You are teaching a topic in class and a student ask a question unrelated to the topic. What will you do ?

You will allow him to ask unrelated question
You will not allow him to ask unrelated question
You will consider it indiscipline and punish him
You will answer the question after the class

The correct answer is D. You will answer the question after the class.

Here are some reasons why:

  • It is important to respect the student’s right to ask questions, even if they are unrelated to the topic at hand.
  • The student may be genuinely interested in the question and may have difficulty finding an answer on their own.
  • Answering the question after class will allow you to give the student your full attention and provide a more complete answer.
  • It will also allow you to keep the class on track and avoid disrupting the flow of the lesson.

However, there are some situations where it may be appropriate to not answer the question after class. For example, if the question is very personal or sensitive, or if it would take too much time to answer in detail. In these cases, you may want to suggest that the student come to see you during office hours or email you with their question.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to answer a student’s question is up to you. However, it is important to be respectful of the student’s right to ask questions and to do your best to answer them in a way that is helpful and informative.