Which is not an actionable claim ?

Mesne profits
Right to claim insured amount from LIC
Sum of arrear payable in future
Right to take share or accounts of a dissolved firm

The correct answer is (d). Right to take share or accounts of a dissolved firm is not an actionable claim.

An actionable claim is a claim that can be enforced in court. In order for a claim to be actionable, it must meet certain requirements, such as being based on a valid legal right and being for a specific amount of money.

The right to take share or accounts of a dissolved firm does not meet these requirements. A dissolved firm is no longer a legal entity, and therefore its shareholders do not have any legal rights to its assets. Additionally, the amount of money that a shareholder would be entitled to receive from a dissolved firm is uncertain, as it would depend on the value of the firm’s assets.

Therefore, the right to take share or accounts of a dissolved firm is not an actionable claim.

(a) Mesne profits are profits that a person makes from the use of another person’s property without the owner’s permission. Mesne profits are actionable claims, as they are based on the legal right to possession of property.

(b) The right to claim insured amount from LIC is an actionable claim, as it is based on the legal right to insurance coverage.

(c) Sum of arrear payable in future is an actionable claim, as it is based on the legal right to payment of a debt.

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