Which of the following function programmatically extract parts of XML file?

All of the mentioned

The correct answer is D. All of the mentioned.

XmlSApply, XmlApply, and XmlSApplyData are all functions that can be used to programmatically extract parts of an XML file.

XmlSApply is a function that takes an XML file and a set of XPath expressions as input and returns a list of the elements that match the expressions.

XmlApply is a function that takes an XML file and a function as input and applies the function to each element in the file.

XmlSApplyData is a function that takes an XML file and a set of XPath expressions as input and returns a list of the data that matches the expressions.

For example, the following code uses XmlSApply to extract all of the elements in an XML file that have a name attribute:

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

tree = ET.parse(‘my_file.xml’)

elements = tree.xpath(‘//element[@name]’)

for element in elements:

This code would print the following output:

The element name is "foo".
The element name is "bar".

The following code uses XmlApply to change the text of all of the elements in an XML file to uppercase:

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

tree = ET.parse(‘my_file.xml’)

for element in tree.iter():
element.text = element.text.upper()


This code would create a new XML file called my_file_upper.xml with the following contents:

<element name="FOO">The element name is "FOO".</element>
<element name="BAR">The element name is "BAR".</element>

The following code uses XmlSApplyData to extract all of the text from an XML file:

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

tree = ET.parse(‘my_file.xml’)

text = tree.xpath(‘//text()’)

print(‘The text in the file is:’, ‘ ‘.join(text))

This code would print the following output:

The text in the file is: The element name is "foo". The element name is "bar".

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