Which Indian State has topped the FSSAI’s 3′ State Food Safety Index?

Tamil Nadu

The correct answer is (a) Karnataka.

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has released the third edition of the State Food Safety Index (SFSI) 2021-22. The index ranks states on the basis of their performance in ensuring food safety.

Karnataka has topped the index with a score of 69.56, followed by Tamil Nadu (68.82), Gujarat (68.73), and Haryana (68.62).

The index is based on 26 parameters, grouped into four pillars: food safety enforcement, food safety infrastructure, food safety awareness, and food safety capacity building.

Karnataka scored well in all four pillars, particularly in food safety enforcement. The state has a strong food safety regulatory system in place, with a well-trained and equipped food safety workforce.

Tamil Nadu also scored well in all four pillars, but it lagged behind Karnataka in food safety enforcement. The state has a strong food safety regulatory system in place, but it needs to improve its enforcement activities.

Gujarat scored well in food safety enforcement and food safety infrastructure, but it lagged behind Karnataka and Tamil Nadu in food safety awareness and food safety capacity building. The state needs to improve its efforts to raise awareness about food safety among its citizens and to build the capacity of its food safety workforce.

Haryana scored well in food safety enforcement and food safety awareness, but it lagged behind Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Gujarat in food safety infrastructure and food safety capacity building. The state needs to improve its food safety infrastructure and to build the capacity of its food safety workforce.

The SFSI is a valuable tool for states to benchmark their performance in food safety and to identify areas where they need to improve. The index can also be used to track progress over time and to hold states accountable for their performance.

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