Who is called Father of Economics?

Max Muller
Karl Marx
Adam Smith

Adam Smith is considered the father of economics. He was a Scottish economist and philosopher who is best known for his book The Wealth of Nations, published in 1776. In this book, Smith argued that the wealth of a nation is not determined by the amount of gold and silver it possesses, but rather by the productivity of its people. He also introduced the concept of the “invisible hand,” which he argued is the force that guides the economy towards an equilibrium.

Max Muller was a German-born Indologist, philologist, and orientalist. He is best known for his work on the comparative study of languages, and for his translation of the Rigveda, the oldest Hindu scripture.

Karl Marx was a German philosopher, economist, historian, sociologist, political theorist, journalist and socialist revolutionary. Born in Trier, Germany, Marx studied law and philosophy at university. He married Jenny von Westphalen in 1843. Due to his political publications, Marx became stateless and lived in exile in London for decades.

Paul Samuelson was an American economist who won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 1970. He is considered one of the most influential economists of the 20th century. Samuelson’s textbook, Economics, is one of the best-selling textbooks of all time.

In conclusion, Adam Smith is considered the father of economics. He was a Scottish economist and philosopher who is best known for his book The Wealth of Nations, published in 1776.

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