Which of the following is indicated by a warning sign ? A. level crossing B. no parking C. end of speed limit D. overtaking prohibited

level crossing
no parking
end of speed limit
overtaking prohibited

The correct answer is: A. level crossing.

A warning sign is a type of traffic sign that is used to warn drivers of potential hazards ahead. Warning signs are typically yellow or orange in color and have a black border. They may also have a pictogram or symbol to represent the hazard.

A level crossing is a place where a road crosses a railway line. Level crossings are typically marked with a warning sign, which may include a flashing light or barrier. Drivers should always slow down and be prepared to stop when approaching a level crossing.

No parking signs are typically red and white in color and have a diagonal red line across them. They indicate that parking is prohibited in the area. Drivers who park in a no parking zone may be ticketed or towed.

End of speed limit signs are typically white in color and have a black border. They indicate that the speed limit that was in effect for the previous section of road is no longer in effect. Drivers should be prepared to adjust their speed accordingly.

Overtaking prohibited signs are typically yellow or orange in color and have a black border. They indicate that overtaking is prohibited in the area. Drivers who overtake in a prohibited area may be ticketed or fined.

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