While dealing with juvenile delinquents a teacher should

Play them filthy jokes
Talk with them frankly and guide and channelize
Complain to the principal against them
None of these

The correct answer is: B. Talk with them frankly and guide and channelize.

Juvenile delinquents are children or teenagers who have committed a crime. They may be acting out due to a number of factors, including poverty, abuse, or neglect. It is important for teachers to be understanding and compassionate when dealing with juvenile delinquents. They should try to build a rapport with the student and understand why they are acting out. Once the teacher has a better understanding of the student, they can begin to guide them in a positive direction.

Playing filthy jokes with a juvenile delinquent would not be appropriate. It would only serve to alienate the student and make them feel more like an outsider. Complaining to the principal would also not be helpful. The principal may not be able to do much to help the student, and it would only make the student feel like they are being punished.

The best way to deal with a juvenile delinquent is to talk to them frankly and guide them in a positive direction. This will help the student to understand why they are acting out and how they can change their behavior.