Which Gupta ruler established suzerainty over Gujarat?

Chandragupta I
Chandragupta II

The correct answer is: c) Chandragupta II.

Chandragupta II, also known as Vikramaditya, was the third emperor of the Gupta Empire. He ruled from 375 to 415 CE. He was a powerful and successful ruler who expanded the Gupta Empire to its greatest extent. He also patronized the arts and sciences, and his reign is considered a golden age of Indian culture.

Gujarat was one of the many territories that Chandragupta II conquered. He defeated the Saka rulers of Gujarat and established suzerainty over the region. This brought Gujarat under the Gupta Empire and allowed for the spread of Gupta culture and influence into the region.

Samudragupta was the founder of the Gupta Empire. He ruled from 335 to 375 CE. He was a powerful and successful ruler who expanded the Gupta Empire to its greatest extent. He also patronized the arts and sciences, and his reign is considered a golden age of Indian culture. However, he did not conquer Gujarat.

Chandragupta I was the grandfather of Chandragupta II. He ruled from 320 to 335 CE. He was a successful ruler who consolidated the Gupta Empire after the death of his father, Samudragupta. However, he did not conquer Gujarat.

Skandagupta was the grandson of Chandragupta II. He ruled from 415 to 455 CE. He was a successful ruler who defended the Gupta Empire against the Huna invasion. However, he did not conquer Gujarat.