Modern history of Jharkhand after Independence

Modern history of Jharkhand after Independence

The modern tribal movement for regional autonomy is a phenomena after India got independence. Jharkhand movement too is such a phenomenon. The main aim of the Jharkhand movement was the creation of a separate “Adivasi state”. Before independence, it was the main issue. But after independence, decks were clear to orient the movement from ethnicity to Regionalism. With this, Adivasi Mahasabha got affected since they were the champions for separate Adivasi state. According to 1941 census the “land” of Jharkhand had only 44 percent of tribals, thus the demand of having a separate tribal state could not be fulfilled. This resulted in the formation of a new regional party, ‘United Jharkhand Party’ in 1948. This was formed by Justin Richard, a tribal leader who latter invited Jaipal Singh to join it . After hesitation, Adivasi Mahasabha joined the United Jharkhand Party and thus results in the formation of Jharkhand Party in 1950.

The tribal political awakening reached its culmination point with the inauguration of the Jharkhand Party. It was exclusively declare as a “Political Party” and not a social, economic, religious organization like the previous one. For the first time, non-tribals were invited in the ongoing movement for autonomy and there was a shift from ethnicity to regionalism in the objectives of the movement. The main credit was given to Jaipal Singh who included all the people of Jharkhand. The Jharkhand Party declared to establish a separate state comprising of mineral belts of Bihar, Orissa, West Bengal and Madhya Pradesh. The demand for a separate state includes autonomy and preservation of tribal culture and language. This was made by 52 MLA’s of Bihar Assembly , who were also in opposition in the Assembly under the initiative taken by Davendra Champia.Modern history of Jharkhand after Independence

Although the Jharkhand Party remained in the opposition in the Bihar Assembly, it was not able to prove its majority for a separate Jharkhand State. In general Elections of 1952 the party won 33 seats for the Jharkhand area. Having political power, they submitted a memorandum singed by 34 legislators to Faizle Ali, Chairman of States Reorganization Commission in 1953. They demanded a Jharkhand state consisting of districts of Chotanagpur and Santhal pargana and portions of Gaya, Shahabad and Bhagalpur in Bihar, Mirjapur district in Uttar Pradesh beside the portion of Raigarh and Sarguja in Madhya Pradesh and Sundergarh, Keonjhar and Mayurbhanj in Orrisa. The commission however in its report, rejected their demand for the separate state by giving the following points.

(i) Although the Jharkhand Party got substantial verdict of the people, they did not obtain clear majority within Jharkhand area and the assembly members did not represent the majority’s view.

(ii) Public opinion outside Jharkhand did not favour the division and even within the Jharkhand other parties opposes the division.

(iii) The demand of having a majority of tribal area was decline by saying that it constituted only one third of the total Population and there are several languages spoken by the tribals. Thus, this is a different question and cannot be decided on the basis of only “majority”.

(iv) The separation of South Bihar would adversely affect the entire economy of the state as the plains were predominantly agriculture and Jharkhand provided the industrial balance. Thus, the loss of this area could not be afforded by the rest of the state.

(v) The separation would upset the balance between agriculture and Industry in the residual state which would be a poorer area with fewer opportunities and Resources for development.

(vi) Beside this, the centres for the higher Education like Patna University and Bihar University were outside Jharkhand, so it would be very inconvenient from this point of view to go for a separation.

Failing to make Jharkhand as a separate state, there was a lot of contradiction within the Jharkhand Party. In 1963 a section of it joined the congress and with that the movement got slackened. Further disintegration the party resulted in loosing the people’s verdict for a separate statehood. A lot of parties emerged after like Birsa Sea Dal, Jharkhand Peoples Party, Jharkhand Kranti Dal, Jharkhand Vichar Manchs and so on . The endless list of splinter parties made the movement suffer. After a lean period of ten years, in 1973 a new leader came into the arena. A new party Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM) under the Leadership of Sibu Soren came into prominence. With lot of non-christian tribals supporting this party, it readily transmitted a rays of hope in the mind of the people. It enlarged their roots to the Santal Pargna and Hazaribagh plateau area and soon it was found that the center of the movement has shifted from Ranchi area to Santhal Pargna region. Sibu Soren soon became the champion of the movement and carried it through his comprehensive philosophy and systematic analysis of the whole affair. Going through an Assam Model of agitation, an All Jharkhand Students Union (AJSU) was formed, whose main aim was to include youth of the region in the ongoing movement. This resulted in gearing up of the movement in a militant way. On the other hand the Jharkhand Party (Horo group), presented another memorandum which was again for the formation of the separate statehood. The reasons were again the same, i.e. for good and efficient administrations of this neglected and backward region by the people themselves of the region, in furtherance of functional Democracy, Socialism and Secularism-2/”>Secularism; and for upholding the basic Human Rights of the people majority of them are backward and belong to “ethnic groups”. Once again this proposal was refused by the parliament.

A lot of reasons were given and the most important was “lack of common language” across the region. As most of the states were formed by taking a common language criteria, this was insignificant in proposed Jharkhand. Besides, there was a lack of “unified movement” among different parties. This further contributed significantly in weakening of the movement for statehood. Even the people were fed up with this “power politics” which most of the parties were playing. The people of Jharkhand wanted an identity and not power but Political Parties were on a different track. The political dominance of Jharkhand Mukti Morcha was upon 1984. Then again a lean period in the process of the movement was seen. The verdict started shifting towards the non-congress national party as now they thought it would be efficient to have their members in the ministry at the center . Thus Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP)emerjed as a major political force. There main aim was to assimilate the region in the national political system and came up with the proposal of making “Jharkhand” as “Vananchal”. As Bhartiya Janta Party was a new party with high Probability of being in or near center , the people supported them freely. They were the first national non-Jharkhand party, who supported the issue of Jharkhand. And after the failure of Jharkhand Area Autonomous Council (JAAC) and the chargesheet of Sibu Soren and Suraj Mandal, JMM leaders, there was no choice for the people to vote for them. Thus in the 1996 general election, BJP made almost a clean sweep by winning 14 seats out of 16 Lok Sabha from this region.

The state of Jharkhand became a functioning reality on 15 November 2000 after almost half a century of people’s movements around Jharkhandi identity, which disadvantaged societal groups articulated to augment political resources and influence the policy process in their favour. Its the 28th state of India. The Jharkhandi identity and the demand for autonomy was not premised solely on the uniqueness of its tribal cultural heritage but was essentially a fallout of the failure of development policy to intervene in socio-economic conditions of the adivasis and non-adivasis in the region. The dynamics of resources and the politics of development still influence the socio-economic structures in Jharkhand, which was carved out of the relatively ‘backward’ southern part of Bihar. According to the 1991 census, the state has a population of over 20 million out of which 28% is tribal while 12% of the people belong to scheduled castes. Jharkhand has 24 districts, 260 blocks and 32,620 villages out of which only 45% are electrified while only 8,484 are connected by roads. Jharkhand is the leading producer of mineral wealth in the country after Chattisgarh state, endowed as it is with vast variety of Minerals like iron Ore, coal, copper ore, mica, bauxite, graphite, limestone, and uranium. Jharkhand is also known for its vast forest resources.,

Jharkhand is a state in eastern India. It was formed on 15 November 2000, carved out of the southern districts of Bihar. The state is named after the Jharkhandi people, who are the indigenous inhabitants of the region. Jharkhand is a mineral-rich state, with coal, iron ore, bauxite, and mica being the Major Minerals found in the state. The state is also home to a number of forests, which are a major source of livelihood for the people of Jharkhand.

The modern history of Jharkhand can be divided into the following subtopics:

  • The formation of Jharkhand state
  • The Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM)
  • The Naxalite Movement
  • The coal mining industry
  • The development of Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE
  • The Growth of education and healthcare
  • The rise of tribal identity politics
  • The conflict between tribal and non-tribal people
  • The environmental impact of development
  • The impact of Globalization/”>Globalization-3/”>Globalization
  • The future of Jharkhand

The formation of Jharkhand state was a long and complex process. The first demand for a separate Jharkhand state was made in 1920 by the All India Adivasi Mahasabha. The demand was revived in the 1950s and 1960s by the Jharkhand Party. In 1972, the Jharkhand Area Autonomous Council (JAC) was formed, but it did not satisfy the demands of the Jharkhandi people. In 1980, the Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM) was formed, and the movement for a separate Jharkhand state gained momentum. In 2000, Jharkhand was finally formed as the 28th state of India.

The JMM is a political party that was formed in 1980 to fight for the rights of the tribal people of Jharkhand. The party has been a major force in the politics of Jharkhand since its formation. The JMM has been in power in Jharkhand for several terms. The party’s main focus is on the development of the tribal areas and the upliftment of the tribal people.

The Naxalite movement is a Left-Wing insurgency that has been active in India since the 1960s. The Naxalites are a Maoist group that believes in armed revolution to overthrow the Indian government. The Naxalite movement is active in several states in India, including Jharkhand. The Naxalites have been involved in violence and extortion in Jharkhand.

The coal mining industry is a major source of EMPLOYMENT and revenue in Jharkhand. The state has large reserves of coal, and the coal mining industry is one of the largest employers in the state. However, the coal mining industry has also been a major source of environmental pollution in Jharkhand.

The development of infrastructure in Jharkhand has been slow and uneven. The state has a poor road Network, and there is a lack of basic amenities such as electricity and water in many parts of the state. The development of infrastructure has been hampered by the Naxalite movement and the conflict between tribal and non-tribal people.

The growth of education and healthcare in Jharkhand has been slow. The state has a high rate of illiteracy, and there is a shortage of doctors and hospitals in many parts of the state. The growth of education and healthcare has been hampered by the lack of resources and the poor infrastructure.

The rise of tribal identity politics has been a major development in Jharkhand in recent years. The tribal people of Jharkhand have been demanding greater autonomy and recognition of their rights. The tribal identity movement has led to conflict between the tribal people and the non-tribal people.

The conflict between tribal and non-tribal people is a major problem in Jharkhand. The tribal people of Jharkhand have been demanding greater autonomy and recognition of their rights. The non-tribal people, who are mostly from other parts of India, have been opposed to these demands. The conflict between the tribal people and the non-tribal people has led to violence and displacement.

The environmental impact of development has been a major concern in Jharkhand. The state has large reserves of Natural Resources, and the development of these resources has led to Environmental Degradation. The environmental degradation has had a negative impact on the lives of the people of Jharkhand.

The impact of globalization has been a major development in Jharkhand in recent years. The state has been opened up to foreign Investment, and there has been a growth of the private sector. The impact of globalization has been mixed. On the one hand, it has led to economic growth and development. On the other hand, it has led to the displacement of people and the loss of traditional livelihoods.

The future of Jharkhand is uncertain. The state faces a number of challenges, including the Naxalite movement, the conflict between tribal and non-tribal people, the environmental degradation, and the impact of globalization. The state needs to address these challenges in order to achieve Sustainable Development.

Jharkhand is a state in eastern India. It was formed on 15 November 2000, by carving out 18 districts from the southern part of Bihar. The state is named after the Jharkhandi people, who are the indigenous inhabitants of the region.

The modern history of Jharkhand can be divided into three periods: the pre-independence period, the post-independence period, and the post-formation period.

The pre-independence period was marked by the struggle of the Jharkhandi people for their rights. The Jharkhandi people were exploited by the British colonial rulers and the upper castes of Bihar. They were denied their land, their language, and their culture. The Jharkhandi people fought against this exploitation through various means, including Armed Rebellion, social boycott, and political agitation.

The post-independence period was marked by the formation of the Jharkhand Party in 1950. The Jharkhand Party was a political party that fought for the rights of the Jharkhandi people. The party was successful in getting the Jharkhand region declared a tribal area in 1967. However, the Jharkhandi people continued to be exploited by the upper castes of Bihar.

The post-formation period was marked by the formation of the state of Jharkhand in 2000. The formation of the state of Jharkhand was a major victory for the Jharkhandi people. The State Government has taken various measures to improve the lives of the Jharkhandi people. However, the Jharkhandi people continue to face many challenges, including POVERTY, illiteracy, and lack of development.

Here are some frequently asked questions about the modern history of Jharkhand after Independence:

  1. When was Jharkhand formed?
    Jharkhand was formed on 15 November 2000.
  2. What is the capital of Jharkhand?
    The capital of Jharkhand is Ranchi.
  3. What are the major languages spoken in Jharkhand?
    The major languages spoken in Jharkhand are Hindi, Santali, Mundari, and Oraon.
  4. What are the major religions practiced in Jharkhand?
    The major religions practiced in Jharkhand are Hinduism-2/”>Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam.
  5. What are the major industries in Jharkhand?
    The major industries in Jharkhand are mining, steel, and power.
  6. What are the major challenges facing Jharkhand?
    The major challenges facing Jharkhand are poverty, illiteracy, and lack of development.
  7. What are the major achievements of Jharkhand?
    The major achievements of Jharkhand are the formation of the state, the improvement of infrastructure, and the development of education and healthcare.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

  1. Jharkhand was formed in the year:
    (A) 1956
    (B) 2000
    (C) 2010
    (D) 2020

  2. The capital of Jharkhand is:
    (A) Ranchi
    (B) Jamshedpur
    (C) Bokaro
    (D) Dhanbad

  3. The main language spoken in Jharkhand is:
    (A) Hindi
    (B) Bengali
    (C) Odia
    (D) Mundari

  4. The main religion practiced in Jharkhand is:
    (A) Hinduism
    (B) Islam
    (C) Christianity
    (D) Sikhism

  5. The main occupation of the people of Jharkhand is:
    (A) Agriculture
    (B) Mining
    (C) Industry
    (D) Service

  6. The main exports of Jharkhand are:
    (A) Coal
    (B) Iron ore
    (C) Manganese ore
    (D) All of the above

  7. The main imports of Jharkhand are:
    (A) Petroleum products
    (B) Machinery
    (C) Consumer goods
    (D) All of the above

  8. The main tourist attractions of Jharkhand are:
    (A) The Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary
    (B) The Betla National Park
    (C) The Hazaribagh National Park
    (D) All of the above

  9. The main festivals of Jharkhand are:
    (A) The Makar Sankranti
    (B) The Holi
    (C) The Durga puja
    (D) All of the above

  10. The main Sports played in Jharkhand are:
    (A) Cricket
    (B) Football
    (C) Hockey
    (D) All of the above

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