Which one of the following is not true about the Cripps Mission ?

Dominion status since the war ended.
Constitution framed by the Constituent Assembly acceptable.
The formation of new Executive Council with equal representation for both Hindus & Muslims.
Any province could remain outside the Indian Union.

The correct answer is (b). The Cripps Mission was a failed attempt by the British government to resolve the constitutional deadlock in India in 1942. The mission offered India dominion status after the war, but only if the Indian leaders agreed to a united India. The Muslim League rejected this offer, demanding a separate Muslim state. The Congress Party also rejected the offer, demanding independence for India. The Cripps Mission failed to achieve its goal of resolving the constitutional deadlock in India.

(a) Dominion status since the war ended: This was one of the proposals made by the Cripps Mission. The British government offered India dominion status after the war, which would have given India a large degree of self-government. However, the Indian leaders rejected this offer, demanding independence for India.

(c) The formation of new Executive Council with equal representation for both Hindus & Muslims: This was another proposal made by the Cripps Mission. The British government proposed to form a new Executive Council with equal representation for both Hindus and Muslims. This would have given the Muslim League a veto power over the government of India. However, the Congress Party rejected this proposal, demanding that the government of India be controlled by a majority party.

(d) Any province could remain outside the Indian Union: This was also one of the proposals made by the Cripps Mission. The British government proposed that any province could remain outside the Indian Union if it wished. This would have allowed the Muslim League to create a separate Muslim state. However, the Congress Party rejected this proposal, demanding that India remain a united country.

In conclusion, the correct answer is (b). The Cripps Mission offered India dominion status after the war, but only if the Indian leaders agreed to a united India. The Muslim League rejected this offer, demanding a separate Muslim state. The Congress Party also rejected the offer, demanding independence for India. The Cripps Mission failed to achieve its goal of resolving the constitutional deadlock in India.

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