The main cropping season in Haryana is Rabi (winter). The Rabi season starts from October and ends in March. The main crops grown during this season are wheat, barley, mustard, and gram. The Rabi season is characterized by cool and dry weather conditions. The soil is moist and well-drained during this season, which is ideal for the growth of these crops.
The Kharif season starts from June and ends in September. The main crops grown during this season are rice, maize, cotton, and sugarcane. The Kharif season is characterized by hot and humid weather conditions. The soil is moist and well-drained during this season, which is ideal for the growth of these crops.
The summer season starts from April and ends in May. The summer season is characterized by hot and dry weather conditions. The soil is dry and hard during this season, which is not ideal for the growth of crops.
All year round cropping is not possible in Haryana due to the variation in weather conditions. The Rabi and Kharif seasons are the main cropping seasons in Haryana.