Who is regarded as father of plant tissue culture?


The correct answer is: A. Haberlandt.

Haberlandt is regarded as the father of plant tissue culture because he was the first to propose the idea of growing plants from isolated plant cells in 1902. He also coined the term “plant tissue culture”.

White is credited with developing the first successful method for growing plant cells in culture in 1934. He used a liquid medium to culture carrot cells, and he was able to keep the cells alive for several months.

Linnaeus is a Swedish botanist who is considered the father of modern taxonomy. He developed the binomial system of nomenclature, which is still used today to classify plants and animals.

Skoog is an American plant physiologist who is known for his work on plant growth regulators. He developed the Skoog medium, which is a nutrient medium that is used to culture plant cells.

Haberlandt’s work was groundbreaking, and it laid the foundation for the development of plant tissue culture as a scientific discipline. White’s work was also important, as it showed that plant cells could be grown in culture and that they could be maintained for long periods of time. Linnaeus’ work was important for the development of taxonomy, but it did not have a direct impact on the development of plant tissue culture. Skoog’s work was important for the development of plant growth regulators, but it did not have a direct impact on the development of plant tissue culture.

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