Which dialect of Telugu is widely spoken in Hyderabad?

Coastal Andhra dialect
Rayalaseema dialect
Telangana dialect
North Indian Telugu dialect

The correct answer is C. Telangana dialect.

Hyderabad is the capital of Telangana, India. The Telangana dialect of Telugu is the most widely spoken dialect in the city. It is a mix of the Telugu dialects spoken in the Telangana region and the Andhra Pradesh region. The Telangana dialect is characterized by its use of certain words and phrases that are not found in other dialects of Telugu. It is also characterized by its unique pronunciation of certain words.

The Coastal Andhra dialect is spoken in the coastal Andhra Pradesh region. It is characterized by its use of certain words and phrases that are not found in other dialects of Telugu. It is also characterized by its unique pronunciation of certain words.

The Rayalaseema dialect is spoken in the Rayalaseema region of Andhra Pradesh. It is characterized by its use of certain words and phrases that are not found in other dialects of Telugu. It is also characterized by its unique pronunciation of certain words.

The North Indian Telugu dialect is spoken in the northern states of India. It is characterized by its use of certain words and phrases that are not found in other dialects of Telugu. It is also characterized by its unique pronunciation of certain words.