Which of the following premix methods is used for base course ? A. bituminous carpet B. mastic asphalt C. sheet asphalt D. bituminous bound macadam

bituminous carpet
mastic asphalt
sheet asphalt
bituminous bound macadam

The correct answer is D. bituminous bound macadam.

Bituminous bound macadam is a type of road construction material that is made by mixing crushed stone with asphalt. It is a strong and durable material that is often used for base courses.

Bituminous carpet is a type of road construction material that is made by spraying a layer of asphalt onto a prepared surface. It is a relatively thin material that is often used for surface courses.

Mastic asphalt is a type of asphalt that is made with a high percentage of asphalt cement. It is a very sticky material that is often used for waterproofing and roofing applications.

Sheet asphalt is a type of asphalt that is made with a low percentage of asphalt cement. It is a relatively dry material that is often used for paving applications.

Bituminous bound macadam is the best choice for a base course because it is strong and durable. It is also a good choice because it is relatively inexpensive.

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