Medicinal And Aromatic Plants

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Medicinal and aromatic Plants

Medicinal and aromatic plants constitute a major segment of the Flora, which provides raw materials for use in the pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and drug industries. The indigenous systems of medicines, developed in India for centuries, make use of many medicinal herbs. These systems include Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, and many other indigenous practices. More than 9,000 native plants have established and recorded curative properties and about 1500 species are known for their aroma and flavour.

In one of the studies by the World Health Organization, it is estimated that 80 per cent of the Population of developing countries relies on traditional plant based medicines for their health requirements. Even in many of the modern medicines, the basic composition is derived from medicinal plants and these have become acceptable medicines for many reasons that include easy availability, least side effects, low prices, environmental friendliness and lasting curative property.

India and China are the two major producing countries, having 40 per cent of the global Biodiversity-2/”>Biodiversity and availability of rare species. These are well known as the home of medicinal and aromatic crops that constitute a segment of the flora, and provide raw materials to the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, fragrance, flavour etc. industries. The aromatic plants are the important economical source of a number of well established and important drugs; in addition, they are the source of some chemical intermediates needed for the production of a number of drugs.

India has been considered a treasure house of valuable medicinal and aromatic plant species. The Indian System of Medicine uses over 1,100 medicinal plants and most of them are collected from forests regularly, and over 60 species among them are particularly in demands. On account of the fact that Derivatives of medicinal and aromatic plants have no side effects and deal curatively, the demand for these plants is on the increase in both developing and developed countries. As a result, the trade of medicinal plants is increasing fast.

From the trade data available, it is clear that the global market for medicinal plants has always been large and has been on increase in the recent past. In the report commissioned by the World Wide Fund for Nature, it is pointed out that, the total import in 1980 of “vegetable materials used in pharmacy” by the European Economic Community was 80,738 tons. India was the largest supplier with 10.05 tons of plants and 14 tons of vegetable alkaloid and their derivatives. India, Brazil and China are the largest exporters of medicinal plants. Trade of medicinal plants from India is estimated to be worth Rs. 550 crore.

Cosmetics and aromatherapy products are two important areas where Indian medicinal plants and their extracts like essential oils can contribute globally. Medicinal and aromatic plants have a high market potential with the world demand for herbal products growing of the rate of seven per cent per annum. Aromatic plants provide products with are extensively used as spices, flavouring agents and in perfumes and medicine. In addition, they also provide raw materials for the production of many important industrial chemicals.

The spices and essential oil Industry traditionally was only a cottage industry in India. Since 1947 a number of industrial organizations have been established for large scale processing and production of spices, oleoresins, essential oils, their pure constituents and perfumes. The essential oils which are being produced in India are oils of ajwain, cedar wood, celery seed, citronella, eucalyptus, lemon grass, mentha, spearmints, Palmarosa, patchouli, turpentine and votive.

Some of these products are the raw materials for the production of important industrial chemical like β-ionone from lemongrass oil for the production of vitamin A. India produces turpentine oil in the order of 10,000 to 35,000 tons annually and this oil is used for the production of a number of chemicals. The essential oils are used in every-day human-life in various ways and their consumption is rapidly increasing. A few of the common uses to which essential oils and their derivatives are put to, are in the manufacture of soaps, cosmetics, pharmaceutical preparation, confectionary, aerated waters, disinfectants, detergents, incenses, etc.

India was at one time famous for the manufacture and distillation of high quality perfumes and scents. According to an estimate, 1000 different aromatic plants out of a total of 1500 varieties used in perfumery throughout the world are found in India. The extraction of essential oils is carried throughout India, but in an unorganized way. This industry needs to be built up on scientific lines if all the raw materials available or which can be produced, are to be exploited for the economic benefit of the country.

The economic importance of both these groups of medicinal and aromatic plant can be gauged from the fact than 25 years ago vegetable drugs worth million of rupees were used to be exported from India. This trade dwindled later because of exporting unstandardized and adulterated material. The trade can be revived if steps are taken to produce and export material of standard quality.

On other hand, a considerable quantity of crude drugs is imported from foreign countries for the use of Pharmaceutical industry, therefore, will bring great economic advantage to the country. These plants are now being utilized in the practice of medicine in this country and are also exported to foreign countries.  

The aromatic plants provide the raw material for the production of flavours, condiments, herbal cosmetics, perfumery, scented soaps, hair oils, aerated water, and etc. demand for these herbs is increasing progressively with increase in number of star hotels and multinationals establishing consumer oriented cosmetics, biscuits and pharmaceutical units.

Currently, most of these herbs are grown in large quantities and marketed by France, U.K., Canada, Turkey and U.S.A. It is estimated that Indian Consumption alone of these herbs is approximately 200 tons per annum, and only about 60 tones are produced indigenously. Bulk of these herbs is used for culinary purposes and about 12 tones are consumed for medicinal and cosmetic preparations. The annual exports of the derivatives from these plants are to the tune of Rs. 600-700 million.

World trade in medicinal plants is increasing very fast. One of the interesting features of this trade is that the direction of trade is from developing countries to the developed countries. That has a positive income transfer effect. China and India are the two leading countries in the trade sector. During the past decade, total trade has increased from US $ 52.8 million to US $ 68.7 million, recording a Growth rate of 3.56 per cent per annum. In spite of this, one cannot confidently say that we have reached even the fragment of the potential of trade in medicinal plants.





Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

Medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) are plants that have been used for centuries to treat and prevent disease. They are a valuable resource for traditional medicine and modern medicine alike.

Aromatic plants are plants that produce essential oils, which are volatile liquids that have a strong scent. Essential oils are used in aromatherapy, a type of alternative medicine that uses essential oils to promote health and well-being.

Medicinal plants are plants that have been used to treat or prevent disease. They are used in herbal medicine, a type of traditional medicine that uses plants to treat illness.

Herbal medicine is a system of medicine that uses plants to treat and prevent disease. It is one of the oldest systems of medicine in the world, and it is still practiced by millions of people today.

Herbal medicine is based on the belief that plants contain natural substances that can help to heal the body. Herbalists believe that the body has the ability to heal itself, and that herbs can help to support this process.

There are many different types of herbal medicine, and each type has its own unique set of beliefs and practices. However, all types of herbal medicine share some common principles. These principles include the use of whole plants, the use of plants in their natural form, and the use of plants in combination with other therapies.

Herbal medicine is a safe and effective form of medicine. However, it is important to use herbal medicine under the supervision of a qualified herbalist. This is because some herbs can interact with other medications, and some herbs can be harmful if taken in large doses.

Phytotherapy is a branch of medicine that uses plants for medicinal purposes. It is a traditional form of medicine that has been used for centuries in many cultures around the world.

Phytotherapy is based on the belief that plants contain natural substances that can help to treat and prevent disease. Herbalists believe that the body has the ability to heal itself, and that plants can help to support this process.

There are many different types of phytotherapy, and each type has its own unique set of beliefs and practices. However, all types of phytotherapy share some common principles. These principles include the use of whole plants, the use of plants in their natural form, and the use of plants in combination with other therapies.

Phytotherapy is a safe and effective form of medicine. However, it is important to use phytotherapy under the supervision of a qualified herbalist. This is because some herbs can interact with other medications, and some herbs can be harmful if taken in large doses.

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a system of medicine that has been practiced in China for over 2,000 years. TCM is based on the belief that the body is made up of two opposing forces, yin and yang. When these forces are in balance, the body is healthy. When they are out of balance, disease can occur.

TCM practitioners use a variety of therapies to restore balance to the body, including acupuncture, herbal medicine, massage, and diet. Herbal medicine is one of the most important aspects of TCM. Herbalists use a variety of herbs to treat a wide range of conditions.

Ayurvedic medicine is a system of medicine that originated in India over 5,000 years ago. Ayurvedic medicine is based on the belief that the body is made up of three doshas, or energies: vata, pitta, and kapha. When these doshas are in balance, the body is healthy. When they are out of balance, disease can occur.

Ayurvedic practitioners use a variety of therapies to restore balance to the body, including diet, herbs, massage, and Yoga/”>Yoga. Herbal medicine is one of the most important aspects of Ayurvedic medicine. Herbalists use a variety of herbs to treat a wide range of conditions.

Unani medicine is a system of medicine that originated in the Middle East over 1,000 years ago. Unani medicine is based on the belief that the body is made up of four humors: blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile. When these humors are in balance, the body is healthy. When they are out of balance, disease can occur.

Unani practitioners use a variety of therapies to restore balance to the body, including diet, herbs, massage, and cupping. Herbal medicine is one of the most important aspects of Unani medicine. Herbalists use a variety of herbs to treat a wide range of conditions.

Homeopathy is a system of medicine that was developed in Germany in the 18th century. Homeopathy is based on the belief that “like cures like.” This means that a substance that can cause symptoms in a healthy person can be used to treat those same symptoms in a sick person.

Homeopathic remedies are made from very dilute solutions of plant

What are the benefits of medicinal and aromatic plants?

Medicinal and aromatic plants have a wide range of benefits, including:

What are the risks of using medicinal and aromatic plants?

While medicinal and aromatic plants have many benefits, they also have some risks. It is important to use them safely and to be aware of the potential side effects. Some of the risks of using medicinal and aromatic plants include:

How do I use medicinal and aromatic plants safely?

To use medicinal and aromatic plants safely, it is important to:

Where can I learn more about medicinal and aromatic plants?

There are many Resources available to learn more about medicinal and aromatic plants. You can find books, websites, and even online courses on the subject. You can also talk to your doctor or a qualified herbalist.

  1. Which of the following is not a medicinal plant?
    (A) Aloe vera
    (B) Garlic
    (C) Coffee
    (D) Ginger

  2. Which of the following is not an aromatic plant?
    (A) Lavender
    (B) Peppermint
    (C) Tea tree
    (D) Coffee

  3. Which of the following is not a use of medicinal plants?
    (A) To treat or prevent disease
    (B) To improve health and well-being
    (C) To make cosmetics
    (D) To make food additives

  4. Which of the following is not a use of aromatic plants?
    (A) To make perfumes
    (B) To make essential oils
    (C) To make cosmetics
    (D) To make food additives

  5. Which of the following is not a benefit of using medicinal plants?
    (A) They can be used to treat or prevent disease.
    (B) They can improve health and well-being.
    (C) They are often less expensive than conventional medications.
    (D) They are often more effective than conventional medications.

  6. Which of the following is not a benefit of using aromatic plants?
    (A) They can be used to make perfumes.
    (B) They can be used to make essential oils.
    (C) They can be used to make cosmetics.
    (D) They can be used to make food additives.

  7. Which of the following is a risk of using medicinal plants?
    (A) They may interact with conventional medications.
    (B) They may have side effects.
    (C) They may not be effective.
    (D) All of the above.

  8. Which of the following is a risk of using aromatic plants?
    (A) They may be toxic.
    (B) They may cause allergic reactions.
    (C) They may not be effective.
    (D) All of the above.

  9. Which of the following is the best way to use medicinal plants?
    (A) Consult with a healthcare professional before using any medicinal plant.
    (B) Start with a low dose and increase gradually as needed.
    (C) Stop using the plant if you experience any side effects.
    (D) All of the above.

  10. Which of the following is the best way to use aromatic plants?
    (A) Use them in moderation.
    (B) Avoid using them if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
    (C) Avoid using them if you have any health conditions.
    (D) All of the above.

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