Who among the following does not enjoy the Parliamentary Privileges ?

The Members of Parliament
The President of India
The Cabinet Ministers of India
The Attorney General of India

The correct answer is (b), The President of India.

Parliamentary privileges are immunities and powers enjoyed by members of parliaments and legislative bodies. They are designed to protect members from being harassed or intimidated while carrying out their duties.

The President of India is not a member of Parliament and does not enjoy parliamentary privileges. However, the President does enjoy certain immunities and privileges under the Constitution of India. For example, the President cannot be sued in any court of law.

The Members of Parliament (MPs) enjoy a number of parliamentary privileges, including freedom of speech, freedom from arrest, and immunity from civil and criminal proceedings. These privileges are designed to protect MPs from being harassed or intimidated while carrying out their duties.

The Cabinet Ministers of India are also members of Parliament and enjoy the same parliamentary privileges as MPs. However, they also enjoy certain additional privileges, such as the right to speak in Parliament without prior notice and the right to vote in Parliament even if they are not present in the House.

The Attorney General of India is not a member of Parliament and does not enjoy parliamentary privileges. However, the Attorney General does enjoy certain immunities and privileges under the law. For example, the Attorney General cannot be sued in any court of law without the permission of the President.

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