Natural Vegetation of Rajasthan :-for Ras RTS Mains and Ras Rts Prelims Exam

<2/”>a >Rajasthan is blessed with great variety of natural Resources ranging from scanty vegetation in the western arid region to mixed delicious and sub-tropical evergreen forests in the east and south east of Aravali ranges.

Forest cover is 32744.49 is reserved, 18222 Protected Forest 2046.75 is unclassified forest) which is about 9.57% of the total area of the state.

Area wise the districs with decreasing forest cover are:- Udaipur>Baran>Alwar>Sirohi>Bundi

According the vegetation the forests of Rajasthan are devided into 9 sub-types:-

  • Dhol Forests:- covers about 60 % of the forest area, Mainly located in the South-eastern parts of Aravali hills between 270 m to 770 m. Major species are Dhol and babul.
  • Kattha Forests:- covers about 3 % of the forest area and located in South-eastern regions of the state.
  • Salar Forests:- covers about 5 % of the forest area and located in upper ridges of Aravali. Major species are Salar, Kalayana, Gondla and Ber.
  • Dhak Forests :- covers badly drained clay Soil forest and occupies foot hills and depressions.
  • Bamboo Forests :-covers about 2.5  % of the forest area and located in Chittorgah,kota,Udaipur and Abu regions of the state. It occurs as  pure patches in depressions.
  • Teak Forests :- located in Southern and South-eastern regions of the state.
  • Mixed miscellaneous Forests covers about 20 % of the forest area and located in South-eastern regions of the state in the districts of Bundi, Sirohi, Kota, Udaipur and Chittorgarh.
  • Sub-Tropical Evergreen Forests located about 30 sq km around the Mt. Abu at an elevation of 1000m to 1300m where the rainfall is 150 cm.
  • Thorn Forests are located in arid areas of noth western regions of the state covering the districts of Nagaur,Pali,Sikar,JhunjhunuAjmer,Jaisalmer and Jodhpur.



Various forest products obtained from forests of Rajasthan are:-

  • Gums and Regins
  • Tan and Dyes
  • Oil seeds and Oil yielding Plants
  • Essential oil bearing plants
  • Species providing fibres and flosses
  • Edible product species.


Programmes for development and preservation of Forests:-

  • Plantation of trees in pasture lands
  • Van Mahotsav
  • Harit Rajasthan Yojna

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The Natural Vegetation of Rajasthan is diverse, reflecting the state’s varied Climate and geography. The main types of natural vegetation in Rajasthan are:

  • Desert vegetation: This type of vegetation is found in the Thar Desert, which covers most of the state. It is characterized by xerophytic plants that are adapted to dry, sandy conditions. Xerophytic plants are plants that have adapted to survive in dry environments. They have a number of adaptations that help them to conserve water, such as thick, waxy leaves and deep roots.
  • Scrub vegetation: This type of vegetation is found in the semi-arid regions of Rajasthan. It is characterized by low-growing shrubs and trees that are adapted to dry, hot conditions. Scrub vegetation is often found in areas that are too dry for forests to grow.
  • Forest vegetation: This type of vegetation is found in the hilly regions of Rajasthan. It is characterized by tall trees and dense forests. Forest vegetation is found in areas that have a higher rainfall than the desert and scrub regions.

The natural vegetation of Rajasthan is distributed according to the state’s climate and geography. The desert vegetation is found in the Thar Desert, the scrub vegetation is found in the semi-arid regions, and the forest vegetation is found in the hilly regions.

The natural vegetation of Rajasthan is characterized by its diversity, its adaptation to the state’s climate and geography, and its importance to the state’s economy and Environment.

The natural vegetation of Rajasthan is important for a number of reasons. It provides habitat for wildlife, it helps to regulate the climate, it prevents soil erosion, and it is a source of fuel, fodder, and other resources.

Wildlife: The natural vegetation of Rajasthan provides habitat for a variety of wildlife, including tigers, leopards, desert foxes, and antelopes. The vegetation also provides food and shelter for these animals.

Climate regulation: The natural vegetation of Rajasthan helps to regulate the climate by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing Oxygen. It also helps to prevent the desert from expanding.

Soil erosion: The natural vegetation of Rajasthan helps to prevent soil erosion by holding the soil in place. This is important in the desert, where the wind can easily blow away the soil.

Fuel, fodder, and other resources: The natural vegetation of Rajasthan is a source of fuel, fodder, and other resources for the people of Rajasthan. The wood from the trees is used for fuel, and the leaves and grass are used for fodder. The vegetation is also a source of medicines and other products.

The natural vegetation of Rajasthan is under threat from a number of factors, including deforestation, overgrazing, and Climate Change. Deforestation is the clearing of forests for other uses, such as agriculture or development. Overgrazing is the grazing of too many animals on a piece of land, which can damage the vegetation. Climate change is the change in the Earth’s climate, which can lead to changes in the distribution of vegetation.

It is important to conserve the natural vegetation of Rajasthan in order to protect the state’s environment and economy. The vegetation provides habitat for wildlife, helps to regulate the climate, prevents soil erosion, and is a source of fuel, fodder, and other resources. There are a number of things that can be done to conserve the natural vegetation of Rajasthan, such as planting trees, reducing deforestation, and controlling overgrazing.

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about the natural vegetation of Rajasthan:

  1. What are the different types of vegetation found in Rajasthan?

The different types of vegetation found in Rajasthan are:

  • Desert vegetation: This type of vegetation is found in the Thar Desert, which covers most of the state. The main plants found in this type of vegetation are thorny shrubs, such as the khejri tree, and Grasses, such as the desert dandelion.
  • Hilly vegetation: This type of vegetation is found in the Aravalli Hills, which run through the eastern part of the state. The main plants found in this type of vegetation are Deciduous trees, such as the teak tree, and Evergreen trees, such as the deodar tree.
  • Forest vegetation: This type of vegetation is found in the forests of the Chambal River basin, which lies in the southeastern part of the state. The main plants found in this type of vegetation are sal trees, bamboo trees, and teak trees.

  • What are the factors that affect the distribution of vegetation in Rajasthan?

The factors that affect the distribution of vegetation in Rajasthan are:

  • Climate: The Climate of Rajasthan is hot and dry, with an Average annual rainfall of less than 250 mm. This type of climate is not conducive to the Growth of many types of plants, so the vegetation in Rajasthan is mostly adapted to survive in dry conditions.
  • Soil: The soil in Rajasthan is mostly sandy and infertile. This type of soil is not very good for plant growth, so the vegetation in Rajasthan is mostly low-growing plants that can tolerate poor soil conditions.
  • Topography: The topography of Rajasthan is mostly flat, with some hills in the eastern part of the state. The flat terrain makes it difficult for plants to grow, so the vegetation in Rajasthan is mostly found in areas with some elevation, such as the Aravalli Hills.

  • What are the threats to the natural vegetation of Rajasthan?

The threats to the natural vegetation of Rajasthan are:

  • Deforestation: Deforestation is the clearing of forests for other uses, such as agriculture or development. This is a major threat to the natural vegetation of Rajasthan, as it destroys the habitat of many plants and animals.
  • Overgrazing: Overgrazing is the grazing of Livestock on land that cannot support the number of animals. This can lead to the destruction of vegetation, as the animals eat the plants and trample the soil.
  • Pollution: Pollution from industries and vehicles can damage the environment and make it difficult for plants to grow.
  • Climate change: Climate change is causing the temperature to rise and the rainfall to decrease in Rajasthan. This is making it more difficult for plants to survive, and is leading to the loss of some species.

  • What are the conservation efforts being made to protect the natural vegetation of Rajasthan?

The conservation efforts being made to protect the natural vegetation of Rajasthan are:

  • Creating Protected Areas: Protected areas, such as national parks and sanctuaries, are set aside to protect the natural environment. These areas are off-limits to development and are managed to ensure the survival of the plants and animals that live there.
  • Raising awareness: Raising awareness about the importance of the natural vegetation of Rajasthan is essential to protecting it. This can be done through Education programs, public awareness campaigns, and other initiatives.
  • Enforcing laws: Laws are in place to protect the natural vegetation of Rajasthan. These laws should be enforced to ensure that the vegetation is not destroyed.
  • Supporting Sustainable Development: Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This can be achieved by using resources wisely and by investing in RENEWABLE ENERGY sources.

  • What are the benefits of protecting the natural vegetation of Rajasthan?

The benefits of protecting the natural vegetation of Rajasthan are:

  • It provides habitat for plants and animals.
  • It helps to regulate the climate.
  • It helps to prevent soil erosion.
  • It provides a source of food and medicine.
  • It is a source of recreation and tourism.
  • It helps to protect the water supply.
  • It helps to reduce Air Pollution.
  • It helps to mitigate climate change.
  1. The natural vegetation of Rajasthan is characterized by:
    (A) Desert vegetation
    (B) Tropical vegetation
    (C) Temperate vegetation
    (D) Alpine vegetation

  2. The main types of vegetation found in Rajasthan are:
    (A) Desert scrub
    (B) Thorn forest
    (C) Dry deciduous forest
    (D) All of the above

  3. The desert scrub vegetation is found in the:
    (A) Thar Desert
    (B) Aravalli Range
    (C) Mewar region
    (D) Malwa region

  4. The thorn forest vegetation is found in the:
    (A) Thar Desert
    (B) Aravalli Range
    (C) Mewar region
    (D) Malwa region

  5. The dry deciduous forest vegetation is found in the:
    (A) Thar Desert
    (B) Aravalli Range
    (C) Mewar region
    (D) Malwa region

  6. The main tree species found in the desert scrub vegetation are:
    (A) Prosopis cineraria
    (B) Acacia nilotica
    (C) Capparis decidua
    (D) All of the above

  7. The main tree species found in the thorn forest vegetation are:
    (A) Anogeissus pendula
    (B) Butea monosperma
    (C) Dalbergia sissoo
    (D) All of the above

  8. The main tree species found in the dry deciduous forest vegetation are:
    (A) Tectona grandis
    (B) Shorea robusta
    (C) Syzygium cumini
    (D) All of the above

  9. The main animal species found in the desert scrub vegetation are:
    (A) Camel
    (B) Desert fox
    (C) Blackbuck
    (D) All of the above

  10. The main animal species found in the thorn forest vegetation are:
    (A) Leopard
    (B) Wild boar
    (C) Chinkara
    (D) All of the above

  11. The main animal species found in the dry deciduous forest vegetation are:
    (A) Tiger
    (B) Elephant
    (C) Gaur
    (D) All of the above

  12. The main threats to the natural vegetation of Rajasthan are:
    (A) Overgrazing
    (B) Deforestation
    (C) Mining
    (D) All of the above

  13. The main conservation measures being taken for the natural vegetation of Rajasthan are:
    (A) Afforestation
    (B) Reforestation
    (C) Eco-restoration
    (D) All of the above

  14. The main challenges in conserving the natural vegetation of Rajasthan are:
    (A) Lack of awareness
    (B) Lack of funds
    (C) Lack of political will
    (D) All of the above

  15. The future of the natural vegetation of Rajasthan depends on:
    (A) The efforts of the government
    (B) The efforts of the people
    (C) The efforts of both the government and the people
    (D) None of the above

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