New dimensions of public management

New dimensions of public management

NPM is a label that captures a range of reforms inspired by the idea that private sector management techniques and market mechanisms increase public sector efficiency. NPM type reforms include, for example, quantification, the introduction of performance management systems, the increase in the responsibility of public administrators, the introduction of market mechanisms into public sector, the introduction of quality management techniques, among others.

Objectives of Public Management reforms

Earlier reforms were treated as technical or legal. They were confined to national boundaries and did not have any spread effect on other countries. However, a considerable body of ideas in the form of comparative Development Administration emerged that tried to present the western models as the ideal ones for the developing world to follow. The first wave took place mainly in USA and UK who were the front runners of public reforms.

The second wave emerged during the global economic crisis of 1970s and it was based on the notion that the governments, particularly the welfare states, had become ‘overloaded’, unaffordable, ineffective and overly constraining on employees and citizens alike . There was an exhortation to make government more business- like, to save Money, to increase efficiency and simultaneously oblige public bureaucracies to act more responsively towards their clients. The wave provided the background conditions for the emergence of New Public Management.


Managerialism can be defined as management styles that were adopted in private sector to re-invent the private sector organizations. It is believed that government can also work like a business enterprise using the practices of private sector. Thus ‘management’ becomes the key factor affecting the success of an organization. It also assumes that ‘management’ is a distinct and separate activity, and one that plays the crucial integrative role in bringing together plans, people, and technology to achieve desired results.

Public Choice theory

Public choice theory was the earlier theory applied to bureaucratic organizations against debate over managerialism. Mueller has argued that public choice theory is a sub-branch of economic thought concerned with the application of microeconomics to political and social areas.

Many arguments were made in support of public choice theory. Minimizing the role of the government, and making it only as a facilitator, enabler, promoter and regulator can yield better results. If the role of the bureaucratic organizations is minimum, then market mechanisms shall grow wider. One argument is that, there will be bureaucratic capture if the policy and operational functions are combined together.

Agency Theory 

Agency theory came from the Chicago school based on the economic theory that advocate separation of principals from the agents. . The accountability concerns were the main focus for the application of principal/ agent theory in public sector.

In the public sector, there is a difficulty to determine who the owners are and what their goals. Hence principal/agent concept is unlikely to be effective. It is difficult for the agents to find out what each principal needs or wants. Agents are less likely to perform in a situation like this. Private sector also faces similar problems but to a lesser degree.

Transaction Cost Theory The other key economic theory in the managerial changes has been that of transaction costs; this theory is concerned with the transactional costs in the public organizations. This theory focused on the reduction of transaction cost by applying contractual systems in the Public Service provision in contrast to the traditional hierarchical co-ordination and decision-making process.



Management of change

The management of change element helps ensure that changes to a process do not inadvertently introduce new hazards or unknowingly increase risk of existing hazards. The MOC element includes a review and authorization process for evaluating proposed adjustments to facility design, operations, organization, or activities prior to implementation to make certain that no unforeseen new hazards are introduced and that the risk of existing hazards to employees, the public, or the Environment is not unknowingly increased. It also includes steps to help ensure that potentially affected personnel are notified of the change and that pertinent documents, such as procedures, process safety knowledge, and so forth, are kept up–to-date.

The main product of an management of change system is a properly reviewed and authorized change request that identifies and ensures the implementation of risk controls appropriate to the proposed change. Higher risk situations usually dictate a greater need for formality and thoroughness in the implementation of an Management of change protocol, for example, a detailed written program that specifies exactly how changes are identified, reviewed, and managed. Companies having lower risk situations may appropriately decide to manage changes in a less rigorous fashion, for example, through a general policy about managing changes that is implemented via informal practices by trained key employees. Facilities that exhibit a high demand rate for managing changes may need greater specificity in the management of change  procedure and a larger allocation of personnel Resources to fulfill the defined roles and responsibilities. Lower demand situations can allow facilities to operate an management of change protocol with greater flexibility. Facilities with a Sound process safety culture may choose to have more performance-based management of change procedures, allowing trained employees to use good judgment in managing changes in an agile system. Facilities with an evolving or uncertain process safety culture may require more prescriptive management of change procedures, more frequent training, and greater command and control management system features to ensure good management of change implementation discipline.


Public management is the process of managing public organizations and programs. It is a complex and challenging field that requires a wide range of skills and knowledge. Public managers must be able to understand and manage complex systems, work effectively with people from different backgrounds, and make decisions in the face of uncertainty.

In recent years, the field of public management has been undergoing a number of changes. These changes are being driven by a number of factors, including the increasing complexity of public problems, the growing demands on public Services, and the changing expectations of citizens.

One of the most significant changes in public management is the rise of new public management (NPM). NPM is a Public Administration reform movement that emphasizes the importance of private sector management techniques in the public sector. NPM reforms typically include measures such as contracting out, performance measurement, and deregulation.

NPM has been controversial, but it has also had a significant impact on public management. NPM has led to a number of changes in the way that public organizations are managed, including a focus on efficiency, effectiveness, and customer service.

Another significant change in public management is the rise of new governance. New governance is a term used to describe the changing nature of public administration in the 21st century. New governance emphasizes the importance of collaboration, networks, and partnerships between government, business, and civil Society.

New governance is being driven by a number of factors, including the increasing complexity of public problems, the growing demands on public services, and the changing expectations of citizens. New governance is seen as a way to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of public services, and to build trust between government and citizens.

The field of public management is constantly evolving, and public managers must be able to adapt to these changes. Public managers must be able to think strategically, manage complex systems, and work effectively with people from different backgrounds. They must also be able to make decisions in the face of uncertainty.

Public management is a challenging but rewarding field. Public managers have the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of citizens. They can help to improve the Quality Of Life, and to build a better future for all.

Here are some of the key challenges facing public management in the 21st century:

  • The increasing complexity of public problems: Public problems are becoming increasingly complex, and it is often difficult to identify the root causes of these problems. This makes it difficult to develop effective solutions.
  • The growing demands on public services: The demands on public services are growing, as the Population ages and the needs of citizens become more diverse. This puts a strain on public resources, and it can be difficult to meet the needs of all citizens.
  • The changing expectations of citizens: Citizens are increasingly demanding more from government, and they are less tolerant of inefficiency and waste. This puts pressure on public managers to improve the performance of public organizations.

Despite these challenges, there are also a number of opportunities for public management in the 21st century. These opportunities include:

  • The rise of new technologies: New technologies can be used to improve the delivery of public services, and to make government more efficient and effective.
  • The growing importance of collaboration: Collaboration between government, business, and civil society can help to address complex problems and improve the quality of life for citizens.
  • The increasing focus on sustainability: Public managers can play a key role in promoting Sustainable Development and protecting the environment.

The future of public management is uncertain, but it is clear that the field will continue to evolve in the years to come. Public managers must be prepared to adapt to these changes, and to find new ways to improve the quality of life for citizens.

What is public management?

Public management is the process of managing the resources and activities of a government or other public organization. It includes planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the work of the organization to achieve its goals.

What are the different types of public management?

There are many different types of public management, but some of the most common include:

  • Traditional public management: This is the traditional approach to public management, which is based on the principles of hierarchy, Bureaucracy, and control.
  • New public management: This is a more recent approach to public management, which is based on the principles of market competition, efficiency, and customer service.
  • Network governance: This is a more collaborative approach to public management, which involves working with other organizations and stakeholders to achieve common goals.

What are the challenges of public management?

Public management faces a number of challenges, including:

  • Limited resources: Public organizations often have limited resources, which can make it difficult to achieve their goals.
  • Political interference: Public organizations are often subject to political interference, which can make it difficult to manage them effectively.
  • Bureaucracy: Public organizations can be slow and inefficient, due to their complex bureaucratic structures.
  • Public apathy: The public is often apathetic about public affairs, which can make it difficult to get them involved in public management.

What are the benefits of public management?

Public management has a number of benefits, including:

  • Providing essential services: Public organizations provide essential services that would not be available if they were not managed by the government.
  • Ensuring accountability: Public organizations are accountable to the public, which helps to ensure that they are responsive to the needs of the people.
  • Promoting social Justice: Public organizations can promote social justice by providing services to those who are most in need.
  • Advancing the public good: Public organizations can advance the public good by working to improve the quality of life for all citizens.

What are the future trends in public management?

Some of the future trends in public management include:

  • The rise of the digital government: The digital government is a government that uses technology to improve the delivery of public services.
  • The increasing importance of data analytics: Data analytics is the process of collecting and analyzing data to make better decisions.
  • The growing need for collaboration: Public organizations are increasingly collaborating with other organizations and stakeholders to achieve common goals.
  • The increasing focus on performance management: Performance management is the process of setting goals, measuring progress, and taking corrective action to improve performance.

What are the ethical issues in public management?

Public management is a complex field that involves a number of ethical issues. Some of the most common ethical issues in public management include:

  • Conflict of interest: A conflict of interest occurs when a public official has a personal interest that could interfere with their ability to make impartial decisions.
  • Transparency: Public officials have a duty to be transparent in their decision-making.
  • Accountability: Public officials are accountable to the public for their actions.
  • Equity: Public officials must treat all citizens fairly.
  • Responsiveness: Public officials must be responsive to the needs of the public.
  1. Which of the following is not a new dimension of public management?
    (A) Performance management
    (B) Citizen engagement
    (C) New public management
    (D) E-government

  2. Which of the following is not a goal of performance management?
    (A) To improve the efficiency and effectiveness of government services
    (B) To hold government accountable to citizens
    (C) To make government more transparent and responsive
    (D) To reduce the size of government

  3. Which of the following is not a tool of performance management?
    (A) Performance indicators
    (B) Performance targets
    (C) Performance reviews
    (D) Performance BUDGETING

  4. Which of the following is not a benefit of citizen engagement?
    (A) It can improve the quality of government services
    (B) It can increase citizen satisfaction with government
    (C) It can help to build trust between citizens and government
    (D) It can reduce the cost of government

  5. Which of the following is not a tool of citizen engagement?
    (A) Public consultation
    (B) Citizen surveys
    (C) Citizen juries
    (D) Citizen participation in government boards and commissions

  6. Which of the following is not a goal of e-government?
    (A) To make government services more accessible to citizens
    (B) To improve the efficiency and effectiveness of government services
    (C) To reduce the cost of government
    (D) To increase citizen satisfaction with government

  7. Which of the following is not a tool of e-government?
    (A) Websites
    (B) Online services
    (C) Mobile apps
    (D) Social Media

  8. Which of the following is not a challenge of performance management?
    (A) Measuring performance can be difficult
    (B) Setting performance targets can be difficult
    (C) Holding government accountable for performance can be difficult
    (D) Performance management can be expensive

  9. Which of the following is not a challenge of citizen engagement?
    (A) It can be difficult to get citizens involved
    (B) It can be difficult to ensure that citizen input is taken into account
    (C) Citizen engagement can be time-consuming and expensive
    (D) Citizen engagement can lead to conflict and disagreement

  10. Which of the following is not a challenge of e-government?
    (A) Not all citizens have access to the Internet
    (B) Not all government services are available online
    (C) E-government can be difficult to use
    (D) E-government can be vulnerable to security threats

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