Run a macro
Play a sound
Hyper link
All of above
Answer is Right!
Answer is Wrong!
The correct answer is D. All of above.
An action button is a shape that you can add to a slide to perform an action when clicked. You can assign a variety of actions to an action button, including running a macro, playing a sound, or hyperlinking to another slide or file.
To assign an action to an action button, follow these steps:
- Select the action button.
- On the Insert tab, in the Action group, click Action.
- In the Action Settings dialog box, select the action you want to assign.
- If necessary, enter additional information, such as the macro name or the file path.
- Click OK.
The following are the actions you can assign to an action button:
- Run a macro: A macro is a series of commands that you can record and then play back later. To run a macro, select the action button, click Action, and then select Run Macro. In the Run Macro dialog box, select the macro you want to run, and then click OK.
- Play a sound: You can assign a sound to an action button so that it plays when the button is clicked. To play a sound, select the action button, click Action, and then select Play Sound. In the Play Sound dialog box, select the sound you want to play, and then click OK.
- Hyperlink to another slide or file: You can create a hyperlink to another slide or file in your presentation or to a web page on the Internet. To create a hyperlink, select the action button, click Action, and then select Hyperlink to File or Web Page. In the Insert Hyperlink dialog box, enter the path to the file or web page you want to link to, and then click OK.
I hope this helps!