Which of the following algorithm comes under the classification

brute force
k-nearest neighbor

The correct answer is A. apriori.

Apriori is an algorithm for frequent itemset mining, a task in data mining that involves finding all subsets of items that occur together in a transaction database with a frequency greater than or equal to a user-specified minimum support threshold.

Brute force is a method of solving a problem by trying every possible solution. It is a very inefficient method, but it is guaranteed to find the correct solution if one exists.

C. dbscan is a density-based clustering algorithm. It clusters data points based on their density, i.e., how many other data points are close to them.

D. k-nearest neighbor is a lazy learning algorithm for classification and regression. It classifies a new data point by finding its k nearest neighbors in the training data and then assigning the class that is most common among the neighbors.

Apriori is a more efficient algorithm than brute force, and it is also more likely to find all of the frequent itemsets in a database. Dbscan and k-nearest neighbor are not classification algorithms, so they are not relevant to the question.

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