The correct answer is D. RGB Color.
RGB stands for Red, Green, and Blue. It is a color model in which each color is represented by a combination of three values, one for each of the primary colors. The values can range from 0 to 255, where 0 is the minimum value and 255 is the maximum value.
For example, the color red is represented by the values (255, 0, 0). This means that the red component is at its maximum value, the green component is at its minimum value, and the blue component is at its minimum value.
The RGB color model is the most common color model used in computer graphics. It is also used in many other applications, such as web design and printing.
The other options are incorrect because they do not represent the RGB color model.
- Option A, HSLa Color, is a color model in which each color is represented by a combination of four values: hue, saturation, lightness, and alpha.
- Option B, HSL Color, is a color model in which each color is represented by a combination of three values: hue, saturation, and lightness.
- Option C, RGBa Color, is a color model in which each color is represented by a combination of four values: red, green, blue, and alpha.