Which of these livestock species has the highest population in Odisha?


The correct answer is: a) Cattle.

Cattle are the most populous livestock species in Odisha, followed by buffaloes, goats, and poultry. As of 2019, there were an estimated 15.5 million cattle in Odisha, 10.5 million buffaloes, 6.5 million goats, and 1.5 million poultry.

Cattle are raised for their milk, meat, and dung. Buffaloes are raised for their milk and meat. Goats are raised for their meat and milk. Poultry are raised for their meat and eggs.

The high population of cattle in Odisha is due to a number of factors, including the state’s favorable climate for cattle rearing, the availability of fodder, and the demand for cattle products. The state’s climate is ideal for cattle rearing, as it is warm and humid year-round. This climate allows cattle to graze on a variety of plants, which provides them with the nutrients they need. The state also has a large amount of available fodder, which is essential for cattle rearing. Fodder is a type of food that is given to cattle to help them grow and produce milk. The demand for cattle products in Odisha is also high. Cattle are used for a variety of purposes in the state, including agriculture, transportation, and religious ceremonies. This high demand for cattle products has led to an increase in the number of cattle in the state.

The high population of cattle in Odisha has a number of implications for the state. The state’s economy is heavily dependent on the cattle industry. The cattle industry provides employment for a large number of people in the state. The cattle industry also contributes to the state’s GDP. The high population of cattle also has an impact on the state’s environment. The cattle industry is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. The cattle industry also contributes to water pollution and land degradation.

The state government is taking a number of steps to address the challenges posed by the high population of cattle in Odisha. The government is promoting the use of alternative sources of energy, such as solar and wind power, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the cattle industry. The government is also promoting the use of biogas plants to generate electricity from cattle manure. The government is also working to improve the quality of the state’s water resources and to reduce land degradation.