National Tiger Conservation Authority

The National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) is a statutory body under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India. It was established in 1973 to co-ordinate tiger conservation efforts in India. The NTCA is responsible for the implementation of the National Tiger Conservation Programme (NTCP), which was launched in 1973. The NTCP aims to ensure the long-term survival of tigers in India through a combination of habitat protection, tiger population monitoring, and anti-poaching measures.

The NTCA has the following sub-topics:

  • Tiger Conservation
  • Tiger Habitat Management
  • Tiger Population Monitoring
  • Anti-Poaching
  • Research and Development
  • Public Awareness and Education
  • Capacity Building
  • International Cooperation
  • Finance and Accounts
  • Administration
  • Planning and Monitoring
  • Evaluation
  • Information Technology
  • Human Resources
  • Logistics
  • Security
  • General Administration
    The National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) is a statutory body under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India. It was established in 1973 to co-ordinate tiger conservation efforts in India. The NTCA is responsible for the implementation of the National Tiger Conservation Programme (NTCP), which was launched in 1973. The NTCP aims to ensure the long-term survival of tigers in India through a combination of habitat protection, tiger population monitoring, and anti-poaching measures.

The NTCA has the following sub-topics:

  • Tiger Conservation
  • Tiger Habitat Management
  • Tiger Population Monitoring
  • Anti-Poaching
  • Research and Development
  • Public Awareness and Education
  • Capacity Building
  • International Cooperation
  • Finance and Accounts
  • Administration
  • Planning and Monitoring
  • Evaluation
  • Information Technology
  • Human Resources
  • Logistics
  • Security
  • General Administration

Tiger Conservation

The NTCA is responsible for the conservation of tigers in India. This includes the protection of tiger habitats, the monitoring of tiger populations, and the enforcement of anti-poaching laws. The NTCA also works to promote public awareness of the importance of tiger conservation.

Tiger Habitat Management

The NTCA is responsible for the management of tiger habitats in India. This includes the identification and demarcation of tiger reserves, the protection of tiger habitats from encroachment, and the management of human-wildlife conflict. The NTCA also works to promote the restoration of degraded tiger habitats.

Tiger Population Monitoring

The NTCA is responsible for the monitoring of tiger populations in India. This includes the conducting of tiger censuses, the monitoring of tiger habitat use, and the monitoring of tiger mortality rates. The NTCA also works to develop and implement tiger population management plans.


The NTCA is responsible for the enforcement of anti-poaching laws in India. This includes the deployment of anti-poaching patrols, the investigation of poaching cases, and the prosecution of poachers. The NTCA also works to promote public awareness of the importance of anti-poaching efforts.

Research and Development

The NTCA is responsible for the funding and coordination of research on tigers in India. This includes research on tiger ecology, tiger behavior, and tiger conservation. The NTCA also works to promote the dissemination of research findings to the public and to policymakers.

Public Awareness and Education

The NTCA is responsible for the promotion of public awareness of the importance of tiger conservation. This includes the development and implementation of public awareness campaigns, the provision of educational resources to schools and colleges, and the engagement with the media. The NTCA also works to promote the involvement of local communities in tiger conservation efforts.

Capacity Building

The NTCA is responsible for the development of the capacity of tiger conservation agencies in India. This includes the training of forest guards, the provision of equipment and infrastructure, and the development of management plans. The NTCA also works to promote the exchange of knowledge and expertise between tiger conservation agencies in India and abroad.

International Cooperation

The NTCA is responsible for the coordination of international cooperation on tiger conservation. This includes the negotiation of international agreements, the participation in international conferences, and the provision of technical assistance to other countries. The NTCA also works to promote the sharing of information and expertise on tiger conservation between India and other countries.

Finance and Accounts

The NTCA is responsible for the management of the financial resources of the NTCA. This includes the preparation of budgets, the monitoring of expenditures, and the collection of revenue. The NTCA also works to ensure that the NTCA is financially sustainable.


The NTCA is responsible for the administration of the NTCA. This includes the recruitment and appointment of staff, the management of human resources, and the provision of office space and equipment. The NTCA also works to ensure that the NTCA is efficient and effective.

Planning and Monitoring

The NTCA is responsible for the planning and monitoring of the NTCA’s activities. This includes the development of strategic plans, the monitoring of progress against targets, and the evaluation of the effectiveness of the NTCA’s activities. The NTCA also works to ensure that the NTCA is accountable to the public and to policymakers.


The NTCA is responsible for the evaluation of the NTCA’s activities. This includes the assessment of the impact of the NTCA’s activities, the identification of areas for improvement, and the development of recommendations for future action. The NTCA also works to ensure that the NTCA is accountable to the public and to policymakers.

Information Technology

The NTCA is responsible for the management of the NTCA’s information technology systems. This includes the development and implementation of information technology systems, the provision of training on the use of information technology systems, and the maintenance of information technology systems. The
Tiger Conservation

  • What is the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA)?
    The NTCA is a statutory body under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India. It was established in 1973 to co-ordinate tiger conservation efforts in India.
  • What is the National Tiger Conservation Programme (NTCP)?
    The NTCP is a programme launched in 1973 by the NTCA to ensure the long-term survival of tigers in India through a combination of habitat protection, tiger population monitoring, and anti-poaching measures.
  • What are the main threats to tigers in India?
    The main threats to tigers in India are habitat loss, poaching, and human-tiger conflict.
  • What is being done to conserve tigers in India?
    The NTCA is implementing a number of measures to conserve tigers in India, including habitat protection, tiger population monitoring, anti-poaching measures, research and development, public awareness and education, capacity building, international cooperation, finance and accounts, administration, planning and monitoring, evaluation, information technology, human resources, logistics, security, and general administration.

Tiger Habitat Management

  • What is tiger habitat?
    Tiger habitat is the area of land that tigers need to survive and reproduce. It includes forests, grasslands, and wetlands.
  • What are the main threats to tiger habitat?
    The main threats to tiger habitat are habitat loss, fragmentation, and degradation.
  • What is being done to manage tiger habitat?
    The NTCA is implementing a number of measures to manage tiger habitat, including habitat protection, habitat restoration, and habitat connectivity.

Tiger Population Monitoring

  • What is tiger population monitoring?
    Tiger population monitoring is the process of estimating the number of tigers in a given area. It is done through a variety of methods, including camera traps, pugmark surveys, and line transect surveys.
  • Why is tiger population monitoring important?
    Tiger population monitoring is important for a number of reasons, including:
    • To assess the status of tiger populations
    • To identify areas where tigers are most at risk
    • To track trends in tiger populations
    • To evaluate the effectiveness of conservation efforts


  • What is poaching?
    Poaching is the illegal killing of wild animals. Tigers are one of the most poached animals in the world.
  • Why are tigers poached?
    Tigers are poached for their skin, bones, and other body parts, which are used in traditional Chinese medicine.
  • What is being done to stop poaching?
    The NTCA is implementing a number of measures to stop poaching, including:
    • Increasing law enforcement
    • Raising awareness of the illegality of poaching
    • Providing alternative livelihoods to poachers

Research and Development

  • What is research and development (R&D)?
    R&D is the process of creating new knowledge and technologies. It is used to improve our understanding of tigers and their habitat, and to develop new ways to conserve them.
  • Why is R&D important for tiger conservation?
    R&D is important for tiger conservation for a number of reasons, including:
    • To improve our understanding of tigers and their habitat
    • To develop new ways to conserve tigers
    • To evaluate the effectiveness of conservation efforts

Public Awareness and Education

  • What is public awareness and education?
    Public awareness and education is the process of informing the public about tigers and the threats they face. It is done through a variety of methods, including:
    • Workshops
    • Seminars
    • Public meetings
    • Media campaigns
  • Why is public awareness and education important for tiger conservation?
    Public awareness and education is important for tiger conservation for a number of reasons, including:
    • To raise awareness of the threats tigers face
    • To build support for tiger conservation
    • To change people’s behavior towards tigers

Capacity Building

  • What is capacity building?
    Capacity building is the process of developing the skills and knowledge of individuals and organizations. It is done through a variety of methods, including:
    • Training
    • Mentoring
    • Coaching
  • Why is capacity building important for tiger conservation?
    Capacity building is important for tiger conservation for a number of reasons, including:
    • To improve the ability of individuals and organizations to conserve tigers
    • To build a strong network of tiger conservationists
    • To ensure the sustainability of tiger conservation efforts

International Cooperation

  • What is international cooperation?
    International cooperation is the process of working together with other countries to achieve common goals. It is done through a variety of mechanisms, including:
    • Bilateral agreements
    • Multilateral agreements
    • Non-governmental organizations
  • Why is international cooperation important for tiger conservation?
    Question 1

The National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) is a statutory body under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India. It was established in 1973 to co-ordinate tiger conservation efforts in India. The NTCA is responsible for the implementation of the National Tiger Conservation Programme (NTCP), which was launched in 1973. The NTCP aims to ensure the long-term survival of tigers in India through a combination of habitat protection, tiger population monitoring, and anti-poaching measures.

The NTCA has the following sub-topics:

  • Tiger Conservation
  • Tiger Habitat Management
  • Tiger Population Monitoring
  • Anti-Poaching
  • Research and Development
  • Public Awareness and Education
  • Capacity Building
  • International Cooperation
  • Finance and Accounts
  • Administration
  • Planning and Monitoring
  • Evaluation
  • Information Technology
  • Human Resources
  • Logistics
  • Security
  • General Administration

Which of the following is NOT a sub-topic of the NTCA?

(A) Tiger Conservation
(B) Tiger Habitat Management
(C) Tiger Population Monitoring
(D) Anti-Poaching
(E) Research and Development


The correct answer is (E). Research and Development is not a sub-topic of the NTCA. The other options are all sub-topics of the NTCA.

Question 2

The National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) was established in 1973. Which of the following is NOT a goal of the NTCA?

(A) To ensure the long-term survival of tigers in India
(B) To co-ordinate tiger conservation efforts in India
(C) To implement the National Tiger Conservation Programme (NTCP)
(D) To protect tiger habitats
(E) To monitor tiger populations


The correct answer is (C). The NTCA is responsible for the implementation of the NTCP, but it is not the NTCP’s goal to implement the NTCP. The other options are all goals of the NTCA.

Question 3

The National Tiger Conservation Programme (NTCP) was launched in 1973. Which of the following is NOT a goal of the NTCP?

(A) To ensure the long-term survival of tigers in India
(B) To protect tiger habitats
(C) To monitor tiger populations
(D) To reduce poaching
(E) To increase public awareness of tigers


The correct answer is (E). The NTCP does not have a goal to increase public awareness of tigers. The other options are all goals of the NTCP.

Question 4

The National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) is responsible for the implementation of the National Tiger Conservation Programme (NTCP). Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of the NTCA?

(A) To protect tiger habitats
(B) To monitor tiger populations
(C) To reduce poaching
(D) To increase public awareness of tigers
(E) To co-ordinate tiger conservation efforts in India


The correct answer is (D). The NTCA does not have a responsibility to increase public awareness of tigers. The other options are all responsibilities of the NTCA.

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