Women’s movements in Punjab have played a crucial role in addressing issues like:

Dowry and domestic violence
Female literacy and education
Political participation
All of the above

The correct answer is: d) All of the above

Women’s movements in Punjab have played a crucial role in addressing issues like dowry and domestic violence, female literacy and education, and political participation.

  • Dowry and domestic violence: Dowry is a payment in cash or kind that is given by the bride’s family to the groom’s family at the time of marriage. It is a common practice in many parts of India, including Punjab. Dowry demands can be exorbitant and can lead to violence against the bride and her family. Women’s movements in Punjab have been working to raise awareness about the issue of dowry and to campaign for its abolition. They have also been providing support to victims of dowry violence.
  • Female literacy and education: Female literacy rates in Punjab are lower than male literacy rates. This is due to a number of factors, including poverty, social customs, and lack of access to education. Women’s movements in Punjab have been working to improve female literacy rates by providing education and training to girls and women. They have also been campaigning for the right of girls to education.
  • Political participation: Women’s participation in politics in Punjab is low. This is due to a number of factors, including social customs, lack of access to resources, and violence against women. Women’s movements in Punjab have been working to increase women’s participation in politics by providing training and support to women candidates. They have also been campaigning for the right of women to participate in politics.

Women’s movements in Punjab have made significant progress in addressing these issues. However, there is still much work to be done. Women continue to face discrimination and violence in all spheres of life. Women’s movements need to continue to fight for the rights of women and girls in Punjab.