Which of the following statements about Western Tragopan is/are correct? It is popularly known as the King of Birds. It is also known as Jujurana. Select the correct answer

Only 1
Only 2
Both 1 and 2
Neither 1 nor 2

The correct answer is: Only 2.

The Western Tragopan is a bird found in the Himalayas and western China. It is a member of the pheasant family, Phasianidae. The Western Tragopan is a large bird, with males measuring up to 90 cm in length. The male is brightly colored, with a blue head, red neck, and green breast. The female is brown and white. The Western Tragopan is a shy bird, and is usually found in forests and scrubland. It is a ground-dwelling bird, and feeds on insects, fruits, and seeds. The Western Tragopan is a monogamous bird, and pairs mate for life. The female lays 4-6 eggs in a nest on the ground. The eggs are incubated by the female for about 28 days. The young birds are able to fly after about 6 weeks. The Western Tragopan is not currently considered to be at risk of extinction, but its population is declining due to habitat loss and hunting.

The Western Tragopan is not popularly known as the King of Birds. This name is more commonly associated with the Great Indian Hornbill. The Western Tragopan is also not known as Jujurana. This name is more commonly associated with the Helmeted Hornbill.