You suspect a virus has entered your computer. What will not be affected by the virus? A. CMOS B. Boot sector C. Floppy disks D. Program files E. None of the above

Boot sector
Floppy disks
Program files E. None of the above

The correct answer is: E. None of the above

A virus can infect any part of your computer, including the CMOS, boot sector, floppy disks, and program files.

The CMOS is a small chip on your motherboard that stores basic system information, such as the time, date, and hard drive configuration. A virus can infect the CMOS by rewriting this information, which can cause problems with your computer’s startup.

The boot sector is the first sector on your hard drive that is loaded when your computer starts up. A virus can infect the boot sector by replacing the original code with its own code. This can cause your computer to start up slowly or not at all.

Floppy disks are a type of removable storage that can be infected with viruses. If you insert a floppy disk that contains a virus into your computer, the virus can be copied to your hard drive.

Program files are the files that contain the instructions for your computer’s programs. A virus can infect program files by modifying the code in these files. This can cause the programs to malfunction or crash.

Therefore, it is important to have a good antivirus program installed on your computer and to keep it up to date. You should also be careful about what files you open and what websites you visit.

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