Who founded the Chak dynasty in Kashmir?

Ali Shah Chak
Ghazi Shah Chak
Qasim Khan
Yusuf Shah Chak

The correct answer is: D. Yusuf Shah Chak

Yusuf Shah Chak was the founder of the Chak dynasty in Kashmir. He was a Pashtun from the Chak tribe, and he came to power in Kashmir in 1479 after overthrowing the Lodhi dynasty. Yusuf Shah Chak ruled Kashmir for 20 years, and he was a popular ruler who is remembered for his religious tolerance and his patronage of the arts. He was eventually overthrown by the Mughal emperor Akbar in 1586.

A. Ali Shah Chak was a Pashtun from the Chak tribe, and he was the son of Yusuf Shah Chak. He ruled Kashmir for a brief period of time after his father’s death in 1586, but he was soon overthrown by the Mughal emperor Akbar.

B. Ghazi Shah Chak was a Pashtun from the Chak tribe, and he was the son of Ali Shah Chak. He ruled Kashmir for a brief period of time after his father’s death in 1586, but he was soon overthrown by the Mughal emperor Akbar.

C. Qasim Khan was a Mughal general who was appointed governor of Kashmir by the emperor Akbar. He ruled Kashmir for a period of 10 years, and he was a harsh and unpopular ruler. He was eventually killed by a group of Kashmiri rebels in 1596.