Which of the following property allows the text direction to be overridden to support multiple languages and text flow directions in the same document?


The correct answer is: A. unicode-bidi

The unicode-bidi property allows the text direction to be overridden to support multiple languages and text flow directions in the same document. It can be used to specify the direction in which text flows, whether it is left-to-right, right-to-left, or bidirectional.

The visibility property is used to control whether an element is visible or not. It can be used to hide elements that are not needed or to make elements appear or disappear when certain conditions are met.

The top property is used to specify the top position of an element. It is used in conjunction with the left property to position an element on the page.

The vertical-align property is used to specify the vertical alignment of an element. It is used in conjunction with the top and bottom properties to position an element on the page.

Here is an example of how the unicode-bidi property can be used:


This text is in English.
This text is in Arabic.


In this example, the unicode-bidi property is used to override the default text direction of the document. This allows the text to flow in the opposite direction, from right to left.

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