Which of the following crops are grown mostly under subsistence farming ?

Millets and Rice
Cotton and Tobacco
Tea and Coffee
Vegetables and Fruits

The correct answer is (a) Millets and Rice.

Subsistence farming is a type of agriculture in which farmers grow crops and raise livestock primarily to meet the needs of their own households rather than for sale on the market. Millets and rice are two of the most common crops grown under subsistence farming. Millets are a type of cereal grain that is grown in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. Rice is a type of cereal grain that is grown in flooded paddies in tropical and subtropical regions. Both millets and rice are relatively low-input crops that can be grown in a variety of environments. They are also relatively drought-tolerant, which makes them well-suited to subsistence farming in areas with limited rainfall.

Cotton and tobacco are two of the most common cash crops, which are crops that are grown for sale on the market. Cash crops are often grown on large farms using intensive agricultural methods. Tea and coffee are also cash crops, but they are typically grown on smaller farms using less intensive methods. Vegetables and fruits are also typically grown on smaller farms using less intensive methods, but they are not typically grown under subsistence farming.

In conclusion, the correct answer is (a) Millets and Rice. Millets and rice are two of the most common crops grown under subsistence farming. They are relatively low-input crops that can be grown in a variety of environments. They are also relatively drought-tolerant, which makes them well-suited to subsistence farming in areas with limited rainfall.