Which soil is known as Zabelzamin in Kashmir?

None of these

The correct answer is: C. Karewa

Karewa is a type of soil found in Kashmir. It is a rich, alluvial soil that is ideal for agriculture. It is formed by the deposition of silt and sand from the Indus River. Karewa soil is dark brown in color and has a high clay content. It is well-drained and has a good water retention capacity. It is also rich in nutrients, making it ideal for growing a variety of crops.

Peaty soil is a type of soil that is formed from the accumulation of organic matter, such as peat moss. It is dark brown or black in color and has a high water content. Peaty soil is acidic and has a low nutrient content. It is not suitable for most types of agriculture, but it is used in some specialized applications, such as growing orchids.

Alkaline soil is a type of soil that has a high pH level. It is usually light in color and has a loose texture. Alkaline soil is not suitable for most types of agriculture, but it is used in some specialized applications, such as growing certain types of fruits and vegetables.

None of these is the correct answer.