Which of the following property is used to round border corners?

none of the mentioned

The correct answer is C. border-radius.

The border-radius property is used to round the corners of an element. It takes a value of one or more numbers, each of which represents the radius of a corner. The numbers can be specified in different units, such as pixels, percentages, or ems.

For example, the following CSS code will round the corners of an element with a radius of 5px:

border-radius: 5px;

The following CSS code will round the corners of an element with a radius of 5%:

border-radius: 5%;

The following CSS code will round the corners of an element with a radius of 5em:

border-radius: 5em;

The border-radius property can also be used to create rounded corners on an element with a border. For example, the following CSS code will create a rounded rectangle with a border of 1px:

border: 1px solid black;
border-radius: 5px;

The border-radius property is a very versatile property that can be used to create a variety of different effects. It is a common property used in web design and development.

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