Which of the following command is used to access an SMB share on a Linux system? A. NFS B. SMD C. smbclient D. smbserver E. None of the above

smbserver E. None of the above

The correct answer is C. smbclient.

NFS (Network File System) is a distributed file system protocol that allows you to access files and folders on a remote computer as if they were on your local computer. SMD (Server Message Block) is a network protocol that allows computers to share files and printers. SMBclient is a command-line utility that allows you to connect to a remote SMB server and perform various operations, such as listing files, copying files, and creating directories. smbserver is a command-line utility that allows you to share files and printers on your local computer.

To access an SMB share on a Linux system, you can use the smbclient command. The syntax for the smbclient command is as follows:

smbclient [options] <server> [share]

The server is the name or IP address of the remote computer that is sharing the files. The share is the name of the shared folder.

For example, to connect to a remote computer named ‘server1’ and access the shared folder named ‘share1’, you would use the following command:

smbclient //server1/share1

Once you are connected to the remote computer, you can use the smbclient command to perform various operations, such as listing files, copying files, and creating directories.

For more information on the smbclient command, you can refer to the man page for smbclient.