North East Special Infrastructure Development Scheme (NESIDS) is a central government initiative aimed at accelerating infrastructural development in the Northeastern states of India. Recognizing the existing infrastructure gaps and unique development challenges of the region, NESIDS seeks to improve physical connectivity, social infrastructure, and bolster sectors crucial for economic growth.

Objectives of NESIDS

  • Enhanced Connectivity: Fund infrastructure projects focusing on roads, bridges, waterways, power, and other critical sectors.
  • Boosted Economic Activity: Creation of infrastructure to support the growth of sectors such as tourism, horticulture, and food processing.
  • Improved Social Infrastructure: Investments in health, education, and social sector infrastructure to improve living standards.
  • Filling Critical Gaps: Prioritize projects with strategic importance for connectivity and development addressing gaps left unaddressed by other schemes.

Key Features of NESIDS

  • Central Funding: NESIDS is a 100% centrally funded scheme, ensuring dedicated financial resources for infrastructure in the Northeast.
  • Prioritizing Incomplete Projects: Places emphasis on the completion of ongoing infrastructure projects in the region.
  • State-Led Implementation: Projects are identified and implemented in close consultation with the respective state governments.
  • Focus on Sustainability: Encourages projects with a focus on environmental sustainability and resilience to natural hazards.

Projects Supported under NESIDS

  • Construction and upgradation of roads and bridges
  • Power transmission and distribution infrastructure
  • Augmentation of healthcare facilities
  • Educational infrastructure like schools and hostels
  • Tourism infrastructure and amenities


  • Which states are covered under NESIDS? All eight Northeastern states: Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, and Tripura.
  • How are projects selected? State governments play a major role in proposing and prioritizing projects in line with regional needs.


  1. The primary focus of NESIDS is to:
    • A. Offer free agricultural inputs
    • B. Eradicate rural poverty
    • C. Develop infrastructure in the Northeast
    • D. Train farmers in advanced techniques
  2. Which of these is NOT a typical project funded by NESIDS?
  • A. Hospital construction
  • B. Highways and bridges
  • C. Tourist resorts
  • D. Free metro train construction

Answer Key: 1-C, 2-D


The North East Special Infrastructure Development Scheme (NESIDS) holds significant potential to accelerate progress in the Northeastern states by bridging infrastructure gaps and creating a conducive environment for inclusive economic growth. Success hinges on careful project selection, timely implementation, community engagement, and sustainable design. As NESIDS expands its reach, it has the potential to transform the infrastructure landscape of the Northeast, improving connectivity, boosting economic opportunities, and enhancing the quality of life for its residents.

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