Which one is the first European power to arrive in Gujarat?


The correct answer is D. Portuguese.

The Portuguese were the first Europeans to arrive in Gujarat in 1498, when Vasco da Gama landed at Calicut. They established a trading post there and soon began to expand their influence in the region. The Portuguese were interested in Gujarat because it was a major center of trade and commerce. They also wanted to control the spice trade, which was a major source of wealth for the region.

The Portuguese were initially successful in their efforts to establish control over Gujarat. They built forts and trading posts along the coast and began to trade with the local rulers. However, they soon faced opposition from the Mughal Empire, which was expanding its power in the region. The Mughals were determined to drive the Portuguese out of Gujarat and they eventually succeeded in doing so in the early 17th century.

The Portuguese presence in Gujarat had a significant impact on the region. They introduced new crops and technologies, and they also helped to spread Christianity. However, their rule was also marked by violence and exploitation. The Portuguese were eventually driven out of Gujarat, but their legacy can still be seen in the region today.

The other options are incorrect because they were not the first European power to arrive in Gujarat. France arrived in Gujarat in the 17th century, England arrived in the 16th century, and the Dutch arrived in the 17th century.