Windows displays various options to shutdown. Which is suitable at the end of day? A. Shut Down B. Restart C. Sleep D. Hibernate

Shut Down

The correct answer is A. Shut Down.

Shut Down is the most appropriate option at the end of the day because it completely turns off your computer. This will save energy and prevent wear and tear on your computer’s components.

Restart is similar to Shut Down, but it also restarts your computer. This can be useful if your computer is running slowly or if you have installed new software.

Sleep puts your computer into a low-power state. This saves energy and allows your computer to start up quickly when you need it. However, it does not completely turn off your computer, so any programs that were running when you put your computer to sleep will still be running when you wake it up.

Hibernate is similar to Sleep, but it saves a copy of your computer’s memory to your hard drive before turning off your computer. This means that when you wake your computer up from hibernation, it will start up much faster than if you had woken it up from sleep. However, it also uses more energy than sleep, so it is not the best option if you are trying to save energy.