Which son of Aurangzeb revolted against his father, weakening the latter’s position against the Rajputs?

Kam Baksh

The correct answer is (a), Azam.

Azam Shah was the eldest son of Aurangzeb and his first wife Dilras Banu Begum. He was born in 1605 and was appointed as the viceroy of the Deccan in 1633. In 1652, he rebelled against his father and fought a series of battles against him. The war ended in 1658 with Azam’s defeat and death.

Azam’s rebellion weakened Aurangzeb’s position against the Rajputs. The Rajputs were a powerful Hindu warrior group who had been resisting Mughal rule for centuries. Aurangzeb had been trying to conquer the Rajput kingdoms for many years, but he had not been successful. Azam’s rebellion gave the Rajputs a chance to regroup and launch a new offensive against the Mughals.

Azam’s rebellion also had a negative impact on the Mughal Empire’s economy. The war was very costly and it drained the empire’s resources. This made it more difficult for Aurangzeb to maintain control over his empire.

In conclusion, Azam Shah’s rebellion weakened Aurangzeb’s position against the Rajputs and had a negative impact on the Mughal Empire’s economy.

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