The correct answer is B. sans serif fonts.
Sans serif fonts are best for large amounts of text because they are easier to read at a glance. Serif fonts, on the other hand, can be more difficult to read at small sizes because the serifs can blend together and make the text look less distinct. Text fonts are a general category of fonts that can be used for any purpose, including large amounts of text. Picture fonts are not typically used for large amounts of text because they are designed to be used for images or logos.
Here is a more detailed explanation of each option:
- A. Serif fonts have small strokes at the ends of the main strokes of the letters. Serif fonts are often used for body text because they are considered to be more traditional and elegant. However, serif fonts can be more difficult to read at small sizes because the serifs can blend together and make the text look less distinct.
- B. Sans serif fonts do not have the small strokes at the ends of the main strokes of the letters. Sans serif fonts are often used for headlines and other text that needs to be read at a glance because they are easier to read at small sizes.
- C. Text fonts are a general category of fonts that can be used for any purpose, including large amounts of text. Text fonts can be either serif or sans serif.
- D. Picture fonts are designed to be used for images or logos. Picture fonts are not typically used for large amounts of text because they are not as easy to read as other types of fonts.