Which of the following countries recently removed Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state officially and became world’s newest republic ?

San Marino

The correct answer is (b), Barbados.

Barbados became a republic on November 30, 2021, removing Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state. The country’s first president, Dame Sandra Mason, was sworn in at a ceremony in Bridgetown, the capital.

Barbados was a British colony for over 300 years, and Queen Elizabeth II has been its head of state since Barbados gained independence in 1966. However, in recent years, there has been a growing movement in Barbados to become a republic. This movement was led by Prime Minister Mia Mottley, who argued that Barbados needed to become a republic in order to fully assert its independence and sovereignty.

The move to become a republic was approved by the Barbadian Parliament in October 2021. On November 30, 2021, Queen Elizabeth II was officially removed as the head of state of Barbados. Dame Sandra Mason was sworn in as the country’s first president.

The move to become a republic is a significant moment in Barbados’ history. It is a sign of the country’s growing maturity and independence. It is also a sign of the changing relationship between the United Kingdom and its former colonies.

San Marino is a small country in Southern Europe that has been an independent republic since 301 AD. It is the world’s oldest republic. San Marino is not a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, and Queen Elizabeth II is not its head of state.

Kenya is a country in East Africa that gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1963. It is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, and Queen Elizabeth II is its head of state.

The Philippines is a country in Southeast Asia that gained independence from the United States in 1946. It is not a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, and Queen Elizabeth II is not its head of state.

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