Which of the following property defines the space between cells in a table?


The correct answer is: D. border-spacing

The border-spacing property defines the space between the borders of adjacent table cells. It can be used to create a table with a more open or closed appearance.

The border-spacing property has two values: top and bottom. The top value specifies the space between the top borders of adjacent table cells, and the bottom value specifies the space between the bottom borders of adjacent table cells.

The border-spacing property can also be used to specify the space between the left and right borders of adjacent table cells. To do this, you can use the border-spacing: left right syntax.

For example, the following CSS code will create a table with a space of 10px between the borders of adjacent table cells:

table {
border-spacing: 10px;

The auto property is used to specify that the value of a property should be determined automatically by the browser. In the case of the border-spacing property, the browser will determine the space between the borders of adjacent table cells based on the width and height of the table cells.

The border property is used to specify the width and style of the border around a table cell. The spacing property is not a valid CSS property.

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