Which of the following property defines the length of time that a transition takes?


The correct answer is A. transition.

The transition property defines the length of time that a transition takes. It takes two values: the duration and the timing-function. The duration is the length of time in seconds that the transition takes, and the timing-function is a function that specifies how the transition should progress over time.

The transform-duration property defines the length of time that a transform takes. It takes one value: the duration, which is the length of time in seconds that the transform takes.

The transition-property property specifies the property that should be transitioned. It takes one value: the name of the property that should be transitioned.

For example, the following CSS code will cause the width of the element with the id “my-element” to transition from 100px to 200px over a period of 2 seconds:


my-element {

width: 100px;
transition: width 2s;

The following CSS code will cause the element with the id “my-element” to rotate 360 degrees over a period of 4 seconds:


my-element {

transform: rotate(0deg);
transition: transform 4s;

The following CSS code will cause the color of the element with the id “my-element” to change from red to green over a period of 3 seconds:


my-element {

color: red;
transition: color 3s;