Nature, Scope and Applications of Biotechnology

<<2/”>a >a href=””>Biotechnology is defined as the industrial application of living organisms and their biological processes such as biochemistry, Microbiology, and Genetic engineering, in order to make best use of the Microorganisms for the benefit of mankind. Modern biotechnology provides breakthrough products and technologies to combat debilitating and rare diseases, reduce our environmental footprint, feed the hungry, use less and cleaner energy, and have safer, cleaner and more efficient industrial manufacturing processes.

Biotechnology began in the 1970s after the development of genetic engineering that allowed scientists to modify the genetic material of living cells. Genetic engineering is the manipulation of DNA Molecules to produce modified Plants, animals, or other organisms. DNA is the part of a cell that controls the genetic information of an animal or plant. DNA is a double-stranded molecule that is present in every cell of an organism. The genetic information is contained in individual units or sections of DNA called genes. The genes that are passed from parent to offspring determine the traits that the offspring will have.

Applications of Biotechnology

  1. Health and medicine

Fighting infectious diseases : Biotechnology is used extensively in the study of infectious diseases such as SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), and influenza. As a result more effective pharmaceuticals have been developed.

Development of Vaccines and antibiotics : Using technology, microorganisms are used to develop antibiotics and vaccines to cure diseases. For example, bacteria Bacillus polymysea is used to produce polymyxin B (antibiotic used to cure urinary tract infections), fungus Penicillium notatum is used to produce penicillin (used to cure pneumonia, and many other bacterial infections.)

Treating genetic disorders : Disease can occur when genes become defective due to mutations. With advancements in biotechnology, in the near future it will be possible to use gene therapy to replace an abnormal or faulty gene with a normal copy of the same gene. It may be used to treat ailments such as heart disease, inherited diseases such as SCID, and Thalassaemia.

In forensic science : A lot of New techniques have been developed such as DNA fingerprinting, besides having a number of other applications which have facilitated the speedy identification of the criminals.

  1. Environment

Cleaning up and managing the environment : Cleaning up the environment using living organisms is called bioremediation. Naturally occurring, as well as genetically modified microorganisms, such as bacteria, Fungi and ENZYMES are used to break down toxic and hazardous substances present in the environment.

  1. agriculture

Biotechnology In Agriculture

For about 10,000 years , farmers have been improving wild plants and animals through the selection and breeding of desirable characteristics. This breeding has resulted in the domesticated plants and animals that are commonly used in crop and Livestock agriculture. In the twentieth century, breeding became more sophisticated, as the traits that breeders select for include increased yield, disease and pest resistance, drought resistance and enhanced flavor. Traits are passed from one generation to the next through genes, which are made of DNA. All living things—including the fruits, vegetables and meat that we eat—contain genes that tell cells how to function. Recently, scientists have learned enough to begin to identify and work with the genes (DNA) that are responsible for traits.

Agricultural biotechnology is a collection of scientific techniques used to improve plants, animals and microorganisms. Based on an understanding of DNA, scientists have developed solutions to increase agricultural productivity. Starting from the ability to identify genes that may confer advantages on certain crops, and the ability to work with such characteristics very precisely, biotechnology enhances breeders’ ability to make improvements in crops and livestock. Biotechnology enables improvements that are not possible with traditional crossing of related species alone.

Technological aspects of agricultural biotechnology

Genetic engineering

Scientists have learned how to move genes from one organism to another. This has been called genetic modification (GM), genetic engineering (GE) or genetic improvement (GI). Regardless of the name, the process allows the transfer of useful characteristics (such as resistance to a disease) into a plant, animal or microorganism by inserting genes (DNA) from another organism. Virtually all crops improved with transferred DNA (often called GM crops or GMOs) to date have been developed to aid farmers to increase productivity by reducing crop damage from Weeds, diseases or insects.

Molecular markers

Traditional breeding involves selection of individual plants or animals based on visible or measurable traits. By examining the DNA of an organism, scientists can use molecular markers to select plants or animals that possess a desirable gene, even in the absence of a visible trait. Thus, breeding is more precise and efficient. For example, the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture has used molecular markers to obtain cowpea resistant to bruchid (a beetle), disease-resistant white yam and cassava resistant to Cassava Mosaic Disease, among others. Another use of molecular markers is to identify undesirable genes that can be eliminated in future generations.

Molecular diagnostics

Molecular diagnostics are methods to detect genes or gene products that are very precise and specific. Molecular diagnostics are used in agriculture to more accurately diagnose crop/livestock diseases.


Biotechnology-derived vaccines are used in livestock and humans. They may be cheaper, better and/or safer than traditional vaccines. They are also stable at room temperature, and do not need refrigerated storage; this is an important advantage for smallholders in tropical countries. Some are new vaccines, which offer protection for the first time against some infectious illnesses. For example, in the Philippines, biotechnology has been used to develop an improved vaccine to protect cattle and water buffalo against hemorrhagic septicemia, a leading cause of death for both species.

Tissue Culture

Tissue culture is the regeneration of plants in the laboratory from disease-free plant parts. This technique allows for the Reproduction of disease-free planting material for crops. Examples of crops produced using tissue culture include citrus, pineapples, avocados, mangoes, bananas, coffee and papaya.


Biofertilizers are defined as preparations containing living cells or latent cells of efficient strains of microorganisms that help crop plants’ uptake of nutrients by their interactions in the rhizosphere when applied through seed or Soil.  They accelerate certain microbial processes in the soil which augment the extent of availability of nutrients in a form easily assimilated by plants.

Very often microorganisms are not as efficient in natural surroundings as one would expect them to be and therefore artificially multiplied cultures of efficient selected microorganisms play a vital role in accelerating the microbial processes in soil.

Use of biofertilizers is one of the important components of integrated nutrient management, as they are cost effective and renewable source of plant nutrients to supplement the chemical Fertilizers for Sustainable Agriculture. Several microorganisms and their association with crop plants are being exploited in the production of biofertilizers. They can be grouped in different ways based on their nature and function.

Different types of biofertilizers 


Rhizobium is a soil habitat bacterium, which can able to colonize the legume roots and fixes the atmospheric nitrogen symbiotically. The morphology and physiology of Rhizobium will vary from free-living condition to the bacteroid of nodules. They are the most efficient biofertilizer as per the quantity of nitrogen fixed concerned. They have seven genera and highly specific to form nodule in legumes, referred as cross inoculation group.

Rhizobium inoculant was first made in USA and commercialized by private enterprise in 1930s and the strange situation at that time has been chronicled by Fred.

Initially, due to absence of efficient bradyrhizobial strains in soil, soybean inoculation at that time resulted in bumper crops but incessant inoculation during the last four decades by US farmers has resulted in the build up of a plethora of inefficient strains in soil whose replacement by efficient strains of bradyrhizobia has become an insurmountable problem.


Of the several species of Azotobacter, A. chroococcum happens to be the dominant inhabitant in arable soils capable of fixing N2 (2-15 mg N2 fixed /g of carbon source) in culture media.

The bacterium produces abundant slime which helps in soil aggregation. The numbers of A. chroococcum in Indian soils rarely exceeds 105/g soil due to lack of organic matter and the presence of antagonistic microorganisms in soil.


Azospirillum lipoferum and A. brasilense (Spirillum lipoferum in earlier literature) are primary inhabitants of soil, the rhizosphere and intercellular spaces of root cortex of graminaceous plants.

They perform the associative symbiotic relation with the graminaceous plants.   The bacteria of Genus Azospirillum are  N2 fixing organisms isolated from the root and above ground parts of a variety of crop plants. They are Gram negative, Vibrio or Spirillum having abundant accumulation of polybetahydroxybutyrate (70 %) in cytoplasm.

Five species of Azospirillum have been described to date A. brasilense, A.lipoferum, A.amazonense, A.halopraeferens and A.irakense.  The organism proliferates under both anaerobic and aerobic conditions but it is preferentially micro-aerophilic in the presence or absence of combined nitrogen in the medium.


Both free-living as well as symbiotic cyanobacteria (blue green algae) have been harnessed in rice cultivation in India. A composite culture of BGA having heterocystous Nostoc, Anabaena, Aulosira etc. is given as primary inoculum in trays, polythene lined pots and later mass multiplied in the field for application as soil based flakes to the rice growing field at the rate of 10 kg/ha. The final product is not free from extraneous contaminants and not very often monitored for checking the presence of desiredalgal Flora.

Once so much publicized as a biofertilizer for the rice crop, it has not presently attracted the attention of rice growers all over India except pockets in the Southern States, notably Tamil Nadu. The benefits due to algalization could be to the extent of 20-30 kg N/ha under ideal conditions but the labour oriented methodology for the preparation of BGA biofertilizer is in itself a limitation. Quality control measures are not usually followed except perhaps for random checking for the presence of desired species qualitatively.

Azolla  Azolla is a free-floating water fern that floats in water and fixes atmospheric nitrogen in association with nitrogen fixing blue green alga Anabaena azollae. Azolla fronds consist of sporophyte with a floating rhizome and small overlapping bi-lobed leaves and roots. Rice growing areas in South East Asia and other third World countries have recently been evincing increased interest in the use of the symbiotic N2 fixing water fern Azolla either as an alternate nitrogen sources or as a supplement to commercial nitrogen fertilizers. Azolla is used as biofertilizer for wetland rice and it is known to contribute 40-60 kg N/ha per rice crop.


  1. Industry

Biotechnology has been used in the industry to produce new products for human consumption. Food additives have been developed which help in the preservation of food. Microorganisms are used in the mass production of items such as cheese, yoghurt, and alcohol.

Biotechnology through Genetic engineering has made Food Crops more resistant to disease, but the mere act of modification of the naturally selected food crops may actually disturb the delicate balance of Biodiversity-2/”>Biodiversity which exists in nature causing a disturbance to the natural balance.

The production of GMOs has negative impacts on the natural ecosystem which are not apparent now but will be apparent in the future. For example, genetic changes in a particular plant or animal might render it harmful to another organism higher up in the food chain and ultimately this effect may build up to destroy the entire food chain in which that plant plays a role.

GMOs have been known to retain some of the genetically modified DNA in the final product made for human consumption. Such remnants of genetic material are harful to human health and can cause production of previously unknown allergens.

Genetically modified plants and animals have the potential to replace traditional farming or say Poultry and meat-producing practices. This will result in destruction of economies based on these products.

In the context of applications of genetic engineering in human life, misuse of this technology in the production of biological warfare or weapons is a very major disadvantage.

Genetic engineering is being used to create human organs but in the long run if it can create genetically modified, perfect human specimens who are better than the creators than this may be disastrous.

Nature selection in man and the resulting diversity of the human genetic pool is essential for the survival of the species. Genetic engineering will interfere with this process too causing unknown complications.

The progress of science in the 20th and 21st centuries exploded, creating technologies that reshaped Society and extended lives. The pace of change was so great that it took society years to start asking questions about the ethics or morality of new developments. Now, humanity is at a major crossroads, where further Investment in biotechnologies could change the way humans live and reproduce. Here are ethical issues attached with biotechnology:

  • the use of genetic information to create medicine contributes to the rising cost of drugs, and shifts attention away from designing affordable drugs available for mass production.
  • Creation of designer babies by manipulating gene is another troublesome issue. Designer babies are children enhanced through gene manipulation to meet certain mental, physical, and emotional demands of parents. The technology does not yet exist to manipulate the entire genome of a fetus, but research continues along this path.
  • Use of stem cells is one of the most controversial issue of biotechnology. creating new lines from embryonic stem cells is akin to abortion, and the destruction of any embryo for research purposes is an ethical violation.
  • With rising use of biotechnology, there is great pressure on the drug approval agency. This pressure of shortening the trial phase can remove the safeguards put in place to keep public safe.
  • The opponents of Genetically modified organism argue that these organism actually put the entire food supply at risk through the homogenization of plant life and the death of biodiversity. They also argue that insects and plant-destroying bacteria or diseases will continue to evolve with the GMOs, resulting in super-pests and super-diseases that are untreatable by modern methods. Finally, doctors argue that GMOs include antibiotics that make their way into the human body. Overconsumption of antibiotics is harmful, because those drugs lose their ability to fight off disease.
  • Biotechnology engineers and companies must find a way to address cost issues and make new advancements more affordable for the Average consumer; otherwise, biotechnology will create a two-tiered society: those who can afford the medical treatments needed to live, and those who cannot.

The Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India, announced the First National Biotechnology Development Strategy in September 2007. The implementation of Biotech Strategy 2007 has provided an insight into the enormous opportunities. Boundaries between disciplines once considered distant are now beginning to blur and as a consequence of their convergence given birth to newer opportunities and challenges. Thus, it was felt opportune to take a critical look at the Indian biotech sector as it will likely unfold over the next 5-6 years.

In year 2015, DBT announced “The National Biotechnology Development Strategy-2015-2020” (hereinafter referred to as ‘Strategy-II’), which was framed after a wider consultation with stakeholders. Strategy-II would seamlessly build on the earlier Strategy to accelerate the pace of Growth of biotechnology sector at par with global requirements.

Key Elements of Strategy-II are as follows:

Realizing that biotechnology has the potential to be a globally transformative intellectual enterprise of humankind, our renewed mission is to:

  • Provide impetus to fulfillment of the potential for a new understanding of life processes and utilizing the knowledge and tools to the advantage of humanity;
  • Launch a major, well-directed effort backed by significant investment for generation of biotech products, processes and technologies to enhance efficiency, productivity, safety and cost-effectiveness of agriculture, food and nutritional security; affordable health and wellness; environmental safety; clean energy and biofuel; and bio-manufacturing.
  • Empower, scientifically and technologically, India’s incomparable human resource;
  • Create a strong Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE for research, development and commercialization for a robust bioeconomy;
  • Establish India as a world class bio-manufacturing hub for developing and developed markets.

Guiding Principles that Will Drive the Strategy:

Consultations with stakeholders have identified the following 10 guiding principles that shall drive the renewed mission through Strategy-II.

  • Building a Skilled Workforce and Leadership
  • Revitalizing the Knowledge Environment at par with the Growing Bio-economy
  • Enhance Research Opportunities in Basic, Disciplinary and Inter-disciplinary Sciences
  • Encourage Use-inspired Discovery Research
  • Focus on Biotechnology Tools for Inclusive Development
  • Commercialization of Technology – Nurturing Innovation, Translational Capacity and Entrepreneurship
  • Biotechnology and Society – Ensuring a Transparent, Efficient and Globally Best Regulatory System and Communication Strategy
  • Biotechnology Cooperation – Fostering Global and National Alliances
  • Strengthen Institutional Capacity with Redesigned Governance Models
  • Create a Matrix of Measurement of Processes as well as Outcome

Sectoral Priorities:

The Department has identified following sectors to accelerate the pace of growth of biotechnology sector at par with global requirements.

  • Human Resource
  • Building Knowledge Environment
  • Research Opportunities: human genome research, vaccines, infectious & chronic disease biology, stem cells & regenerative medicine, basic research, translational research, human developmental and disease biology – maternal & child health, bioengineering and bio-design
  • Agriculture, Animal Heath and productivity
  • Medicinal And Aromatic Plants
  • Food fortification and biofortification
  • Bioprospecting, value-added Biomass/”>Biomass & products
  • Marine biotechnology & biodiversity
  • Environmental management, Clean bio-energy
  • Nurturing Entrepreneurship – IP Landscaping, Technology Transfer, Incubators, Entrepreneurship, SME Support Systems
  • Biotechnology and society
  • Biotechnology Cooperation

Major initiatives of the National Biotechnology Development Strategy 2015-2020:

  • Launch four major missions in healthcare, food and Nutrition, clean energy and Education
  • Create a technology development and translation Network across India with global PARTNERSHIP, including 5 new clusters, 40 biotech incubators, 150 TTOs, and 20 bio-connect centres
  • Ensure strategic and focused investment in building the Human Capital by setting up a Life Sciences and Biotechnology Education Council


Biotechnology is the use of biological processes for industrial and other purposes. It is a rapidly growing field with a wide range of applications.

The history of biotechnology can be traced back to the early days of agriculture, when humans began to domesticate plants and animals. Over time, people learned to use microorganisms to produce food, such as cheese and beer. In the 19th century, scientists began to study the basic principles of biology, which led to the development of new technologies, such as Fermentation-2/”>Fermentation and genetic engineering.

Today, biotechnology is used in a wide range of industries, including agriculture, food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, energy, and the environment. Some of the most common applications of biotechnology include:

  • Agriculture: Biotechnology is used to improve crop yields, develop new varieties of crops that are resistant to pests and diseases, and produce biofuels.
  • Food and beverage: Biotechnology is used to produce food additives, enzymes, and flavors. It is also used to develop new methods of Food Processing and preservation.
  • Pharmaceuticals: Biotechnology is used to develop new drugs and vaccines. It is also used to produce proteins and other biological products.
  • Energy: Biotechnology is used to produce biofuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel. It is also used to develop new methods of energy production, such as solar and wind power.
  • Environment: Biotechnology is used to clean up pollution, develop new methods of Waste Management, and restore damaged Ecosystems.

Biotechnology is a powerful tool that has the potential to solve some of the world’s most pressing problems. However, it is important to use biotechnology responsibly and ethically. Some of the potential risks of biotechnology include:

  • The development of new diseases: Biotechnology can be used to create new organisms that may be harmful to humans or the environment.
  • The misuse of biotechnology: Biotechnology can be used for unethical purposes, such as the development of biological weapons.
  • The loss of biodiversity: Biotechnology can lead to the loss of biodiversity, as new organisms are introduced into the environment.

It is important to weigh the potential benefits and risks of biotechnology before using it. With careful planning and oversight, biotechnology can be used to improve the lives of people around the world.

Here are some additional details on the applications of biotechnology in the different industries:

  • Agriculture: Biotechnology is used in agriculture to improve crop yields, develop new varieties of crops that are resistant to pests and diseases, and produce biofuels. For example, genetically modified crops are now widely used around the world. These crops have been engineered to be resistant to pests, herbicides, or diseases. This has led to increased crop yields and reduced the use of pesticides.
  • Food and beverage: Biotechnology is used in the food and beverage industry to produce food additives, enzymes, and flavors. It is also used to develop new methods of food processing and preservation. For example, enzymes are used to produce cheese, beer, and wine. They are also used to break down food components, such as starch and cellulose, into simpler forms that can be easily digested.
  • Pharmaceuticals: Biotechnology is used in the pharmaceutical industry to develop new drugs and vaccines. It is also used to produce proteins and other biological products. For example, insulin is a protein that is produced by the pancreas. People with diabetes do not produce enough insulin, so they need to inject it into their bodies. Insulin can now be produced using biotechnology, which has made it much more affordable and accessible to people with diabetes.
  • Energy: Biotechnology is used in the energy industry to produce biofuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel. It is also used to develop new methods of energy production, such as solar and wind power. For example, ethanol is a biofuel that is produced from corn. It can be used to power cars and other vehicles. Biodiesel is a biofuel that is produced from vegetable oils. It can be used to power cars and other vehicles, as well as to heat homes and businesses.
  • Environment: Biotechnology is used in the environmental industry to clean up pollution, develop new methods of waste management, and restore damaged ecosystems. For example, bacteria can be used to clean up oil spills. They can also be used to break down pollutants, such as pesticides and herbicides.

Biotechnology is a rapidly growing field with a wide range of applications. It has the potential to solve some of the world’s most pressing problems, such as hunger, disease, and pollution. However, it is important to use biotechnology responsibly and ethically.

What is biotechnology?

Biotechnology is the use of living organisms or their components to make or modify products, improve plants or animals, or develop microorganisms for specific purposes.

What are the different types of biotechnology?

There are many different types of biotechnology, but some of the most common include:

  • Agricultural biotechnology: This type of biotechnology is used to improve crops and livestock. For example, agricultural biotechnology can be used to develop crops that are resistant to pests or diseases, or to produce crops that are higher in nutrients.
  • Medical biotechnology: This type of biotechnology is used to develop new drugs and therapies. For example, medical biotechnology can be used to develop new vaccines, or to create cells that can be used to treat diseases.
  • Industrial biotechnology: This type of biotechnology is used to produce industrial products, such as biofuels, chemicals, and materials. For example, industrial biotechnology can be used to produce ethanol from corn, or to create enzymes that can be used to produce plastics.

What are the benefits of biotechnology?

Biotechnology has many benefits, including:

  • Improved food production: Biotechnology can be used to develop crops that are resistant to pests or diseases, or to produce crops that are higher in nutrients. This can help to improve Food Security and reduce hunger.
  • New drugs and therapies: Biotechnology can be used to develop new drugs and therapies to treat diseases. This can help to improve human health and save lives.
  • Industrial products: Biotechnology can be used to produce industrial products, such as biofuels, chemicals, and materials. This can help to reduce our reliance on non-renewable Resources and protect the environment.

What are the risks of biotechnology?

Biotechnology also has some risks, including:

  • The potential for environmental harm: Some biotechnology products, such as genetically modified organisms (GMOs), could potentially harm the environment. For example, GMOs could cross-pollinate with wild plants, or they could harm non-target organisms.
  • The potential for human health risks: Some biotechnology products, such as new drugs and therapies, could potentially have adverse effects on human health. For example, new drugs could have side effects, or they could interact with other medications.
  • The potential for misuse: Biotechnology could be misused for harmful purposes, such as developing biological weapons or creating designer drugs.

What are the ethical issues of biotechnology?

Biotechnology raises some ethical issues, such as:

  • The use of animals in research: Biotechnology often relies on the use of animals in research. This raises ethical concerns about the treatment of animals.
  • The patenting of life forms: Biotechnology companies often patent life forms, such as genes and microorganisms. This raises ethical concerns about the ownership of life.
  • The use of biotechnology for human enhancement: Biotechnology could be used to enhance human capabilities, such as intelligence or physical strength. This raises ethical concerns about the potential for inequality and the misuse of biotechnology.

What is the future of biotechnology?

Biotechnology is a rapidly developing field with a promising future. It is likely that biotechnology will continue to be used to develop new products and technologies that improve our lives. However, it is important to be aware of the risks and ethical issues associated with biotechnology so that we can use it responsibly.

  1. Which of the following is not a branch of biotechnology?
    (A) Genetic engineering
    (B) Bioremediation
    (C) Biofuel production
    (D) Bioethics

  2. Which of the following is not a tool used in biotechnology?
    (A) PCR
    (B) Restriction enzymes
    (C) Gel electrophoresis
    (D) DNA sequencing

  3. Which of the following is not a product of biotechnology?
    (A) Insulin
    (B) Human growth hormone
    (C) Aspartame
    (D) Antibiotics

  4. Which of the following is not a benefit of biotechnology?
    (A) Increased crop yields
    (B) Improved human health
    (C) Reduced environmental pollution
    (D) Increased food safety

  5. Which of the following is not a risk of biotechnology?
    (A) The creation of new diseases
    (B) The accidental release of genetically modified organisms
    (C) The misuse of biotechnology for military purposes
    (D) The loss of biodiversity

  6. Which of the following is not a regulation of biotechnology?
    (A) The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
    (B) The Convention on Biological Diversity
    (C) The European Union Directive on Genetically Modified Organisms
    (D) The United States Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

  7. Which of the following is not a criticism of biotechnology?
    (A) Biotechnology is unnatural.
    (B) Biotechnology is dangerous.
    (C) Biotechnology is expensive.
    (D) Biotechnology is not necessary.

  8. Which of the following is not a supporter of biotechnology?
    (A) The biotechnology industry
    (B) The government
    (C) Environmentalists
    (D) Farmers

  9. Which of the following is not a future trend in biotechnology?
    (A) The development of new tools and techniques
    (B) The application of biotechnology to new areas
    (C) The regulation of biotechnology
    (D) The public debate on biotechnology

  10. Which of the following is not a goal of biotechnology?
    (A) To improve human health
    (B) To increase food production
    (C) To protect the environment
    (D) To create new products and Services

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