Which of the following ruler was a contemporary of Buddha?

Mahapadma Nanda

The correct answer is B. Bimbisara.

Bimbisara was the king of Magadha from 544 to 491 BCE. He was a contemporary of the Buddha and is said to have met him on several occasions. Bimbisara was a powerful and influential ruler who expanded the kingdom of Magadha. He was also a patron of the arts and sciences.

Ajatshatru was the son of Bimbisara and succeeded him as king of Magadha in 491 BCE. He is best known for his defeat of the Vajji confederacy and for his construction of the city of Pataliputra. Ajatshatru was a ruthless ruler who is said to have killed his own father in order to ascend to the throne.

Udayin was the son of Ajatshatru and succeeded him as king of Magadha in 461 BCE. He is best known for his construction of the Mahabodhi Temple at Bodh Gaya, the site of the Buddha’s enlightenment. Udayin was a popular and respected ruler who is said to have been a devout Buddhist.

Mahapadma Nanda was the founder of the Nanda dynasty, which ruled Magadha from 345 to 321 BCE. He is best known for his conquests, which extended the Nanda kingdom to include most of the Indian subcontinent. Mahapadma Nanda was a powerful and ruthless ruler who is said to have been responsible for the death of many people.

In conclusion, the correct answer is B. Bimbisara.

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